Keep International

Keep International Professional Congress Consultant and Organizer Segreteria organizzativa di Associazioni Scientifiche.

Keep International nasce nel 1992 con lo scopo di offrire soluzioni organizzative e finanziarie globali che rispondano con attenzione alle esigenze del cliente. Innovazione personalizzazione nel rispetto di tradizioni e consuetudini dei diversi settori. Gestione globale di congressi scientifici, webinar, eventi corporate e incentive, workshops, conferenze, corsi nazionali e internazionali. Trenten

nale esperienza organizzativa al servizio di eventi unici, che coinvolgono professionalità, arte, spettacolo e il mondo del food. Keep International è inoltre Provider ECM e dispone di una piattaforma FAD dedicata.

Fun and creativity are the secret ingredients to achieving greatness! 🌟Work isn’t just about meeting deadlines, it’s abo...

Fun and creativity are the secret ingredients to achieving greatness! 🌟

Work isn’t just about meeting deadlines, it’s about sparking ideas, unleashing imagination, and finding joy in the process. When a team feels free to think outside the box and have fun while working, innovation flows, connections deepen, and extraordinary results become possible.

✨ Here’s how we embrace fun and creativity every day:
🌈 Encouraging Bold Ideas: No idea is too big or too small—every creative spark matters.
🤝 Fostering a Playful Culture: Collaboration thrives when teams feel energized and inspired.
🎨 Celebrating Uniqueness: We value diverse perspectives that bring fresh energy to our projects.
🚀 Turning Work into Play: Challenges become opportunities when approached with enthusiasm and a touch of fun.

When people enjoy what they do, they unlock their full potential, driving not just success but truly exceptional results. 💪✨

Let’s keep pushing boundaries, having fun, and creating magic together! 🌐

We wish you a peaceful Christmas🎄 and a gorgeous 2025💫May the new year be filled withK eenness, to face new challenges 💪...

We wish you a peaceful Christmas🎄 and a gorgeous 2025💫

May the new year be filled with
K eenness, to face new challenges 💪🏻
E xcellence, to achieve great milestones 💎
E mpathy, to build meaningful relationships 👫🏻
P assion, to live every moment with enthusiasm 🙌🏻


 Today, December 20th, we celebrate the International Human Solidarity Day, established by the United Nations to foster ...

Today, December 20th, we celebrate the International Human Solidarity Day, established by the United Nations to foster a spirit of solidarity among peoples and encourage joint efforts to address global challenges.

This day reminds us of the importance of working together to build a better world. In the workplace, in particular, solidarity means:
1️⃣ Collaboration with colleagues, to achieve common goals
2️⃣ Empathy and supporting each other with a mutual understanding of each other’s needs and challenges
3️⃣ Sharing of resources, knowledge, and experiences for the common good.
4️⃣ Social responsibility, being committed to doing one’s own part to improve society.

☞ By fostering a sense of solidarity, we can create a more positive and productive work environment.
☞ By embracing diversity, we can learn from each other and drive innovation.
☞ By celebrating cultural differences and fostering a sense of belonging, we can build a more inclusive and harmonious team... A culturally inclusive workplace is a place where everyone feels valued and respected.
☞ By fostering mentorship programs and encouraging open dialogue, we can create a more collaborative and supportive environment for all. 

For all these reasons and even more...
💪🏻 Let’s celebrate the unique perspectives and experiences that each generation brings to the table. 
💪🏻 Let’s break down barriers and embrace the richness of our diverse backgrounds.
💪🏻 Let’s commit to being more empathetic, supportive, and united. 

👫🏻Together, we can make a difference👩🏼‍🤝‍👩🏻

📣Let’s Stand Up for What’s Right‼️“No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his backgro...

📣Let’s Stand Up for What’s Right‼️

“No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite” (Nelson Mandela)
.. which means that it is more likely that every heart❤️ would love more rather than its opposite.

We should think of it every day and especially today, December 10th, the Human Rights Day, established in 1948 to commemorate the adoption of the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights”, one of the most universal documents which states that “Everyone is entitled to all rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, s*x, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust territory, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.”
[excerpt from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights]

Please, take a moment to stop and reflect with us on the importance of human rights and their impact on our workplaces: everyone has the right to go to work without fear of being demeaned or put into an awkward position, everyone deserves to work in a respectful and inclusive environment. 

At Keep International - 1992 we make efforts to fight for human rights and support diversity and inclusion culture because we truly believe that it’s crucial to give our contribute to create a more just and equitable world. 

Give your contribute too!
Start today. Tomorrow is already late.

📣COMING SOON‼️Preparatevi ad immergervi nel mondo dell’ortopedia più innovativo. 🗓30 novembre - 1 dicembre 2024📍Universi...


Preparatevi ad immergervi nel mondo dell’ortopedia più innovativo.

🗓30 novembre - 1 dicembre 2024
📍Università degli Studi di Brescia - Facoltà di Medicina - AULA MAGNA
🩺Presidente: Giuseppe Milano

Il congresso esplorerà le ultime ricerche e le più recenti tecniche chirurgiche: un viaggio affascinante alla scoperta delle ultime novità nel campo della chirurgia ortopedica.
Da studi approfonditi sull’osteoartrosi a soluzioni innovative per le protesi, il congresso coprirà un ampio spettro di argomenti, non mancheranno sessioni dedicate a:
☞ Biomeccanica
☞ Terapie infiltrative
☞ Protesi d’anca e ginocchio
☞ Chirurgia mini-invasiva
☞ Ruolo dell’intelligenza artificiale nella chirurgia
☞ Più recenti tecniche di ricostruzione articolare
☞ Trattamenti innovativi per le lesioni sportive.. e molto altro!

➡️ Per maggiori INFO visitate il sito Keep International - 1992


‼️SUPPORT ONE, ELEVATE ALL‼️Today is International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.We stand in solidar...

Today is International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.
We stand in solidarity with all women who have experienced violence.
As women ourselves, we know pretty well that violence can take many forms, including physical violence, s*xual violence, emotional abuse, and – last but least – economic exploitation. 
As women ourselves, we also know that violence affects women of all ages, races, religions, and socioeconomic backgrounds and has devastating consequences for women, their families, and their communities.
Today we firmly say STOP to this vicious circle and we call out loudly for a CHANGE in attitudes and behaviors that perpetuate violence against women.

We believe that the key is to EMPOWER women in order to create a world where women are safe, respected, and have equal opportunities.
As an all-female agency, at Keep International - 1992 we are committed to supporting women in the workplace as we believe that ECONOMIC INDEPENDENCE is essential for women to break free from abusive relationships.
We all have a role to play in ending violence against women. Let’s work together to create a world where all women are free from violence:
1️⃣Educate yourself about violence against women.
2️⃣Talk to your friends and family about violence against women.
3️⃣Support organizations that are working to end violence against women.
4️⃣Intervene if you see someone being abused.
5️⃣Report violence against women to the police.




🗓️ 22 novembre 2024
📍 ASST Gaetano Pini-CTO - Aula Magna - Via G. Pini, 9 Milano
🩺 Presidente: Filippo Randelli
🩺 Presidente Onorario: PIETRO S. RANDELLI

La chirurgia protesica dell’anca ha una storia infinita costellata di grandi successi e tragiche sconfitte e, inoltre, da continui ricorsi a tecnologie, di volta in volta aggiornate, che si ripresentano con nuove aspettative ma non di rado gli stessi pessimi risultati.
Oggi qualsiasi novità viene quindi doverosamente vagliata con gli occhi di chi è stato scottato da decisioni, forse avventate, del passato. Abbiamo identificato tre tecnologie, che negli ultimi anni hanno visto aumentare il loro utilizzo e, insieme, i loro detrattori.
La doppia mobilità è l’accoppiamento in più rapida ascesa. Un tempo riservata, almeno alle nostre latitudini, solo a pazienti anziani o con alto rischio di lussazione, oggi viene da taluni utilizzata anche in pazienti giovani. Non tutti sono d’accordo, ovviamente. È il primo argomento del meeting.
L’uso di collari negli steli non cementati è un retaggio del passato. Nuovi studi lodano i vantaggi di avere un collare. La maggior parte dei chirurghi però non lo utilizzano. Perché? Non fiducia nei dati della letteratura, anche recente? Abitudine, esperienza personale? Lo scopriremo.
La “nuova” robotica è cresciuta in sordina negli ultimi 15 anni ed oggi ha una grande diffusione clinica e mediatica. In passato, negli anni Novanta, già venivano utilizzati robot in ortopedia, sfortunatamente la tecnologia era agli albori e, dopo alcune tragedie, sono stati momentaneamente accantonati. Alcune domande rimangono: sono veramente precisi? Servono? I tempi? I costi?
Un piccolo incluso sarà poi l’utilizzo dell’ortobiologia low cost, il collagene, in ortopedia ed in patologia dell’anca.
Insomma, sviscereremo i vari aspetti di quello che oggi sembra proprio il futuro.
Ma del futuro, si sa, non v’è certezza.

Vi aspettiamo agguerriti e numerosi!

➡️ Per maggiori INFO visitate il sito KEEPINTERNATIONAL (link in bio)

World Kindness Day 🟰 Spreading Kindness in the WorkplaceToday, November 13th, is World Kindness Day! ✨ This special day,...

World Kindness Day 🟰 Spreading Kindness in the Workplace

Today, November 13th, is World Kindness Day! ✨ 
This special day, celebrated since 1998, reminds us of the power of small acts of kindness...  Let’s bring this spirit into our workplaces!

A kind word, a helping hand, or simply a smile can make a big difference in someone’s day. By fostering a culture of kindness at work, we can create a more positive and productive environment for everyone.

What small act of kindness have you either experienced or performed at work recently? Tell us in comment!

📣COMING SOON‼️ Congresso Nazionale A.I.P. 2024 “Fratture della Pelvi e dell’Acetabolo - Principi di Trattamento”🗓15-16 n...


Congresso Nazionale A.I.P. 2024 “Fratture della Pelvi e dell’Acetabolo - Principi di Trattamento”

🗓15-16 novembre 2024
📍IRCCS Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli - Bologna
🩺 Presidenti: Federico Santolini e Marco Stella

L’edizione 2024 del percorso formativo proposto da AIP ci porta a Genova per un corso sui principi di trattamento delle fratture della Pelvi e dell’Acetabolo.
Tale iniziativa nasce per rispondere alle esigenze di quei chirurghi interessati e già coinvolti nella gestione dei pazienti con fratture di bacino, ma alle prime armi e desiderosi di intraprendere uno specifico percorso di crescita.
Il corso permetterà ai partecipanti di acquisire le basi per affrontare questa complessa ma altresì affascinante branca della chirurgia del trauma, partendo dalla valutazione clinico-diagnostica fino ad arrivare alle diverse opzioni di trattamento.
I discenti verranno accompagnati in questo percorso da una faculty composta dai più rinomati esperti nazionali di questa chirurgia, arricchita da ospiti internazionali.
Oltre a lezioni e workshops pratici, il corso presenterà numerose sessioni interattive con la discussione di casi clinici e la possibilità di condivisione informale di esperienze cliniche con i maggiori esperti in questo campo.

Produced by:
NICOLETTA ZERBI || Valentina Gottlieb || Serena Bassi || Chiara Stradiotti || Cinzia Panara

Building TRUST is the foundation of a strong team.Trust is the invisible glue that binds teams together, fostering colla...

Building TRUST is the foundation of a strong team.

Trust is the invisible glue that binds teams together, fostering collaboration, innovation, and overall success. Without trust, teams struggle with communication, motivation, and productivity. 

Few TopTips to build trust within a team:
📌Honesty and transparency: Be open and honest with your team members, and communicate openly and transparently.
📌Respect and empathy: Treat others with respect and empathy, and actively listen to their perspectives.
📌Reliability and dependability: Be reliable and dependable, and follow through on your commitments.
📌Vulnerability: Show vulnerability by admitting your mistakes and seeking help when needed.
📌Celebrate successes: Recognize and celebrate your team’s achievements, both individual and collective. 

When trust is built, anything is possible 🏆


🙌🏻Happy World Listening Day‼️At Keep International - 1992 we believe that listening is essential for success.That’s why ...

🙌🏻Happy World Listening Day‼️

At Keep International - 1992 we believe that listening is essential for success.
That’s why we proactively listen to our clients, our partners, our employees. Which means that we effectively listen to understand their deepest needs, their most arduous challenges, their highest aspirations.

We believe that by listening, we can learn and grow, we can build stronger relationships and we can create better solutions.

On this World Listening Day, we encourage everyone to practice the true art of “ACTIVE LISTENING”:
✅Give the speaker your full attention.
✅Make eye contact.
✅Avoid distractions.
✅Ask clarifying questions.
✅Summarize what you have heard.
✅Be respectful of the speaker’s point of view.

Listening is a powerful tool that can help us to connect with others, learn new things, and make a difference in the world.

Today let’s all make a commitment to listen more and talk less.

👭 👫 👬 Collective Problem Solving = Unleashing the Team’s Potential 🚀 In today’s complex and rapidly changing business en...

👭 👫 👬 Collective Problem Solving = Unleashing the Team’s Potential 🚀

In today’s complex and rapidly changing business environment, the ability to effectively solve problems is more critical than ever. While individual brilliance can contribute to finding solutions, it’s the collective intelligence of a team that truly sets businesses apart.

Why is collaborative problem-solving so powerful?
☞ Diverse perspectives: A team brings together a variety of viewpoints, leading to more creative and comprehensive solutions.
☞ Shared understanding: Collaborative problem-solving fosters a deeper understanding of the issue at hand, enhancing buy-in and commitment.
☞ Enhanced innovation: Working together can spark new ideas and lead to innovative solutions.
☞ Improved decision-making: By considering multiple perspectives, teams can make more informed and robust decisions.

Together, we can solve any puzzle. Let’s face challenges together!


The Power of Diversity: The True Engine of Team Innovation.A winning team is a diverse team.Diversity isn’t just a value...

The Power of Diversity: The True Engine of Team Innovation.

A winning team is a diverse team.
Diversity isn’t just a value to promote; it’s a strategic lever for organizational success. 
A heterogeneous team, composed of individuals with diverse backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives, is capable of generating more innovative ideas, solving problems more creatively, and adapting better to change.

Why is diversity so important?
1️⃣ Broadening perspectives: Different experiences and viewpoints lead to a deeper understanding of problems and opportunities.
2️⃣ Increasing creativity: The meeting of different minds stimulates creativity and innovation.
3️⃣ Better problem-solving: Diverse teams are better at finding original solutions and managing complex situations.
4️⃣ Greater adaptability: A heterogeneous team is more flexible and able to adapt quickly to market changes.

A puzzle is more beautiful when all the pieces are different.  


Ever felt like you were talking in circles? Effective communication is more than just words. It’s the foundation of a st...

Ever felt like you were talking in circles?
Effective communication is more than just words.
It’s the foundation of a strong team.
It’s about understanding, connecting, and growing together.
It’s key to a successful team: active listening, clear feedback, and choosing the right channels can make all the difference.
Let’s build stronger connections together!

🥳Happy World Food Day🥙🌍Today is the International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste.Food waste is a major problem ...

🥳Happy World Food Day🥙🌍
Today is the International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste.
Food waste is a major problem that has a significant impact on the environment and the economy: according to the United Nations FAO, one-third of all food produced for human consumption is lost or wasted every year.
At Keep International - 1992, we are committed to reducing food waste at our events. We strongly believe that it is our responsibility to do our part to address this global issue.
That’s why we always focus on how we can fight food waste in our activities, such as the events we organize:
☞ We work with our catering partners to develop sustainable menus
☞ We educate our attendees about the importance of food waste reduction
☞ We invite our clients to donate excess food to local food banks, such as equoevento onlus
We believe that everyone has a role to play in reducing food waste.
By taking small steps, we can make a big difference.
How would you suggest to reduce food waste at our events?
Tell us in comments!

Valentina Gottlieb || NICOLETTA ZERBI || Chiara Stradiotti || Serena Bassi || Cinzia Panara
World Food Programme || Too Good To Go || Banco Alimentare della Lombardia

🙌🏻Happy World Dream Day🥳At Keep International - 1992 we strongly believe in the power of dreams: everyone has the potent...

🙌🏻Happy World Dream Day🥳

At Keep International - 1992 we strongly believe in the power of dreams: everyone has the potential to achieve great things, no matter how big or small their dreams may seem.

It’s important to never give up on your dreams, no matter how many challenges you face.
That’s why we encourage our team to dream big and to never stop chasing their dreams.

How do we encourage our team to dream big?
☞ We provide opportunities for them to learn and grow.
☞ We give them the resources they need to succeed.
☞ We create a supportive environment where they feel comfortable taking risks.
☞ We celebrate their successes.
☞ We believe that everyone deserves to have their dreams come true.

On this World Dream Day, we not only encourage our team, but EVERYONE to dream big and to NEVER GIVE UP on their DREAMS‼️

Together, we achieve more. By working together towards a common goal, we can overcome any challenge. At Keep our core va...

Together, we achieve more.
By working together towards a common goal, we can overcome any challenge.
At Keep our core value is collaboration: by working together, we create a positive and supportive environment where everyone can thrive. We are more than just colleagues and our team is built on trust, respect, and mutual support.

Incessant Innovation: the Driving Force Behind Excellence.Sir Henry Royce, the visionary co-founder of Rolls-Royce, capt...

Incessant Innovation: the Driving Force Behind Excellence.

Sir Henry Royce, the visionary co-founder of Rolls-Royce, captured this essence reminding us that that true excellence lies not in complacency but in the relentless pursuit of improvement and innovation.

At KEEP International, we believe that by constantly seeking to refine, enhance, and innovate, we can elevate our craft to new heights, consistently delivering exceptional results for our clients.

“Taking the Best and Making It Better” for us means drawing inspiration from industry trends, successful strategies, and groundbreaking concepts. It's about understanding what works well and identifying opportunities to elevate it further.

“Making the Best Even Better” is not about replicating the past but about building upon it, infusing it with fresh ideas, innovative approaches, and a relentless pursuit of perfection. It's about pushing the boundaries of what's possible and redefining standards of excellence.

“Creating What Doesn't Exist” is a call to challenge conventions, to explore uncharted territories, and to dare to dream beyond the confines of the ordinary. It's about embracing the power of imagination and transforming groundbreaking ideas into reality.

This philosophy of incessant innovation is deeply ingrained in the culture of KEEP International. We encourage our team members to be curious, to challenge assumptions, and to constantly seek out new and better ways of doing things. We provide the environment, resources, and support necessary for our people to unleash their creativity and bring innovative ideas to life.

Together, let's embrace the spirit of innovation, let's take the best that exists and make it better, and let's create what doesn't exist yet, redefining excellence in the world of events and communication.



Orario di apertura

Lunedì 09:00 - 13:00
14:30 - 17:30
Martedì 09:00 - 13:00
14:30 - 17:30
Mercoledì 09:00 - 13:00
14:30 - 17:30
Giovedì 09:00 - 13:00
14:30 - 17:30
Venerdì 09:00 - 13:00
14:30 - 17:30




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