Sinergi Event is a company engaged in the field of event planning and management conferences , meetings , fairs, and other similar events or commonly known as the MICE ( meetings, incentive , Confrence , exhibition ) . A variety of both national and local activities have been organized in a professional manner . Company that was founded in 2006 in the city of Solo , committed providing the best se
rvice in a professional manner in the management of activities in the city of Solo , and also support and contribute through activities to develop MICE tourism in the city of Solo . Sinergi Event a subsidiary of Sinergi Mediawisata engaged in the Travel Bureau ( BPW ) in the city of Solo . Sinergi Event is one of the largest MICE company in the city of Solo today , has a variety of clients , including : Government Agencies ( Ministry , provincial government , municipal government , related agencies ) , state-owned company , Private Company , National Association , and the Organization . Sinergi Event has a long track record as an organizer of a wide range of national and local activities Neither smoothly and well , it was more due to labor force experienced professionals in their fields and supported by young, educated and trained personnel are certified MICE from BNSP . With the educational background and different skills to make Sinergi Event is able to provide the best service and professionals in various fields , while the educational background yan owned Power Sinergi Event Professionals are: Tourism & Hospitality , Management , Information Technology ( IT ) , Communications , Finance , Visual Communication Design , and others . The entire Sinergi Event Professionals have national certification in the field of MICE ( meetings, incentive , Confrence , Exhibition ) .