Last week, Full House Events headed to Killarney for Vet24! On behalf of Veterinary Ireland, and the CAVI, VICAS and Equine committees, Vet24 brought together large animal, small animal and equine vets for a weekend of learning and networking. We kicked things off with Wet Labs in four different locations, before we took over the Gleneagle INEC Arena for the three-day conference. We had three streams running at the same time, and an exhibition of 65 companies. Our social programme included a BBQ, a Gala Dinner and loads of bopping on the dance floor! A very busy, but a very successful weekend. Here’s a snapshot... #conference #eventmanagement #vet24 #veterinaryireland #event #networking #education
Full House Events was thrilled to work with the Farm Tractor and Machinery Trade Association (FTMTA) on their recent conference in the Heritage Hotel, Killenard, across branding, event planning and management, printing and PR. We would like to thank the sponsors, exhibitors, delegates, and speakers for making it a successful and engaging platform for members to discuss sales, social media marketing, business techniques, and the overall machinery industry.
#FTMTA #FTMTAConference #FullHouseEvents #IFPMedia #farmmachinery
What an incredible weekend for the inaugural Vet23 Conference.
We had the pleasure of welcoming delegates, industry, and speakers throughout the weekend to our wet labs and conference days in the Rochestown Park Hotel otel. We would like to thank the amazing sponsors and exhibitors, that joined us for the weekend and created an exciting and educational environment for our delegates who thoroughly enjoyed every moment.
We would also like to thank our wet lab locations for the different streams, Duggan Veterinary Supplies, Fethard equine hospital and Teagasc Moorepark, Research Centre, for allowing us to use their campuses to facilitate the sharing of knowledge for our delegates. Finally, we, of course, must give the biggest thank you to our delegates as, without them, Vet23 simply would not be the success that it was.
The delegates were engaged and eager to chat with the best minds in the veterinary industry, as well as being able to enjoy themselves at Keith Barry’s show in Páirc Uí Chaoimh, and the Saturday Gala Dinner where they enjoyed a fabulous 3-course meal, and the Quarter Finals of the Rugby World Cup France 2023. We had a brilliant weekend, and look forward to welcoming all our delegates back very soon.
#Vet23 #VeterinaryIreland #VeterinaryMedicine #VeterinaryConference #FullHouseEvents
We had the pleasure of holding the fifth Fine-tuning Irish Dairy Conference yesterday in the Radisson Blu Hotel, Little Island, Cork, sponsored by AXA Ireland, the National Dairy Council, and Enjoy it’s from Europe. Our delegates were inspired and engaged with our wonderful set of speakers, aspiring to bring change and climate action awareness to the agriculture sector. Our farmers have made huge steps towards a cleaner and more sustainable future, and with the help from the Fine-tuning Irish Dairy Conference we hope that our delegates were able to gain insider knowledge, tips, and tricks as to how they can further broaden their sustainable journey. We’d like to thank our sponsors for making this event possible, and thank our delegates for your commitment and engagement in supporting this conference. We hope to see you again. #finetuningirishdairy #fullhouseevents
Delegates arriving for @msd_animalhealth ONE Health & Sustainability Conference at the Thomas Prior Hall.
When an event requires an impressive stage, at Full House Events we know how to make an impact!
#fullhouseevents #eventmanagement #finetuningirishdairy
Full House Events is delighted to unveil its latest virtual conference platform - with capacity for up to 30,000 delegates this virtual platform can live stream, show pre-recorded content and facilitate delegates interacting with exhibitors. Delegates can also revisit content for up to one year after the event. Get in touch with a member of our team to talk through your virtual conference requirements.
Email [email protected] or phone 01 7096900
#fullhouseevents #virtualconference #eventmanagement
Noel Dunne Irish Farmers Monthly on the couch with Ruby Walsh! #axaploughing #ploughing18
Soundcheck of @OurLadysChoral performing ‘Handel Highlights’ in Adam and Eve Church. Collection in aid of Focus Ireland and Merchants Quay Ireland