Congratulations ππ For semifinal Round
Name - Disha dhiman
Category - Dancing
City - Dehradun
States - Uttarakhand
28th January-Semi final
29th January -Grand finale
Location - Mumbai
National Talent of India 2023
Other contestants can be registered at www.nationaltalentofindia.com for the NTOI2023.
Get ready people to show up your talent on a national level where you can show your multiple talent like Singing, Dancing, Rapping, Modelling, Acting.
Online Audition Starts Now
Register now π
Contact : 7078150405
YouTube : https://youtu.be/SBl_C11BjnY
Twitter : https://twitter.com/ntofindia?t=2OMSW7BKEa5fBj1g5Roqfw&s=09
Instagram : https://instagram.com/ntoi_2023?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
page : https://m.facebook.com/2014723118757242/
Gmail : [email protected]