A to Z agency

A to Z agency Event management, advertising , marketing
Our experience.. Your guide
Iraq, Baghdad


🌍💔 التلوث يقتل الحياة!
كل خطوة صغيرة نخطوها تجاه البيئة تصنع فرقًا كبيرًا.

📽️ عملنا هذا الفيديو بالتعاون مع UNICEF لنلقي الضوء على تأثير التلوث على حياتنا وحياة الكائنات التي تشاركنا هذا الكوكب.

🤝 معًا، نستطيع حماية مستقبلنا ومستقبل أجيالنا.
✨ شاهد الفيديو، وشارك رسالته. كن جزءًا من الحل!

🌍💔 Pollution kills life!
Every small step we take toward the environment makes a big difference.

📽️ We created this video in collaboration with UNICEF to highlight the impact of pollution on our lives and the creatures we share this planet with.

🤝 Together, we can protect our future and the future of generations to come.
✨ Watch the video, share its message, and be part of the solution!

#التلوث #مسؤوليتنا


🦠⚠️ فيروس كورونا ينتقل بخطوات بسيطة، لكن تأثيره كبير!
من الساندويش إلى الطباشير، رحلة العدوى تبدأ وتنتهي بعائلاتنا. هذا الفيديو من إنتاجنا بالتعاون مع UNICEF يوضح كيف يمكن أن تنتقل العدوى دون أن ندرك.

🤝 التوعية هي الخطوة الأولى للوقاية.
✨ شاهد الفيديو، وكن جزءًا من نشر الوعي.

🦠⚠️ COVID-19 spreads in small steps, but its impact is huge!
From a sandwich to chalk, the journey of infection begins and ends with our families. This video, created in collaboration with UNICEF, highlights how the virus spreads unknowingly.

🤝 Awareness is the first step to prevention.
✨ Watch the video and be part of spreading awareness.



💧🚰 قطرة ماء قد تُحدث فرقًا!
التبذير في المياه ليس مجرد إسراف، بل تهديد لمستقبلنا ومستقبل أجيالنا. هذا الفيديو من إنتاجنا بالتعاون مع UNICEF يسلط الضوء على أهمية الحفاظ على كل قطرة مياه.

🤝 لنكن جزءًا من الحل.
✨ شاهد الفيديو وشارك رسالته. الماء حياتنا، فلنحافظ عليه!


💧🚰 Every drop of water counts!
Water wastage isn’t just wasteful—it’s a threat to our future and the future of generations to come. This video, created in collaboration with UNICEF, highlights the importance of saving every drop.

🤝 Let’s be part of the solution.
✨ Watch the video and share its message. Water is life—let’s protect it!


🎉 Opening the Largest Hypermarket in Iraq! 🇮🇶

We are proud to have organized this grand event, bringing together innovation and a unique shopping experience. Thank you to everyone who participated in making this day special.

Stay tuned for more amazing events and surprises! 🎊

🎉 افتتاح أكبر هايبر ماركت في العراق! 🇮🇶

نحن فخورون بتنظيم هذا الحدث الكبير الذي جمع بين الابتكار والتجربة الفريدة للتسوق. شكراً لكل من شارك في جعل هذا اليوم مميزًا.

تابعونا لمزيد من الأحداث الرائعة والمفاجآت المذهلة! 🎊


📢 We are proud to announce one of our distinguished partners, Meswag Hypermarket!Our collaboration with Meswag Hypermark...

📢 We are proud to announce one of our distinguished partners, Meswag Hypermarket!

Our collaboration with Meswag Hypermarket is a testament to our commitment to providing top-notch advertising and event management services. We are thrilled to work with the Meswag team to achieve incredible successes and deliver unforgettable shopping experiences.

Stay tuned for more successes and fruitful partnerships! 🌟

📢 نفخر بالإعلان عن أحد شركائنا المميزين، هايبرماركت مسواك!

تعاوننا مع مسواك هايبرماركت هو دليل على التزامنا بتقديم أفضل خدمات الدعاية والإعلان وتنظيم الفعاليات. نحن سعداء بالعمل مع فريق مسواك لتحقيق نجاحات مذهلة وتقديم تجارب تسوق لا تُنسى.

تابعونا لمزيد من النجاحات والشراكات المثمرة! 🌟

A to Z agencyMake your Ads SpecialOur experience.. your guideFor more information contact us:-+09647756126196az.iq2024@g...

A to Z agency
Make your Ads Special
Our experience.. your guide
For more information contact us:-
[email protected]

A to Z agencyBranding without marketing like car without wheelsOur experience.. your guideFor more information contact u...

A to Z agency
Branding without marketing like car without wheels
Our experience.. your guide
For more information contact us:-
[email protected]

A to Z agencyMake your Ads UniqueOur experience.. your guideFor more information contact us:-+09647756126196az.iq2024@gm...

A to Z agency
Make your Ads Unique
Our experience.. your guide
For more information contact us:-
[email protected]

A to Z agencyYou look for expert event organizer.. call nowOur experience.. your guideFor more information contact us:-+...

A to Z agency
You look for expert event organizer.. call now
Our experience.. your guide
For more information contact us:-
[email protected]

A to Z agencyBranding is the reason people pay 10x moreOur experience.. your guideFor more information contact us:-+0964...

A to Z agency
Branding is the reason people pay 10x more
Our experience.. your guide
For more information contact us:-
[email protected]

A to Z agencyBook photography serviceOur experience.. your guideFor more information contact us:-+09647756126196az.iq202...

A to Z agency
Book photography service
Our experience.. your guide
For more information contact us:-
[email protected]

A to Z agencyGood marketing your key to reach more peopleOur experience.. your guideFor more information contact us:-+09...

A to Z agency
Good marketing your key to reach more people
Our experience.. your guide
For more information contact us:-
[email protected]

A to Z agencySometimes later becomes neverOur experience.. your guideFor more information contact us:-+09647756126196az....

A to Z agency
Sometimes later becomes never
Our experience.. your guide
For more information contact us:-
[email protected]

A to Z agencyWe will serve You what you NEEDOur experience.. your guideFor more information contact us:-+09647756126196a...

A to Z agency
We will serve You what you NEED
Our experience.. your guide
For more information contact us:-
[email protected]

A to Z agencyOur experience.. your guideFor more information contact us:-+09647756126196az.iq2024@gmail.com

A to Z agency
Our experience.. your guide
For more information contact us:-
[email protected]

A to Z agency Our experience..  your guideFor more information contact us:-+09647756126196az.iq2024@gmail.com

A to Z agency
Our experience.. your guide
For more information contact us:-
[email protected]


Iraq, Baghdad

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday 09:00 - 17:00



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