Really looking forward to creating new opportunities for children and families to mark important milestones...
We launched milestone ceremonies last year and our IECS celebrants are busy writing milestone ceremony scripts for some amazing children who will be celebrated over the coming months. We created these milestone ceremonies as an alternative for children who may not be participating in First Holy Communion or Confirmation. We have been discussing the need for milestone ceremonies for some time and we are delighted we can now offer a fun, inclusive ceremony for children all over Ireland.
Our Stepping Stone Ceremonies are a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the lives of children who, by the ages of seven and eight, are becoming responsible, more independent, aware of the community around them, brave, more questioning, developing empathy and developing social awareness.
Our Coming of Age ceremonies are an opportunity to support, honour, encourage and celebrate children who are stepping into adolescence or teenagers moving into adulthood. So many 11 to 13 year olds are becoming independent, questioning everything around them, becoming more responsible, seeking support and mentorship and seeking the ability to forge their own path.
We have created ceremonies, which are inclusive and fun and will include opportunities for the children to demonstrate their interests, passions and skills and for parents and guardians to communicate their love and support for the children. No ceremony for children can take place without lots of fun and celebration and we want to ensure the ceremonies are all about the children.
For more information about our Milestone Ceremonies contact us on https://www.iecs.ie/milestone-ceremonies/ We would love to chat.