Tomorrow, the 30th of October, Eyra & Olga Maggý unite their forces and host a concert/show at IÐNÓ.
EYRA - more than a band: It is a safe space, therapy and a playground: a band that takes risks and shows vulnerability.
For this interdisciplinary performance they will be joined by contemporary dancer Olga Maggý Winther for an immersive performance in a beautiful room. We will play our hearts out for you so don’t miss this and be part of the performance.
Olga Maggý Winther has a BA degree in contemporary dance practices, she is also very involved in film both on screen and off screen. She often works with big groups in both her live performance-/ and film-based pieces, she likes to play with gender, sexuality and the stereotypes that follow that. Chaos and order in a mix are the aesthetics that she thoroughly enjoys, and she also owns a horse.
Daniel Sauer (sax, comp); Sebastian Minet (git); Moritz Langmeier (p); Moritz Holdenried (b); Felix Eckenfelder (dr); Olga Maggý Winther (dance)