MedModa International Fashion Event

MedModa International Fashion Event International Fashion Event
MedModa è un festival internazionale della moda, che si tiene ogni anno in
Italia, a Caltanissetta.

The MedModa Festival, this year number “20”, is an international fashion
festival, which attracts to Sicily fashion designers from the whole world, be-
sides that, it attracts the attention of the domestic and international mass me-
dia. At the event of last year (2014), the MedModa’s managing staff has got
from foreign candidates as many as 340 applications and after a careful se-

n only 12 designers have been admitted to the final “match”. Besides of being a crossroads of the international haute couture, Med-
Moda is at the same time a show event, which turns fashion into a proper
show, which times and rhythms are typical of a television programme. For hosting the event, followed one another on the stage some of the dar-
ling show girls, most loved from the wide audience in Italy and many were the
artists enriching the show with their great performance. Furthermore, during the last years the “Massimo Pastorello Management”
has started a project, which has been “transferred” the next MedModa Festi-
val – as a model for export - to Bolivia (El Alto, La Paz), to Georgia (Tbilisi)
and to Venezuela (Caracas). At the moment contacts are ongoing with embassies, culture centres and
chambers of commerce in several foreign countries, in order to proceeding in
this direction, with the aim to make MedModa one of the most important fash-
ion showcases in the world. Thank to its good name and own prestige, MedModa has permanently ob-
tained the patronage of the Sicily Region, of Caltanissetta County’s admini-
stration and the City Hall of Caltanissetta, besides of it, the support of many
private sponsors, who since years don’t fail to give their precious contribution,
getting from it a great profit on image and marketing. Da 20 anni stilisti provenienti da ogni continente hanno reso questo festi-
val uno tra gli eventi più apprezzati al mondo. Alcuni anni fa l’organizzazione del MedModa ha stabilito stretti rapporti
con le Ambasciate straniere, Istituzioni e centri culturali di diversi Paesi ed è
proprio grazie a questa sinergia che il festival riesce ad attirare ogni anno i
migliori giovani stilisti di tutto il mondo. L’iscrizione al MedModa è completamente gratuita, inoltre l’organizzatore
rimborsa il15% del costo dei voli nazionali e internazionali, oltre all’intero vitto
e alloggio per tutto il periodo di permanenza al festival. Per l’iscrizione al Festival, i candidati devono inviare la seguente docu-
1) scheda di iscrizione compilata dal candidato;
2) curriculum vitae;
3) materiale fotografico su carta, o cd o dvd, che rappresenti la minicolle-
zione (10
capi) che lo stilista intende presentare al festival;
4) rassegna stampa, se lo stilista ne è in possesso. Tutte le candidature dovranno pervenire alla direzione del MedModa entro
la scadenza fissata, così come indicata nel suo sito internet: o su fb o su youtube

Le domande e la documentazione ad esse allegata verranno prima esa-
minate e poi selezionate dallo staff dirigenziale dell’organizzatore, secondo il
proprio giudizio e decisione insindacabile, tenendo conto dell’identità e dei
requisiti del candidato e delle esigenze organizzative del MedModa. Dopo la selezione, gli stilisti ammessi al festival avranno 45 giorni di tem-
po per inviare conferma scritta sull’ottenimento del visto, rilasciato dai compe-
tenti uffici consolari presenti nei vari Paesi e copia del biglietto aereo (non va-
le la sola prenotazione), onde ottenere il rimborso del 15% subito dopo
l’arrivo a Caltanissetta.
Esclusione dal Festival. Nel caso che la documentazione pervenuta risultasse incompleta o presen-
tata fuori del termine fissato, la richiesta di partecipazione non sarà tenuta in
considerazione e non verrà inserita nell’elenco dei candidati. In ogni caso, il materiale e la documentazione inviata all’organizzatore non
verranno in alcun caso restituiti al candidato. L’organizzatore metterà gratuitamente a disposizione degli stilisti:

- hotel (trattamento di pensione completa);
- trasferimenti in macchina o pulmino, dentro e fuori la città;
- sala prove;
- modelle;
- parrucchieri e truccatori. Lo staff organizzativo del MedModa non si assume alcuna responsabilità
per eventuali riproduzioni di costumi non autorizzate, imitazioni, smarrimenti e
danni subiti dalle collezioni, prima, durante e dopo il festival. MedModa is a yearly international fashion festival, which takes place in It-
aly, to Caltanissetta. Since 20 years fashion designers from all continents made of this festival
one of the most prestigious events in the world. A few years ago the managing staff of MedModa has established close re-
lations with embassies, institutions and culture centres located in several
countries; through this new synergy the festival managed to attract every year
to Italy from all the world the best young fashion designers. The registration of the candidates at the MedModa is free of charges, fur-
thermore the organizer gives to the selected participants a refund of 15% for
the domestic and international air tickets and covers fully the bed and board
expenses during their stay at the festival. For being registered at the festival, the candidates should send following

1. application form completed by the candidate;
2. curriculum vitae (CV);
3. photos printed on paper, on CD, or on DVD, representing the mini-
collection (10
article of clothing), which the candidate intends to show at the festival;
4. press articles, in case the candidate has got any. Above mentioned application and documentation should be submitted to
the Med-
Moda’s managing staff within the fixed deadline, as indicated in its own
Web Site:

All applications and attached documentation will be first examined, after-
wards the candidates will be selected under unchallengeable decision of
MedModa’s managing staff, according to the evaluation on the candidates’
requirements and according to the organizational needs of MedModa. After selecting of the candidates, within the deadline of 35 (thirtyfive) days
the fashion designers admitted to the festival have to send in writing to the
managing staff of MedModa the confirmation of getting the visa from the
competent Consular Departments based abroad and a photocopy of the air
ticket (the ticket reservation, only, won’t be valid), in order to get 15% reim-
bursement of whole ticket’s price after the arrival in Caltanissetta. Ruling out of candidates from the festival. In case the documentation sent by the candidate should be incomplete, or
presented out of the fixes deadline, the application will not be considered at
all and it won’t be included into the list of applicants. In any case, the documentation sent to the managing staff of MedModa will
not be returned to the candidate. The organizer will provide free of charge following facilities:

- hotel (full board);
- transfer by car or minibus inside and outside of the town;
- fitting room;
- fashion models;
- hairdressers and make-up men. The managing staff of MedModa will not take any responsibility for not al-
lowed clothing reproduction, imitations, losses and damages occurred to the
collection, before, during and after the festival. MedModa ist ein internationals Festival der Mode, das jedes Jahr in Itali-
en, zu Caltanissetta, stattfindet. Seit 14 Jahren, dank der Teilnahme am Festival von Modestilisten aus al len Erdteilen, ist es zu einer von den am meisten anerkannten und geschätz ten Veranstaltungen auf der Welt geworden. Vor einigen Jahren hat der Vorstand von MedModa enge Beziehungen mit
ausländischen Botschaften, Institutionen und Kulturorganisationen von vielen

Al medmoda 2025

Al medmoda 2025

𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟓 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐦𝐞𝐝𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐚

𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟓 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐦𝐞𝐝𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐚



Foto: " LIBERTY PRODUCTION " di Vincenzo Sena Caltanissetta


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