The City of Padova gave its best yesterday evening with the #ICoMST2023 Typical Dinner, held at Piazza della Frutta.
Good food and drink, country music and dances.
ICoMST Community have:
💃danced with typical music and dancers
🍴enojoyed risotto
🍨LOVED ice-cream
🥂spent a typical summer evening in Padova with friends and colleagues
🤩See it with your eyes!
#creatingvalueevents #meatscience #meattechnology #meetingindustry
A few snapshots from yesterday evening at #ICoMST2023 BBQ Dinner! 🥩🍻
As in the tradition of the International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, all participants joined the BBQ Dinner in a beautiful, hot mid-summer evening.
#creatingvalueevents #icomst2023 #meatscience #meattechnology
Congresso Nazionale della Retina 2022
- La "camera nera" di Blanca -
Introducono: R. Lattanzio, E. Midena
Dialogano: Francesco Arlanch, Alessandro Forlani
SIR si apre al mondo culturale dei media televisivi, con uno sguardo attento al presente e focalizzato su un tema che coinvolge il Congresso.
Francesco Arlanch, lo sceneggiatore di Blanca, e il giornalista RAI Alessandro Forlani, ci condurranno nel mondo della fiction televisiva dedicata ad una giovane ma intraprendente ragazza ipovedente, introducendoci a tutto ciò che ha comportato preparare questo ardito progetto e aprirci a questa realtà.
#eventichecreanovalore #Blanca #SIR #congressonazionaledellaretina
Last day of #ESSCIRC #ESSDERC Virtual #Conference 2021.
Yesterday was the last day of #ESSCIRC #ESSDERC Virtual #Conference 2021.
After two years in the making, hard work and forced rescheduling, #virtualevents and hybrid Conference, our journey for ESSCIRC-ESSDERC 2020 and 2021 alongside CEA-Leti and STMicroelectronics has come to an end.
We would like to thank every single person of the ESSCIRC and ESSDERC #Community for making it a vibrant group of #professionals and #researchers.
We look forward to see you at ESSDERC ESSCIRC 2022 in #Milano!
Here's to new adventures!
- Marisa Sartori
#eventichecreanovaolre #creatingvalueevnts #PCO #MICEindustry #hybridevents #meetingindustry #semiconductor #devices #digitaltransformation #industry40 #stmicroelectronics #Grenoble #innovation #technology #CEAleti
International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
With its 100% female team, Sistema Congressi supports the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.
Gender-based violence can be expressed in many ways. It can be physical, but it also impacts self-confidence, economic self-sufficiency, and access to the job. It is an often invisible threat but it affects all of us: all women should be free to express themselves at any level.
We encourage all women and men to fight against violence and discrimination all year round!
If you need help, call the Italian HELP LINE 1522
#IDEVAW #orangetheworld #generationequality #16days #womanempowerment
🙋🏻♀️Quando il team torna in ufficio dal ponte senza mettersi d’accordo, ma rimanendo in sintonia!
ASK-ISA è la tua assistente virtuale per la gestione e consulenza per eventi #virtuali #digitali #online
Puoi leggere le sue #CaseHistories su
#teamwork #AskIsa #eventindustry #virtualevents #virtualeventsmanager #womenpower
Ask-Isa Messages
🎀There are some things you can only experience during #virtualevents.
🌍Remove barriers to human connection, and effectively be in two places at the same time!
💁♀️Just Ask Isa, Sistema Congressi’s Interactive System Assistant, who will answer you rapidly for any emergency. She will have everything organised for you, for both virtual and #hybridevents.
Visit site to know more about our Events Case Histories.
#eventoibrido #hybridevents
Congresso SIR – Società Italiana della #retina
Che esperienza!!
Leggi la case history completa su
#askisa #isatruestories #eventilive #eventidigitali #veniceevents #eventivenezia #eventmanagement #projectmanagement
Si chiude sulle note della big band MuSa - Musica Sapienza Jazz nella splendida Aula Magna dell'università Sapienza Università di Roma la prima giornata di #ISSI19 17th International Conference on Scientometrics and Informetrics !
... and more is about to come 🤩 Stay tuned 👉