dxportable 2.0
Exciting news!
We are delighted to announce the launch of all 2.0 DXPortable Programs, now live at dxportable.com. Among these, our standout programs include:
iVOTA - Vacations on the Air
iLOTA - Lakes on the Air
iROTA - Rivers on the Air
iTOTA - Temples on the Air
Additionally, you can explore more at:
iSOTA - Summits on the Air: isota.dxportable.com
iBOTA - Beaches on the Air: ibota.dxportable.com
iPOTA - Parks on the Air: ipota.dxportable.com
Great news for our loyal users: The original programs will be accessible at original.dxportable.com forever. However, the rest of the original programs will be shut down in a few months, so make sure you have all your old awards downloaded while they're still available at isota1.dxportable.com, ibota.id, ipota1.dxportable.com, and iqsl.dxportable.com. iQSL is our internal electronic QSL for all DXPortable programs.
We're currently working on the AOTA - Archipelago on the Air and iQSL 2.0 to expand your experiences even further. Above all, our newly launched DXPMaps are working like a charm to enhance your journey and adventure tracking!
Jump in, explore, and be part of the vibrant DXPortable community. Let's make the airwaves more exciting! ππ‘π
#dxpmap #dxportable #dxp2 #ipota #ibota #isota #ivota #irota #ilota #itota #dxpedition #hamportable #AmateurRadio #amatirradioindonesia
Selamat dan sukses atas terlaksananya Jateng Hamfair 2024 dan Musda VIII ORARI DAERAH Jawa Tengah. Di Klaten 14 - 15 Desember 2024. #jatenghamfair #musdajateng #dxportable #Dxp2
Yuk gabung jadi aktivator iSOTA Gunung Ledang 9M2/J-S026 Part II Malaysia 5-7 Juli 2024.
This Activation will be host by DXPortable Amatir Radio & Jalur Selatan Radio Amatur Johor - JASRA Malaysia .
Fill in the registration form by clicking
http://bit.ly/3xzI0GA or
Scan the registration barcode before June 30th 15.00utc. We will be in touch soon as you registered.
Detail event https://fb.me/e/1ogeNqC1t
Note :
Meet up at KLIA2 Kuala Lumpur on July 4th, 2024 10.00 UTC. Please be at the meet point an hour earlier
iBOTA Pantai Lowita Kembar Suppa - Pinrang masih ngosos, Propagasi masih belum bersahabat #ibota #dxportable #PantaiLowita #pantaiindonesia
iBOTA Tanjung Pendam - Belitung masih Tetap Semangat Melayani Para Chaser Amatir Radio Dari Seluruh Indonesia #ibota #dxportable #pantaiindonesia #belitung #belitungisland
iBOTA Pantai Tanjung Pendam - Activator YG4IJV/P
Frek 7120 kHz - Now
#ibota #dxportable #pantaitanjungpendam
Yuk kita ramein aktivasinya diorder jg Mercandisenya !!! Don't miss it! iBOTA - Indonesian Beaches On The Air Pantai Tj. Pendam Belitung _ YB/BB-B248. 25 - 26 Desember 2023 by Orlok Jakut & Orlok Belitung - Feat Guest Activators YB0GIN/4 & YB0SHR/4.
Link Order : https://tinyurl.com/order-tshirt-topi-iBOTA
#ibota #dxportable #pantaiindonesia #beachlife #pantaitanjungpendam #belitungisland #bangkabelitung
Yuk kita ramein aktivasinya & diorder jg Mercandisenya !!!
Call WA +62 857-2599-6464
Don't miss it! iBOTA - Indonesian Beaches On The Air Pantai Tj. Pendam Belitung _ YB/BB-B248. 25 - 26 Desember 2023 by Orlok Jakut & Orlok Belitung - Feat Guest Activators YB0GIN/4 & YB0SHR/4.
#ibota #dxportable #pantaiindonesia #beachlife #pantaitanjungpendam #belitungisland #bangkabelitung
Sahabat DXPortable dimana saja berada, semoga sehat dan tetap semangat beraktifitas. Buat sahabat semua kembali kami hadirkan koleksi terbaru Activation Tshirt dengan beberapa pilihan yang memberikan gaya trendi dan nyaman dipakai sepanjang hari. Dengan bahan berkualitas tinggi, memastikan kenyamanan dengan design khas YC2XCD yang modern dan inovatif membuat sahabat semua selalu tampil stylish di setiap aktivasi.
Disediakan berbagai pilihan warna yang memukau dan berbagai ukuran untuk bisa dipakai disegala kegiatan sehari hari.
Keterangan :
1. Bahan Tshirt 100% Cotton 30s, DTF Print
2. dengan Callsign dicetak dilengan Kiri
3. plus Logo DXPortable Official dilengan kanan
4. disetiap pemesanan DXPotable memberikan Bonus Stiker Cutting DXPortable dan Callsign @ 1 Pcs
5. Pengiriman (DFOD) bayar ditempat/Penerima
6. Lengan Panjang Harga + Rp. 10.000,-
7. Waktu produksi - pengiriman : 5-8 hari kerja.
8. Ayo buruan diorder hubungi OM Suryanto YC2XCD di nomer WA/CALL : 085725996464
Note : kami memberikan design khusus untuk kawan kawan yang mau aktivasi, Yuk ditunggu orderannya ya
Order form π
#merchandise #dxportable @followers