*[email protected]*
What is life without happiness, what is bonding without people
What is celebration without friends !!
These are the pertinent questions that haunt every event professional during the pandemic. The regular event professional is used to putting up good shows with trusted partners and at a lavish banquet.
But Now, the roads are empty, banquets are dingy, vendors are dizzy and live events are nothing but a sea of oasis.
The scare, the fright, the uncertainty, the bleak future stares at the Event professional with sarcasm !
Is there a hope ? The answer is a bold *YES*
The World of Events are Changing, The rules of the game are new, The format is now redesigned.. just like a caterpillar turning to a colourful butterfly, the Neo Event Professionals need a critical retook at themselves...
The change is here to stay, the uncertainty is the transition stage like that of a larva. Either turn a colourful life or turn over inside !
It is hence *TIME TO DEEP THINK* not like a typical run of the mill *_event manager_* but like a
*Samurai who excels in strikes*
*Sh**un who excels in Strategy*
Think New, Dream the impossible, build your Case, amaze your CLIENTS.
Infuse Ideas that are spell bound, like
*limitless audience with no crowding*
*Grandeur celebrations with Immersive Experiences*
*_ are just for them_*
Urge your clients that they can
Give Back more to the migrants and deprived through your events. Greater collaboration, Meaningful Meetups,
Intelligence filled engagement with multi locations presence is the new solution if a collaborative cult called * *
We have a choice !
Either sit back and Watch the WORLD evolve OR
Be the catalyst that is a part and cause of the change !
The thoughts running in the minds of is no difficult guess !
Dr. Deepak Swaminathan