At curious planners we sanction your every need for guilt-free fun and adventure! There were times when travelling had been the most understated recreation. If one traces back history, it is not revealing that the prejudice had its roots stemmed back to the times when our ancestors lived a nomadic life and eventually renounced it. But with the passage of time travelling has evolved as a most liked
pass time. Curious planners is a well received travel company located in Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir. We provide domestic tours to Jammu & Kashmir including Ladakh and also offer an array of travel related services such as car & coach rentals, hotel booking, airline ticketing, etc., at best rates. The company’s entire services are being boosted by a team of professionals who have more than ten years of experience in the tourism industry. Since now we have organized innumerable tours and satisfied the needs of thousands of clients by offering par excellent travel solutions. Coupled with empathetic leadership and vast network, we offer astoundingly impeccable services to the clients. Our clients are our muses who inspire us to work harder and put a little more effort in every service we offer. We love to see them gapping with their hands on their mouth and eyes wide opened when we offer them the world at a small price. Whether you label us mystics or little insane or whatever, but this is the way we are! We are travelers and nothing gives us more pleasure than gifting our fellow human beings smiles and many reasons to laugh.