Dear Friends,
Today we would like to share with you another extract from the concert of the High School Orchestra held in Florence last February: “Ave Maria” by Astor Piazzolla🇦🇷🇮🇹
During these days which can be stressful, let us stop to take time to appreciate such "little" things in life and to give thanks for the big ones.
We keep you all in our hearts! 💖
florenceyouthfestival #festivalorchestregiovanili #firenze classicalmusic #youngtalents #princetonhighschoolorchestra #unicef #cello #violin #musiclovers #concert #stayathome #covid19 #andràtuttobene 💪💪💪
dear friends, we would like to share with you another piece performed by the Princeton High School Orchestra, the "Cantique de Jean Racine” wrote by Gabriel Faure’ in 1865, when he was only nineteen years old.
He once said: "For me, art, and especially music, exist to elevate us as far as possible above everyday existence”, may music keep our hearts lifted up during these “strange”days. 🎶🎶🎶🦠🤛💪
#florenceyouthfestival #festivalorchestregiovanili #florence #piazzadellasignoria #loggiadeilanzi #stayathome #covid19 #musiclovers #classicalmusic #classicalconcert #cello #violin #youngmusicians #youngtalents
Princeton High School Orchestra i“Ode to the Yellow River” by Xian Xinghai.
Erthu: Michaela Guo
Conductor: Robert Loughran
#florenceyouthfestival #festivalorchestregiovanili #florence #piazzadellasignoria #florenceyouthfestival2020 #classicalmusicians #classicalmusic #violinplayer #celloplayer #Princetonhighschoolorchestra #unicef
....some special moments of the Princeton High School Orchestra performing in Florence last 9th February during its Italy tour 2020.
Here the Concertino For Flute and Orchestra by “the little Mozart” as George Bizet used to call the french composer ✍️Cécile Chaminade. 🎻🎻🎻👏
Flute: Abrielle Scott 👏👏👏
#florenceyouthfestival #florenceyouthfestival2020 #festivalorchestregiovanili #florence #classicalconcert #classicalmusicians #violin #flute #unicef #princetonhighschool #newjersey
Amazing success of the Handel's Messiah last Sunday at the Sheldonian theater in Oxford👏👏👏
Great performance by the Japanese Handel Festival Choir and the British Verdandi Camerata directed by Hideyuki Tsuji and excellent interpretation of the soloists:
Soprano: Naomi Satake
Alto: Louise Innes
Tenor: Hirohisa Tsuji
Baritone: Adam Green
Thanks to them all🙏 and a special thanks to Helen Mansfield College who enabled the collaboration with Asylum Welcome, in aid of whom this concert raised £ 1520.
after composing The "Messiah" in just 24 days Handel wrote:
"I should be sorry if I only entertained them. I wish to make them better." who knows...he certainly let the soul raise...
Thanks Handel!🙏
#florenceyouthfestival #theinternationalmusicexchange #asylumwelcomeoxfordshire #oxforduniversity #charityconcert #Handelfestivalchoir #verdandicamerata #concert #sheldoniantheater #handelmessiah #accademiasanfeliceltd #festivalorchestregiovanili
Intense rehearsal day at the Sheldonian has just gone...
an electrifing atmosphere, an overflowing enthusiasm ...prelude of a great performance 🤩🤩🤩we can’t wait 😊!
Last 😢 concert of the Princeton High School Orchestra today in Rome.
Thank you for the special moments you have given to us, thank you for your passion and for your social commitment.
God Bless You!!
#Florence youth festival
Princeton High School Orchestra
Un piccolo assaggio del Concertino per flauto op 107 della compositrice francese Cécile Louise Stéphanie Chaminade🤩
Flauto solista: Abrielle Scott👍👍
Dirige il Maestro Robert Loughran
📢📢📢ultimo appuntamento con la Princeton High School Orchestra, alle ore 16.30 nella splendida cornice di Sant’Agnese in Agone a Roma. 🎶🎶🎶🎶
The Princeton High School Orchestra definitely pulled a crowd in San Gaetano in Florence 👏👏👏
Florence Youth Festival
Florence Youth Festival 2017, an exciting festival!
Rai 3 TGR Toscana_FOG 2016
Ecco un piccolo estratto del Tgr Rai Toscana sul Festival!
Here's a little extract of Tgr Rai Toscana on the Festival!
Cork Youth Orchestra see you tonight!