I cant go on anymore
I cant live like this
I cry almost everyday
I don't know what to do
I don't know how to change
Why do i have to help everyone /
Why o i have to suffer bcoz of them
It feel like im middle of selfish peoples
Waiting from them to hit me
To push me, or to kill me
Every time i promise myseld
That i'll try to act differently
And don't help my selfish people
I just cant, when t
hey need me
Im always there for them
Through i know they wont ever go to my funeral
They just use me, they don't care about me
I know all this stuff but i cant help myself
I cant be means, that just not for me
I am begging for someone help
Pleas E help me someone
I cant go on like this
I have to change!!!!! Why do they see others in need of them
Why cant they see others in need of them
They'll do any =thing to look good in others eyes
Even if they have to hurt their friends
They will kiss ass stupid people
Who never ever helped them
Who don't care if they live or die
Iust know what to do any more ....