The first Monsters Fest is coming to Milan! An original and exciting mix that combines in an unmissable LIVE event J-Pop, J-Rock and Alternative IDOLS, with artists from Europe and Japan, and that will make you dance with an Anisong DJ Set of the most famous Anime songs.
Nemiex - Viale Piemonte 41, Cologno Monzese (MI).
Ample street parking, smoking area in courtyard.
Methods of Payment: digital with PayPal, cash.
🎤 Artists Lineup:
MAD JAMIE @kawaii_wa_fxxk
Japanese unit founded in 2021 and solo project of Punk Rock IDOL Kanjosen Akubi, for the first time on TOUR in EUROPE to promote her latest Album "THIS IS NONFICTION". Milan is the date that closes her European Tour.
ERISU @erisu_official
Winners of the Homicidols Awards as the best Alternative Idol group outside of Japan for two consecutive editions (2022 and 2023) they have toured Europe and offer an unprecedented and original show fusing ancient Sumerian and Middle Eastern songs with rock.
MIOENERGY @mioenergy30
Japanese rapper, singer and dancer, living in the UK since 2022 where she performs professionally in live sets of hip hop dance and singing her own songs and K pop in Japanese.
INDISCIPLINATA @indisciplinata.official
The latest production of Monster of Dolls, former member of CosMix known for participating in Italia's Got Talent, becomes INdisciplinata, the first Italian Chrono Idol. The Italian 90s Rock mood reproposed in an Alternative Idol key.
🎧 DJ Set:@djshirukj
Founder of the K-ble Jungle project and the Ochacaffè Association, he travels the world with his shows to raise awareness of Japanese and Korean music, especially nerd music but not limited to!
Powered by:
Monster Of Dolls, Alt IDOL Worldwide
K-ble jungle
Erisu Nemiex Ochacaffe' Giappone Monster Of Dolls, Alt IDOL Worldwide
2024 Cardmembers: 10€ including 1 Complimentary Consumption, Free Guarded Cloakroom (up to 100 items), Gaming Zone 15 consoles and Arcade Area 30 free cabinets, boardgames game
The first Monsters Fest is coming to Milan! An original and exciting mix that combines in an unmissable LIVE event J-Pop, J-Rock and Alternative IDOLS, with artists from Europe and Japan, and that will make you dance with an Anisong DJ Set of the most famous Anime songs.
Nemiex - Viale Piemonte 41, Cologno Monzese (MI).
Ample street parking, smoking area in courtyard.
Methods of Payment: digital with PayPal, cash.
🎤 Artists Lineup:
MAD JAMIE @kawaii_wa_fxxk
Japanese unit founded in 2021 and solo project of Punk Rock IDOL Kanjosen Akubi, for the first time on TOUR in EUROPE to promote her latest Album "THIS IS NONFICTION". Milan is the date that closes her European Tour.
ERISU @erisu_official
Winners of the Homicidols Awards as the best Alternative Idol group outside of Japan for two consecutive editions (2022 and 2023) they have toured Europe and offer an unprecedented and original show fusing ancient Sumerian and Middle Eastern songs with rock.
MIOENERGY @mioenergy30
Japanese rapper, singer and dancer, living in the UK since 2022 where she performs professionally in live sets of hip hop dance and singing her own songs and K pop in Japanese.
INDISCIPLINATA @indisciplinata.official
The latest production of Monster of Dolls, former member of CosMix known for participating in Italia's Got Talent, becomes INdisciplinata, the first Italian Chrono Idol. The Italian 90s Rock mood reproposed in an Alternative Idol key.
🎧 DJ Set:@djshirukj
Founder of the K-ble Jungle project and the Ochacaffè Association, he travels the world with his shows to raise awareness of Japanese and Korean music, especially nerd music but not limited to!
Powered by:
Monster Of Dolls, Alt IDOL Worldwide
K-ble jungle
Erisu Nemiex Ochacaffe' Giappone Monster Of Dolls, Alt IDOL Worldwide
2024 Cardmembers: 10€ including 1 Complimentary Consumption, Free Guarded Cloakroom (up to 100 items), Gaming Zone 15 consoles and Arcade Area 30 free cabinets, b
Da brava admin non potevo non dare l'esempio, quindi ho partecipato anche io alla challenge! (≧▽≦)💦🎶
Inviateci il vostro video e noi lo ripubblicheremo! 🎬
Oltre al nostro, ti consigliamo questi tag:
#ylmlm #kawaii #monsterofdolls #ゆるめるモ #かわいい
Original video:
⭐ Berry
ATTENZIONE: Segui gli indizi ! E dopo le altre tre sorelline in ultimo ecco NinTi di ERISU che ci spiega come venire in possesso dello scrigno che le ragazze hanno nascosto, devi solo trovarlo ... Seguendo gli indizi e tutto quello che contiene sarà tuo, per sempre
What’s inside:
-THE ONE AND ONLY copy of upcoming Ep "The keeper of the 7 Lalande Keys Vol 1” with 3 UNRELEASED TRACKS that can only be found here
-5 T-Shirts
-Lalande Ep
-20 pictures
-4 Member cards
- Original paintings by NinMa
- letters, prints and gems
- 7 keys
Are you ready to find the treasure?
NinMa di ERISU le Alt Idol di Nibiru, parla a noi umani in italiano con accento Annunaki spiegandoci cosa sta succedendo e chi le vuole fare del male, ma LEI ha un piano e TU NE FAI PARTE ! .. fatti consegnare il loro prezioso scrigno e custodiscilo per sempre.. scopri come fare su Erisu Fangroup e su @erisu_official in Instagram.
Contiene l'unica copia fisica esistente del nuovo EP
Piattaforme e negozi in cui è acquistabile: NESSUNO
NANTU announces the map to get to the treasure
NanTu di ERISU ci annuncia che le nostre ragazze hanno nascosto in uno scrigno qualcosa di INEDITO che i loro nemici non devono trovare, e daranno a TE le coordinate per andare a prendere lo scrigno e potrai custodirlo per sempre. Segui gli indizi su Erisu Fangroup o @erisu_official di Instagram e fai tua l'unica COPIA esistente nell'universo !!!
E come le ERISU ci avevano promesso per oggi, AruRu ci annuncia qualcosa di molto molto molto importante, per iniziare a capire di cosa si tratta seguile sul loro Instagram Erisu Fangroup presto seguiranno altre info in tutte le lingue del mondo, intanto godetevi ARURU !
The One by Noemi (B-Metal)
Vi mancava sentir cantare un po' di Idol nostrane ~ vero? 💖
Oggi abbiamo Noemi delle B-Metal (la cover band italiana delle BABYMETAL) che ci canta la bellissima "The One"! 🎶✨
#idolsforItaly #italianidolsunited