Moonstreet was founded in January 2015 from Jochen Gallmetzer and Alex Walcher. We started out after mixing and practising a lot at home. Music is a passion for us and we wanted to spread out our style of mixing and performing to more people. It´s an incredible feeling for us when the emotions of a song and the reactions of a crowd get combined. We took the 3rd place at the dj contest of disco "Fi
x" in March 2016. After performing there for the first time in front of a crowd, we could not get enougth from it and we were looking forward to the next time. Winning the dj contest at the first "Evolve" Event in August 2016 gave us the opportunity to performe in one of the best local clubs called "Baila". Then the prom season began and we perfomed at many different proms all over Southtyrol. In December we played at another local club called "Juwel" for our first time and it was awesome to play side by side with the best local dj´s and the headliner MORGAN J. In August 2017 we participated at the first "Santner´s DJ Contest" and reached the second place. The price for it was a set time at the "Rave n Roll" event at "Club Max". It was awesome and we hope to be back at next years birthday edition of RnR. It was at this time that we were getting more and more into the addicition of music producing.