Wine Lips @winelipsband live for the first time:
20th May Dublin @thegrandsocialdublin
21st May Belfast @deersheadbelfast
The psych garage punk rock phenomenon formed in Toronto in 2015, the band began as a part-time project between songwriter and vocalist/guitarist Cam Hilborn and powerhouse drummer Aurora Evans. What started as a casual collaboration quickly turned into a full-throttle musical venture that has captivated audiences around the world. The ride shows no signs of slowing down, and for fans of boundary-pushing rock, that’s very good news. Their latest record , “Super Mega Ultra” is an explosive collection of 12 turbocharged, ear-shattering delicacies.
Tickets on sale now at Universe (ticketmaster), link in bio.
Las Pastillas del Abuelo @laspastillasdelabuelo live for the first time:
24th April Copenhagen @hotelcecilcph
26th April London @oslohackney
27th April Dublin @buttonfactorydub
Since 2002, the Argentinian band has carved itself a unique place in the “rock barrial” music scene with their fusion of rock, blues, and reggae. Over the years, albums such as “Crisis” (2008), “Paradojas” (2015), and “2020” (2020) secured their place among Latin America’s most popular bands. This will mark their debut in Denmark, Ireland, and England.
Tickets on sale now (Universe for Copenhagen, DICE for London and Eventbrite for Dublin), link in bio.
Andrés Calamaro @a_calamaro tickets for the Copenhagen debut show at @amagerbio on June 21st, 2025 are on sale now.
Undoubtedly one of the most important figures in Spanish-language rock, born in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 1961, Calamaro began his music career as a teenager and gained prominence with the legendary band “Los Abuelos de la Nada”, penning timeless hits like “Mil Horas”. In the 1990s, he achieved international success with “Los Rodríguez”, delivering classics like “Sin Documentos”. As a solo artist, Calamaro has released over 20 albums, including his landmark work “Honestidad Brutal” (1999), which is now celebrating its 25th anniversary with a full band show; this timeless work, which contains some of his most iconic hits, still resonates with the same power it did a quarter-century ago and has undeniably become part of the soundtrack of our lives. This is a all ages show.
Tickets on sale now on Universe, link in bio.
Jorge Drexler for the first time in Belgium on November 27th at La Madeleine in Brussels, presenting “Voz y Guitarra” European tour 2024.
Last 22 tickets available, link in bio.
@drexlerjorge @lamadeleinebe @solidoshow @ochosilabas #brussels #belgium
Los Espiritus for the first time in England and Ireland in less than 1 month on October 7th at The Victoria Dalston in London and October 8th at The Workman’s Cellar in Dublin.
The Argentinian blues psychedelic rock band have been carving their niche status in Latin American rock since 2015 with albums like “Gratitud” and “Agua Ardiente”, they’ve toured nationally and internationally showcasing their groovy blues-rock sound. They are coming back to England after 5 years this time to showcase their latest album “La Montaña” that promises a rhythmic journey with blending genres that promises a very lysergic night.
Tickets available on Dice for London and on Eventbrite for Dublin, link in bio.
@los.espiritus @victoriadalston @workmansclub @stellar_agencyla
Derby Motoreta’s Burrito Kachimba for the first time in England and Ireland in less than 1 month on October 7th at The Victoria Dalston in London and October 8th at The Workman’s Cellar in Dublin.
DMBK (gypsy psychodelic Spanish Band) explosive rise began in 2018 with “El Salto del gitano” that swiftly warning them a deal with @primaveralabels. Their self-titled album and second LP “Hielo Negro” with strong tracks launched a kinkidelia movement, consolidating their fame with great success. They are coming to England for the first time to present their third album “Bolsa Amarilla y Piedra Potente”, offering a refined sound while staying true to their rock essence.
Tickets available on Dice for London and on Eventbrite for Dublin, link in bio.
@derbymotoretasburritokachimba @victoriadalston @workmansclub @primaveralabels
A Place To Bury Strangers long awaited return to Ireland in one month, September 27th at The Grand Social in Dublin and September 28th at Oh Yeah Music Centre in Belfast.
APTBS “New York loudest band” are known for their explosive blend of post-punk, shoegaze, avant-garde and psychedelia that set to captivate audiences with the pandemonium of their live shows where a tidal wave of feedback, hight impact visuals and guitar smashing are the norm. Support from Stella Rose @stellarose_gahan for both dates, +18 shows.
Tickets available on Universe (ticketmaster) for both dates, link in bio.
@aptbs @fooligan.eire @thegrandsocialdublin @ohyeahcentre @swampbooking
El Mato a un Policía Motorizado for the first time in Copenhagen in a month on September 25th from 8 pm at Pumpehuset presenting their latest album “super terror” after a sold out return in Dublin and their biggest show ever in London.
Early tickets going fast on Universe (ticketmaster), link in bio.
@elmatoaunpoliciamotorizado @pumpehuset @primaveralabels
El Kuelgue for the first time in Denmark, Ireland, and England on September 30th at Pumpehuset in Copenaghen, October 3rd at The Soundhouse in Dublin, and October 4th at Oslo Hackney in London, showcasing their latest album “hola precioso” along their best hits.
Tickets for London and Copenaghen selling fast, and there are just six left for Dublin, available on Eventbrite and DICE, link in bio.
@elkuelgue @pumpehuset @oslohackney @thesoundhousedublin @charco.musica @producecrack
La Delio Valdez for the first time in Dublin in less than a month on July 17th from 8 pm at The Grand Social with special support from Embassy of Cumbia.
Tickets going fast on Eventbrite, link in bio.
@orquestadeliovaldez @thegrandsocialdublin @boaviagemmusic @charco.musica @embassyofcumbia
No Te Va Gustar live in Copenaghen for the first time this saturday 22nd June from 8 pm.
Last tickets available on Eventbrite, link in bio.
@notevagustaroficial @pumpehuset @charco.musica #copenaghen #uruguay #ntvg #denmark
No Te Va Gustar live in Dublin for the first time this friday 21st June from 7 pm.
Last tickets available on Eventbrite, link in bio.
@notevagustaroficial @buttonfactorydub @charco.musica #dublin #uruguay #ntvg #notevagustar