Marco Ficili fotografo

Marco Ficili fotografo Atelier fotografico
Si riceve per appuntamento A never-ending surprise…a great emotion! This is how I describe my passion for photography. Did I get any awards?

A relationship born when I was a boy and never ended. It captivated me so much that it has become my job. I love true photography that tells without cheating, that reproduces the magic of a gaze or a heartbreaking landscape. I was born in Modica, a noble, ancient and in some features modern town, full of history, traditions and contradictions. Its light, its shadows and the velvet touch of the sun

going down are always present in my photos. Childhood is deep-rooted in everyone’s soul. No matter how far you go, no matter whom you share your life with, your origins will always be part of yourself. You only need to be willing to listen to them. I live in Catania, where I attended Principe Umberto di Savoia high school specializing in science. When I graduated from high school, I often travelled seeking “Photography”. I like letting myself get carried away by photography. Most of the time there is neither a precise idea nor a fixed itinerary, but I know that there is always a new destination, something new and different to be discovered, tasted and passed down. This is exactly what I love and attracts me most in photography. Despite the numerous years and the various experiences I have had, photography can still surprise me. I have always taken advantage of any chance to travel and go explore Europe. I have taken plenty of pictures, I have met various photographic souls, discovered various viewpoints, numerous lights and atmospheres. I have unconsciously absorbed their being, and all of this has become Marco Ficili today. My technical education has followed a more conventional path. Thanks to photography schools and courses, I had the opportunity to visit and live in cities like Milan, Florence, London and Berlin. Some years later I met Barbara, with whom I share my life and my passion for photography. This prevents us from recognizing any boundaries between our job and free time. But we like it this way! With a job like ours, which is a passion more than a duty, it could not be otherwise. I like the sea and I go to the seaside every time I can. I love travelling and visiting new places, ranging from smaller and less popular centres to big metropolises of our time. I like playing tennis and I relax reading novels or essays about … guess what? … Photography, of course! I also have a passion for cooking. I try out and look for new solutions in cooking, as well! Eventually the dishes I prepare are only experiments for my wife and myself… and maybe it is better so! In 2000 I opened my photography studio in Catania, the city I live in. I started working in advertising, in the publishing industry and studio portrait photography. My staff and I managed to make a niche in traditional wedding photography, by imposing truth and spontaneity as watchwords of our way of conceiving wedding photography. I have instinctively deconstructed some of the classical patterns of traditional wedding photography by re-establishing the centrality of the event and its protagonists. My clients love my photography services as they stand out for their spontaneous and at the same time evoking style. And I love my clients since they can distinguish, they can appreciate and choose what really moves them. I had the pleasure to be mentioned, awarded and published by WPJA “Wedding Photo Journalism Association”, TAU VISUAL, White Sposa and Vogue Sposa. Some, the right ones for an excellent résumé! What else? Una continua sorpresa… una grande emozione! Cosi posso riassumere la mia passione per la fotografia. Una relazione iniziata da ragazzo e mai interrotta, che mi ha coinvolto completamente fino a farne la mia professione. Amo la fotografia vera, quella che sa raccontare senza barare, restituendo la magia di uno sguardo o di un paesaggio struggente. Sono nato a Modica, una terra nobile, antica e a tratti moderna, piena di storia, di tradizioni e di contraddizioni. La sua luce, le sue ombre e la vellutata carezza dei suoi tramonti sono sempre vivi e presenti nelle mie opere fotografiche. Le radici dell’infanzia rimangono ben radicate nel nostro animo, non importa quanto lontano andrai a vivere e non importa con chi andrai a vivere, saranno sempre vive e presenti dentro di te, è sufficiente decidere di volerle ascoltare. Vivo a Catania, dove ho frequentato il liceo scientifico Principe Umberto di Savoia. Dopo il diploma, ho viaggiato spesso alla ricerca della “Fotografia”. Amo farmi trasportare dalla Fotografia, spesso non c’è un’idea chiara né un percorso stabilito, ma so che c’è sempre una nuova meta, qualcosa di nuovo e di diverso da scoprire, assaporare e tramandare. E’ questo che amo e che mi affascina di più della fotografia, nonostante i tanti anni e le diverse esperienze, la Fotografia riesce sempre a sorprendermi. Ho colto sempre ogni buona occasione per viaggiare alla scoperta dell’Europa, ho fotografato tanto, ho avuto l’opportunità di incontrare diverse anime fotografiche, di scoprire diversi punti di vista, diverse luci e diverse atmosfere. Ho assorbito istintivamente il loro essere e tutto questo oggi è Marco Ficili. La mia formazione tecnica ha seguito strade più convenzionali, scuole e corsi di fotografia mi hanno permesso di vivere e conoscere città come Milano, Firenze, Londra e Berlino. Qualche anno fa ho incontrato Barbara, con cui condivido la vita e la passione per la fotografia. Questo ci ha portato a non riconoscere alcun confine tra il lavoro e il tempo libero. A noi piace cosi! Con un lavoro come il nostro, che è più una passione che un dovere, non potrebbe essere altrimenti. Mi piace molto vivere il mare e vado a trovarlo ogni volta che posso. Amo viaggiare e conoscere posti nuovi, dai centri più piccoli e meno famosi alle grandi metropoli del nostro tempo. Mi piace giocare a tennis e mi rilasso leggendo romanzi o saggi... indovinate un po’... di fotografia! Un’altra mia grande passione è la cucina. Sperimento e cerco nuove soluzioni, anche in cucina! Alla fine i piatti che preparo rimangono solo degli esperimenti dedicati a me e mia moglie… forse è meglio così! Nel 2000 ho aperto il mio studio fotografico nella città in cui vivo, Catania. Ho iniziato a lavorare nel campo della pubblicità, dell’editoria e in quello della ritrattistica in studio. Sono riuscito a creare una nicchia nel campo della fotografia tradizionale matrimoniale, imponendo insieme al mio staff la verità e la spontaneità quali parole d’ordine del nostro modo di intendere la fotografia di matrimonio. Ho istintivamente scardinato alcuni dei classici schemi della fotografia tradizionale di matrimonio restituendo centralità all’evento e ai suoi protagonisti. I clienti amano i miei servizi fotografici perché si distinguono per lo stile spontaneo e insieme evocativo e io amo i miei clienti perché sanno distinguere, sanno apprezzare e sanno scegliere ciò che realmente li emoziona. Ho avuto la soddisfazione di essere stato citato, premiato e pubblicato dal WPJA “Wedding Photo Journalism Association”, dalla TAU VISUAL, e da White Sposa e Vogue Sposa. Premi? Qualcuno, quelli giusti per un buon Curriculum! Che dire… What else?

EXPERIENCE THE MAGIC OF B&W FOR YOUR WEDDING STORY! Nicoletta and Peter’s love for Italy and the Italian Style inspired ...


Nicoletta and Peter’s love for Italy and the Italian Style inspired this 10-image story of their Italian-style wedding in Taormina.

The photojournalistic approach of these B&W Fine Art images beautifully captures their joy, spontaneity, and the essence of an Italian wedding focused on family and the joy of togetherness.

Dive into the beauty of a Italian-style wedding in Taormina and feel the timeless elegance and heartfelt moments of their special day.

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DM me for more info on planning your Italian-style wedding in Taormina!

Italian-style wedding in Taormina
Taormina wedding
Italian wedding photographer



I am thrilled and deeply honored to announce that I have received the prestigious title of World’s Best Wedding Photographer for 2024 from the International Wedding Awards (IWA)!

Thank you so much to IWA for giving me such an amazing opportunity and a special thank you to my wonderful clients and wedding planners, who always support and inspire me.

I also want to extend my sincere appreciation to my amazing team. This award is a testament to what we have accomplished together.

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

Grazie 🤩

Word’s Best Wedding Photographer
Marco Ficili Wedding Photographer
Wedding Photographer

Thanks to International Wedding Awards! This time it’s for Italy 🇮🇹 🥇

Thanks to International Wedding Awards! This time it’s for Italy 🇮🇹 🥇

Our passion is to tell your wedding and make it eternal, through the art of photography. After listening to your needs a...

Our passion is to tell your wedding and make it eternal, through the art of photography.
After listening to your needs and desires, we will return them to you in something that takes your breath away, surprising you.

La nostra passione è raccontare il vostro matrimonio e renderlo eterno, attraverso l’arte della fotografia.
Dopo aver ascoltato i vostri bisogni e i vostri desideri, ve li restituiremo in qualcosa che vi tolga il respiro, sorprendendovi.

Marco Ficili fotografo
Barbra Perotti
Destination Wedding photographer
Fotografo matrimonio
Wedding photographer

Taormina Wedding - Carrie and Scott’s joyous union at Palazzo Duchi di Santo Stefano in Taormina is a perfect blend of l...

Taormina Wedding - Carrie and Scott’s joyous union at Palazzo Duchi di Santo Stefano in Taormina is a perfect blend of love, laughter and Sicilian charm. Captured in a playful black and white moment, their smiles tell a story of love. Their wedding wasn’t just an event; it was a celebration of fun, love and unforgettable memories.

Noto Wedding - In a moment frozen in time, the world stood still for her. Through the car window, her gaze fixed upon th...

Noto Wedding - In a moment frozen in time, the world stood still for her. Through the car window, her gaze fixed upon the Noto Cathedral, a beacon of Sicilian baroque elegance. The bride’s face, framed by anticipation and grace, mirrored the grandeur of the centuries-old cathedral.

Amidst the charming streets of Noto, love’s journey found its crescendo as she approached the altar. Each step closer to forever, every heartbeat in sync with the history surrounding her.

Noto Cathedral, a silent witness to countless love stories, welcomed hers with open arms. A testament to the fusion of love, history, and timeless elegance.

Villa Mon Repos, Taormina - Wedding day- In silence, in front of Villa Mon Repos’ window, time stood still. Chad and Kri...

Villa Mon Repos, Taormina - Wedding day- In silence, in front of Villa Mon Repos’ window, time stood still. Chad and Kristin love’s beauty framed by Taormina’s majestic architecture. Kristin’s gaze, delicate and brimming with emotions, embraces the horizon as she prepares for the most special day of her life. The dress, timeless elegance, reflects the purity of this unique moment. It’s here, amidst walls steeped in history, that the tale of an eternal love came to life.

A lovely wedding day in Taormina with Carrie & Scott. It was amazing! Love and fun at the same time for everyone involve...

A lovely wedding day in Taormina with Carrie & Scott. It was amazing! Love and fun at the same time for everyone involved. It was an amazing day, full of dancing and music all over the little town of Taormina will be treasured forever✨

There are special places where an incredible view is all that is needed ✨Celebrating love and happiness at Nicholas&Jess...

There are special places where an incredible view is all that is needed ✨Celebrating love and happiness at Nicholas&Jessica’s wedding in Taormina was magical!

Two unforgettable days filled with love and beauty. Nicholas&Jessica’s wedding was amazing! It was celebrated in one of ...

Two unforgettable days filled with love and beauty. Nicholas&Jessica’s wedding was amazing! It was celebrated in one of the most ancient churches of Taormina, in Sicily, overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. They had the most spectacular Big Day in this enchanted corner of the world ✨

The most beautiful day of Jessica & Nicholas was celebrated in the lovely church of St. Joseph in Taormina. A tiny, litt...

The most beautiful day of Jessica & Nicholas was celebrated in the lovely church of St. Joseph in Taormina. A tiny, little church that welcomed the happy couple. The perfect frame of a romantic pose✨

Elopement in the most romantic place … Taormina in Sicily! Chau & Jacky‘s wedding was amazing. It was just for the two o...

Elopement in the most romantic place … Taormina in Sicily! Chau & Jacky‘s wedding was amazing. It was just for the two of them ✨

The elopement is always very romantic and when it’s celebrated in Sicily, you will find yourself living in a fairy tale ...

The elopement is always very romantic and when it’s celebrated in Sicily, you will find yourself living in a fairy tale on your most beautiful day✨

Sunny day and a romantic location can be the perfect match for a beautiful wedding day✨

Sunny day and a romantic location can be the perfect match for a beautiful wedding day✨

Let’s party!! This is what happened at Hannah&Zachary‘s wedding! It was romantic and crazy at the same time. It was a gr...

Let’s party!! This is what happened at Hannah&Zachary‘s wedding! It was romantic and crazy at the same time. It was a great destination wedding in Taormina ✨

Let’s go for a ride with Dior Vespa! Hannah & Zachary had so much fun, their wedding party in Taormina was amazing✨

Let’s go for a ride with Dior Vespa! Hannah & Zachary had so much fun, their wedding party in Taormina was amazing✨

The most incredible, crazy and happy wedding? In Taormina! by the walls of the antique Greek theater, overlooking the se...

The most incredible, crazy and happy wedding? In Taormina! by the walls of the antique Greek theater, overlooking the sea and the volcano Etna, Hannah & Zachary tied the knot ✨

Spring is the perfect time for weddings. Especially in Taormina it’s magic and Jessica&Nicholas know it well ✨

Spring is the perfect time for weddings. Especially in Taormina it’s magic and Jessica&Nicholas know it well ✨

A Summer afternoon in Sicily is the perfect time for romantic elopement weddings ✨

A Summer afternoon in Sicily is the perfect time for romantic elopement weddings ✨

There should always be that truly amazing romantic wedding picture that says it all ☺️💒

There should always be that truly amazing romantic wedding picture that says it all ☺️💒

Weddings 💒 are made of so many different moments 🤩One of the most romantic ones is when they’re just the two of them. Es...

Weddings 💒 are made of so many different moments 🤩One of the most romantic ones is when they’re just the two of them. Especially, if it’s a gorgeous summer day ☺️

Elegance and romanticism 💖 are the perfect combination for an amazing destination wedding 💒

Elegance and romanticism 💖 are the perfect combination for an amazing destination wedding 💒

There are so many hidden and romantic places in Sicily 💖 that you wouldn’t believe 😉 Around every corner you may find a ...

There are so many hidden and romantic places in Sicily 💖 that you wouldn’t believe 😉 Around every corner you may find a lovely surprise 🤩

Walking together hand in hand is a simple gesture that means a lot 😍 it’s love and tenderness and much more ❤️ and a pic...

Walking together hand in hand is a simple gesture that means a lot 😍 it’s love and tenderness and much more ❤️ and a picture of a couple walking in a blooming, beautiful garden will treasure it forever 😉

This is one of the most incredible viewpoints in Taormina😎 Amazing weddings can’t do without it! 😊

This is one of the most incredible viewpoints in Taormina😎 Amazing weddings can’t do without it! 😊

Happiness 🤩 is what makes a wedding day unforgettable 🥳That’s why pictures are so important. You will treasure your memo...

Happiness 🤩 is what makes a wedding day unforgettable 🥳
That’s why pictures are so important. You will treasure your memories for ever, thanks to those beautiful images 😉

Sunny summer Wedding Day 🌞 Getting married in Taormina is always beautiful and romantic 💘 You’ll treasure those pictures...

Sunny summer Wedding Day 🌞 Getting married in Taormina is always beautiful and romantic 💘 You’ll treasure those pictures among the best memories forever 🤩


Via Grotte Bianche, 150

Orario di apertura

Lunedì 10:00 - 18:30
Martedì 10:00 - 18:30
Mercoledì 10:00 - 18:30
Giovedì 10:00 - 18:30
Venerdì 10:00 - 18:30




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