Ginger for Breakfast

Ginger for Breakfast [email protected] Ginger for Breakfast, è un progetto che ruota intorno al cibo, scelto con cura e cucinato per chi cerca la bontà.

Con Ginger potete organizzare il vostro catering privato o aziendale, la vostra lezione di cucina, creare pranzi e cene a domicilio pensati apposta per voi e ancora merende di compleanno per bambini, take away e tutto quello che vi viene in mente. Per maggiori informazioni / [email protected]. Ginger for Breakfast, has been creating tasty food since 2011, it’s

a celebration for the love of cooking, for those who share a passion for eating together. Ginger is a project that revolves around food, locally sourced ingredients are carefully selected with passion and prepared for those that love goodness. Ginger can arrange catering for you or for your company, from cooking lessons at home to creating lunch, dinner, or bit-size snacks, finger foods for children birthdays, or home deliveries and all occasions. More info on / [email protected]


Via Brunelleschi, 29


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