Thank you for clicking your way over here to learn a bit about me! I hope for you to get acquainted, possibly learn a thing or two, and see lots of things ya like! I am what some would call an aspiring individual. I absolutely love photography and all it has done for me as a human being. I have such a love for the art I feel like I will be working to improve and learn always. I have many dreams an
d many goals of making it “big”. My definition of big however is not what some would define for themselves. By “big” I mean successful in a way that makes my Wife proud, my family happy and supports my children. By “big” I mean by giving myself a creative outlet while providing others with something to aid their own inner artist. By “big” I mean accomplishing my own personal goals while providing a service to others to really give their special memories a means to be more well… special. I am from somewhat of a small town in Mangalore and live what most would consider a modest life. I love what I do but above all love my family. I spend most of my free time lounging about and entertaining my Family. I am the epitome of a homebody. I am passionate, excitable and sensitive. My lifestyle, my journey as a Husband and Father has truly taken me to new heights in my never ending journey as a photographer. Much of my work for the time being centers around the core of my very own being, my family. There is nothing I would love more to capture the true essence and special bond between a family, or provide a special keepsake for an individual as I realize that our children grow wings and fly before we are all really to ready to let them go. I can not wait to begin this journey with you all. Being a father first, a husband first, has allowed me to be an even better photographer. I do not allow burn out to consume me. Balance and zen are so important in fact that I implement in my career. After really getting a feel for my own workflow especially I decided it would be fun to attempt to make my own workflow actions to save time! You all know I am a professional photographer but there is so much more. You can find a lot of information in my FAQ page. I hope to get to know you! Please come by the page sometime and pop in and say hi! Hang out, share a photo or two or just leave a little love! I will def return it!