Fontecchio International

Fontecchio International We are a space of international discourse, cultural promiscuity, and creative experimentation. A volte decidono di restare per sempre.

F o n t e c c h i o I n t e r n a t i o n a l
A i r p o r t

(scroll down for English)
. . uno spazio di incontro - un luogo che conosce il potere fertile di incontri spontanei imprevisti tra persone le cui strade si sono incrociate e da cui nascono nuove relazioni. Qui celebriamo il principio della biodiversità, riconoscendo che le nuove scoperte, la forza e la resilienza sono tutte rese

più grandi dall'intreccio di relazioni diverse, grandi e piccole. Il nostro studio ospita artisti internazionali e lavora anche con il comune locale e i proprietari di proprietà di Fontecchio per facilitare ulteriori alloggi e spazi di lavoro per attirare ancora più artisti e lavoratori creativi sia dall'Italia che dall'estero. Come in qualsiasi aeroporto, i nostri viaggiatori atterrano, trascorrono del tempo e poi volano via. Tuttavia, il nostro lavoro più profondo è assicurarci che le loro esperienze siano personali e vivificanti. Cerchiamo modi per invitare i nuovi arrivati in incontri con i residenti locali, con la condivisione di cibi e bevande, di musica e canto, di mostre, spettacoli vari, e discussioni stimolanti, e anche attraverso l'impegno del bellissimo territorio della Valle dell'Aterno. In questo confronto dinamico, “arte” e “cultura” non sono oggetti da osservare, o mero intrattenimento, ma sono il mezzo attraverso il quale invochiamo la danza delle relazioni, per diventare più interconnessi tra loro, più forti nel nostro tessuto sociale locale e internazionale. È attraverso questa strategia culturale di costruzione di relazioni che ci sforziamo di aiutare a ripopolare il bellissimo borgo di Fontecchio. PER PROGRAMMARE UNA VISITA IN STUDIO contatta Todd Thomas Brown


F o n t e c c h i o I n t e r n a t i o n a l
A i r p o r t

. . . a space of encounter - one that knows the fertile power of unexpected spontaneous encounters between people whose paths have crossed and from which new relationships are born. Here we celebrate the principle of biodiversity, recognizing that new discoveries, strength and resilience are all made greater by the intertwining of different relationships, large and small. The ‘Airport’ hosts international artists and works with the local municipality and the Fontecchio property owners to facilitate affordable housing and workspace so as to attract even more artists and creative workers from both Italy and abroad. It is a social cultural experiment to assist in the re-population of this beautiful medieval village located in the mountains of Abruzzo. TO SCHEDULE A VISIT, contact Todd Thomas Brown or Patryk Kalinski


The Balcony Apartment1-bedroom sublet (1-3 month). 1 bedroom fully furnished artist apartment in the newly renovated 18t...

The Balcony Apartment
1-bedroom sublet (1-3 month).

1 bedroom fully furnished artist apartment in the newly renovated 18th century Palazzo Galli. This apartment has vaulted ceilings throughout, a balcony off the bedroom, and a large interior shared courtyard. Consists of three rooms; bedroom with a queen bed and full bathroom, a living room, and a fully equipped kitchen. In the courtyard, just outside the kitchen door, there is an additional outdoor dinning area protected by a vaulted ceiling overhead.

The availability of this apartment is variable as it depends on whether or not formal artist residencies are in process. To inquire about availability, send an email to [email protected]

The Balcony Apartment1-bedroom sublet, available on a 1-3 month basis. 1 bedroom fully furnished artist apartment in the newly renovated 18th century Palazzo Galli. This apartment has vaulted ceilings throughout, a balcony off the bedroom, and a large interior shared courtyard. Consists of three roo...

Anyone know where this photo was taken??

Anyone know where this photo was taken??


Somewhere it must have been said...

Individuals are incapable of creating change.

Be they an individual person or a microbe,
on their own,
not much happens.

Then there's the story of 2 hydrogens that walked into a bar
on a Friday night...
which happened to be the night that oxygen always attended.

Naturally, they hooked up.
The rest of the story is water under the bridge.

moral of the story: relationship is everything.

relationships, literally, construct what we call "reality".

So make some love 💞

getting ready for this... slowly uploading more content to my fb artist page over the next week. drop a word in the comm...

getting ready for this...
slowly uploading more content to my fb artist page over the next week.
drop a word in the comments if you want to tune in 🌱

A rare new study finds that physical and emotional fatigue might possibly be linked to the hyper individualization effec...

A rare new study finds that physical and emotional fatigue might possibly be linked to the hyper individualization effect of capitalism and it’s degeneration of intrinsic human worth in favor of an assumed commitment to the notion that the majority of a person’s living hours be dedicated to monotonous and mechanistic labor for the purpose of sustaining basic living conditions (health care not necessarily included) and the purchase of disposable items that contaminate local and global economies. Further studies suggest that this fatigue might also slightly increase in a context of global events and national elections that hint at the potential collapse of human civilization.

These studies are, of course, very speculative and should be considered with a cautious eye, especially since there exists already a vast repository of literature suggesting that your feelings are simply your own fault. One must be discerning...


Getting older
you wake up...
ten years have passed
or more
and where?

And little makes sense anymore
but one thing


Somehow, music
keeps making sense

it keeps making and making
and breathing

like a spiritual cockroach
the killers of spirit can't kill it

And so, when all seems lost...
there it is,

- Sending a deep thanks of gratitude to all musicians out there, whatever stage you are at... for making daily bread for us. We keep going, being reborn with the songs we dance to behind the curtains at night.

"Spinning Napoli"i was just thinking about this piece that I painted in Naples some years back... it's a big one (210 x ...

"Spinning Napoli"
i was just thinking about this piece that I painted in Naples some years back... it's a big one (210 x 280 cm | 82.5 x 110.2 inches), comprised of nine smaller panels.
It's still in search of it's future owner! 💙

È stato un dono insolito e sorprendente trovarmi nella posizione di poter ospitare persone vicine e lontane in una casa ...

È stato un dono insolito e sorprendente trovarmi nella posizione di poter ospitare persone vicine e lontane in una casa così bella. A volte sono artisti, provenienti dal Venezuela, dall'Irlanda, dall'India, dalla Repubblica Democratica del Congo, dalla Spagna e dagli Stati Uniti, altre volte sono semplici viaggiatori, più spesso coppie romantiche che esplorano l'interno montuoso e remoto dell'Abruzzo. Mandatemi un messaggio se vuoi saperne di più. Questa è una cosa nuova, appena decollata, una nuova direzione per quello che ho chiamato "The Fontecchio International Airport", un piccolo hub di incroci inaspettati tra persone dalla mentalità creativa. Se hai amici che vogliono visitare, fammi sapere...
Buone feste! 💫🌈💞

“It was art, frankly, that helped me untangle these stories”- Hala Alyan

“It was art, frankly, that helped me untangle these stories”

- Hala Alyan

Writer Hala Alyan unpacks our responsibility to examine the narratives we’ve been exposed to with a critical lens.

only 52 people have seen 5 yearsTom Sway... a live recording in a boat or a car, i don't know which(he used to...

only 52 people have seen this...
in 5 years
Tom Sway... a live recording in a boat or a car, i don't know which
(he used to sail himself out to the middle of the San FranciscoBay where no one could hear him
and it's amazing...

Pop song


Via Villadonica 39


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