The next tribe to join the festival is Clann Ulchabhéar (Ool-ka-vair), a name which means “owlbear” in the old tongue. Like their proud namesake, the Ulchabhéar clann are solitary, rarely descending from the forested highlands they call home, except when provoked—and woe betide any who do so. Though they do not seek out war, they keep their eyes keen and their claws honed should it be necessary. Winters are harsh in the highlands and so when its chill descends, they retreat from their usual timber-built towns to cavernous strongholds carved into the cliff sides long ago. Ulchabhearí have a reputation among outsiders for being fierce and overproud but to their kith and kin, they are warm and boisterous, a people of mighty appetites and bellowing song. Despite their harsh rationing during the winter months—or perhaps because of it—the Ulchabhéarí hold many feasts and festivals throughout the rest of the year; events where merriment, indulgence, and competition abound. They recognize that there is a time to be quiet and a time to be loud, a time to be reserved and a time to be aggressive, a time to think and a time to act. This gives rise to their clann motto:
“Strength in Wisdom. Wisdom in Strength”
Ben Doherty