MARK ZITTI E I FRATELLI COLTELLI Swing dal Suono tagliente ma accattivante, una Vocalità calda e versatile, Jazz Passionale e Vigoroso.

The Band

Mark Zitti Voice,
M° Emanuele Filanti Piano, M° Giacomo Dominici Bass,M° Andrea Feliciani Drum, M° Eduardo Maffei Alto Sax, M° Marziali Tenor Sax,
M° Spinozzi Trumpet. Thanks to the presence of Mark Zitti, a singer with an incredibly warm and versatile voice, and all the others members who each gained their diplomas in the greatest conservatories of Italy, their repertoire is dedicated t

o the sounds Swing/Jazz. Just back from successful appearances in the most important location such as DUBAI BOAT SHOW 2012 (Official Band ), ADU BHABI GRAND PRIX 2012-13, CAMPARI TOUR 2012,ARMANI HOTEL DUBAI,HILTON HOTEL DUBAI,MEYDAN BEACH CLUB DUBAI several musical comedies including Renzo and Lucia & Co New Swinging Edition 2007, “Mark Zitti e I Fratelli Coltelli Criminal Records 2008” (, international events like Summer Jamboree Senigallia,Tuttoingioco,Popsophia,Tam Jazz CircuitBiennale internazionale dell’Umorismo,San Severino Blues and important collaborations ( Elio di Elio e Le Storie Tese Cossignano 2005,Saverio Marconi, Marco Baldini ), the band is offering the tribute to the vocal sounds and orchestrations of Italian-American Jive . The Band, about to collaborate with important italian programs such as the Maurizio Costanzo Show and Project Productions Rome Leader, proponses “Le Belle Canzoni di Una Volta” (The Beautiful Songs of “Once Upon a Time): from Vittorio De Sica, Natalino Otto, Nicholas Rabagliati, Fred Buscaglione, Nicholas Arigliano to Renato Carosone,Modugno without forgetting the great international classics of Sinatra, Louis Prima, Dean Martin and Buble'. This performance will not only please aficionados of the genre, but also the non-connoisseurs, thanks to the variety of the repertoire and the familiarity of the numbers, the style and the sounds of the era. ARE TELLING ABOUT US....
A musical “crew” what will energize the most placid and dozy of listeners who had ever came to a gig! Young Lions on (rhythmic) probation, fugitives of the Jive, masters of the Breaking-Swing and lethal soloists available for hire! Swing with a sharp though engaging sound, a warm and versatile vocality, vigorous and passionate Jazz that bubbles forth from an indomitable brass section led by with the impetuosity and cockiness of their youth and, finally, the navigated instrumental mastery of those which are coming from the best music academies of the state. Mark Zitti E I Fratelli Coltelli
+39 / 3483432053
+971 50 3822420

[email protected]

Una ciurma di musicisti che sono una vera e propria minaccia anche per il più placido e sonnolente auditorio a cui abbiate mai partecipato! Giovani Leoni in libertà (ritmica) vigilata, latitanti del Jive, maestri dello scasso Swing e letali Solisti/Killer in cerca di Ingaggio, anche solo per una notte! Swing dal Suono tagliente ma accattivante, una Vocalità calda e versatile, Jazz Passionale e Vigoroso che sprizza dalle fauci di una Indomabile Brass Section con impeto e sfrontatezza tipica di tutti i componenti ed infine una navigata Padronanza strumentale, segno Distintivo di chi proviene dai migliori Conservatori dello stato.


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