Responding to this critical video: https://youtube.com/shorts/i70mXlx6fpE
Valmiki was too sinful to utter Rama.
Narada his guru asked him to chant Ma Raa instead.
So he did
On and on
Maraa maraa ma raa
Try it
You may become as devoted as Valmiki.
We heard this Lila of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu.... The envious caste Brahmins complained to the Kazi (local muslim magistrate) that Mahaprabhu was taking secret Vedic mantras and distributing it freely in public. When the muslims confronted Him, the Lord said, "oh no... The Veda mantra is something else. I am not giving that mantra to everyone "
In this way, He managed to give the mercy of Sri Harinama Mahamantra Prabhu to everyone while at the same time respecting the Vedic rule of not giving sacred secret mantras to the unqualified.
Those whom are actually disciples and grand disciples of Lord Chaitanya do not take Krsna's name directly. Instead they obey this instruction from Lord C.
He said, "On my order, chant Hare Krishna."
This we first chant the Panca Tattva Mahamantra
Jaya Sri Krishna Chaitanya
Prabhu Nityananda
Sri Advaita Gadaadhara
Srivaasa-adi gaura-bhakta-vrnda
Then we chant the Maha mantra.
When we do that, Lord Chaitanya mercifully absorbs the reactions of all our misdeeds and nama aparadhas that we make while chanting Hare Krishna. But whatever positive results that come from the chanting,by His mercy, it will still come to us, so we can gradually make progress, and soon the day will come, proportionate to the sincerity of our surrender, that we will rise above all our Nama Aparadhas, Nama Abhaashas and Seva Aparadhas.....then we shall be immersed in the ectasynof Shuddha Nama Bhajana.
His rationale in doing so was as follows:
In Kali Yuga, no one is free from the four pillars of sin: Meat Eating; Gambling; Illicit S*x*; Intoxication.
So if He were to wait for people to first become free from sinful habits and then give them the Divya Nama, He would be waiting forever and almost no one would qualify!
Considering that one Nama of Krsna when chanted even negligently has the Shakti to destroy the karmaphala of a thousand lifetimes of sinful acts, it jeans the human capacity to sinnis less than
the capacity to destroy sins inherent in the Divya Namas of the Lord.
This bybsinging sweet kirtan and dancing, He could induce even full-time drunkards like Jagai and Madhai to sing and dance in kirtan. They used to dance while drunk in front of Srivas Angam, imitating the devotees who were singing and dancing inside... Still, they soon after became very great devotees!!! If you drive on the highway from Kolkata to Nabadwip Dham in Nadia District, as you cross the Ganga to enter the dham, that Bridge is decorated on one side with huge statues of Jagai and Madhai (sinful drunkards of the most degraded level), and the other side has big statues of Lord Chaitanya (Krishna) and Lord Nityananda (Balarama, the Adi Guru)
Lord C ordered Lord N, "If anyone chants Hare Krishna, then it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to deliver them!"
Can you imagine such mercy? Even an addicted sinner like me can start chanting without restriction, and by the mercy and active arrangements of Sri Guru, I shall make unstoppable spiritual progress so that naturally I will soon lose my ability / the desire to commit any sin at all...., For as taught in the Gita, "When the higher taste comes, THEN the lower tadte will go!"
So please pray for menajd encourage me to chant this "wrong mantra" more and more for Inam worse than Valmiki, Jagai and Madhai combined....chanting for decades but still hopelessly addicted to sin. Hare Krishna.
*S*x outside of marriage is condemned by all religions. It is called fornication if engaged in other than for the purpose of producing good, god-conscious children thru the ceremony of Garbhadhana Samskaara which no one even aspires to follow these days. It was Lord Jesus who explained Moses'commandment against Adultery in this way: "Whoever looks upon a woman with lust in his eye has _already_ committed adultery.
So I humbly bow at the feet of all Brahmanas and Vedic scholars who are so critical of Iskcon and if what Srila Prabhupada gave the world to save everyone from addiction to sin, and I hold their feet tightly and beg them, please start chanting the Hare Krishna Mahamatra everyday with Rama first or with Krishna first, so you will have less time to criticise other aspiring devotees, and then please stone me to death for my sins. If Lord Jesus were present, he might save me by saying, "Let he who has done no sin cast the first stone." Hare Krishna
Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna
Hare Hare
Hare Rama
Hare Rama
Rama Rama
Hare Hare
True Brahmanas know thar even when Sri Harinama is uttered in jest (jokingly) or unconsciously, still it instantly liberates one from all past sins, this clearing one's path for hain ng the ability to associate inoffensively in sat sanga with true sadhakas and surrendered seekers of God. Those who have no aspiration for Prapatti /absolute surrender/sharanaagati will forever remain excellent Fault Finders. It is not good for their spiritual progress to criticise great devotees like Srila Prabhupada and Sriman Caitanya Mahaprabhu without knowing who they are and what the purpose was behind their merciful actions. It is easy to find fault or to challenge their ignorant new followers who are still , like me, full of arrogance, ignorance, pride of knowledge, egoism, lust, anger, greed, illusion etc etc etc, and then blame these great and perfect saints. But when we do that - criticising Maha Bhagavatas - we earn the wrathbof Krishna and ALL Maha Bhagavatas from ALL Vaishnava sampradayas, and our bhakti is at once destroyed.
Maybe Incan say this: when you can make MORE numbers of people to utter God's name and dance and sing while doing so than Srila Prabhupada has done on the world stage, maybe then you can think yourself qualified enough to criticise his death vine grace, the vaishnava acarya who has inspired all vaishnava sampradaya gurus to start travelling and preaching - breaking rules like speaking this filthy mleccha language called English and crossing the ocean TO PREACH pure vaishnava dharma.
If we wait for all Brahmins to give up just eating tea and onions before we start preaching to them if they are bathing thrice daily and don't ng Sandhya vandanam On Time, then the whole world will go to hell even faster than it is.
Damn it, Hindu faultfinders, stop criticising anyone, least of all the greatest ambassador of Vedic truth all over the world. First you try to give up Meat Eating, Illicit S*x, Gambling (including stock market speculation), and intoxication of all kinds (including coffee tea and pan chewing), then you can begin your fault finding career. If you fail to give them up after six months, then i suggest you try chanting the Mahamantra as given by Lord C using heads for three months and watch those bad habits disappear.
How does it happen? Srimad Bhagavatam first canto teaches that:-
~ even death personified is afraid of Harinama Prabhu (the Holy Name)
~ Krishna promises that if anyone at all chants His name, then Krsna, Who is seated in all our hearts as Paramatma, will at once take up a broom and start sweeping out from our hearts all the Kaama, Krodha, Lobha, Matsara etc that are our enemies within.... Thus we will become purified by His active deliverance. That is the secret of the Bhagavad Gita! See Chapter 12 verse 8 - he says that if one engages in Seva with surrender to Him, HE BECOMES the deliverer of that fallen, sinful person.
Look at the video again. One man is chanting japa - he is doing Seva thru Harinama is he not? What are the others doing? Gramya katha gossipping and fault-finding. They are being marked by Yamaraj and building a highway to hell. O expert learned-but-confused Hindus.... Vedic Jñāna is meant for using it to elevate yourself and free yourself from sin. It is NOT meant to be used to criticise others, for crying out loud! Only Hindus it seems cannot appreciate real preaching. They stupidly say, "Hinduism was never preached like the Abrahamic religions!" Bloody nonsense: The entire Bhagavad Gita is nothing but Krishna preaching to Arjuna urging him to surrender to the Supreme Lord and take up Bhakti Yoga, which Arjuna did! I rest my case. Please chant hare Krishna instead of criticising persons who have taken up the chanting process because they have realised they are full of material desires and are trying to purify themselves and please their guru/acarya. True Gurus and Acaryas are never ever envious of other Vaishnavas seva nor preaching efforts, even if they are flawed. I could go on about criticizing someone for being dirty while he is already in the bathroom and taking a bath, but I shall force myself to stop criticising the critical 'learned' people whose own knowledge is destroying their hope for getting bhakti. May their Gurus and Acaryas save them soon. Hare Krishna ❣️
~ by Dina-Anukampana Das
Founder, Gita Jayanti, Singapore
& Gita Jayanti International
P.S. I detest this word "Iskcon people/devotees"
We do not worship buildings nor institutions ! We are aspiring to be Krishna devotees. Do not criticize Krishna.
For those who never found out, Iskcon is an acronym for
International Society for Krishna Consciousness.
Krishna consciousness is another word for Bhakti Yoga, which is the heart ❤️ of the Bhagavad Gita - please recite it once a day (takes only 5 mins) to get guidance in Bhakti, which alone can conquer God's heart and attract Him if it becomes Pure Bhakti - www.prabhupada.io/books/bg/12 Hare Krishna
Why ISKCON people chanting mantra wrong way - इस्कॉन के लोग उल्टा मंत्र क्यों जपते हैं ? | Tamasoma ...