Chauffeurs in Sicily

Chauffeurs in Sicily We are a team of chauffeur drivers, tour guides and tour assistants located in Ragusa Ibla, Southeastern Sicily. For booking: [email protected]

Private tours of Sicily with personal driver,car, van or minibus 20 pax.

... ed ecco il mio nuovo articolo del Blog

... ed ecco il mio nuovo articolo del Blog

Nel mondo del vino, il termine francese “terroir” racchiude un concetto complesso e affascinante, che va ben oltre la semplice indicazione geografica.Esso rappresenta l’insieme di fattori ambientali, climatici e umani che concorrono a plasmare l’identità unica e irripetibile di un vino.Il t...


Questa sera festa medievale a Giarratana. Per chi non vuole guidare, gustando un buon bicchiere di vino e cercare parcheggio, il nostro pulmino é disponibile on partenza alle 18:00 da Marina di Ragusa e alle 18:30 da Ragusa. Prenotazioni tramite WhatsApp al 3476708101

Tour dei sapori antichi a Giarratana. Visitiamo l'antico borgo capitale della Cipolla. A bordo dei nostri pulmini guidat...

Tour dei sapori antichi a Giarratana. Visitiamo l'antico borgo capitale della Cipolla. A bordo dei nostri pulmini guidati da autisti esperti nel farvi scoprire una Sicilia segreta. Visiterete il Museo a Cielo Aperto con le antiche abitazioni e farete un esperienza gastronomica scoprendo tutto quello che si può fare con la famosa Cipolla di Giarratana in provincia di Ragusa. Il tour si può fare tutti i Mercoledì pomeriggio.
Prenotazioni al n. WhatsApp +393476708101

Presepe vivente di Giarratana 2023. I ostri pulmini partono  domani 26 Dicembre da Ragusa e da Modica per accompagnarvi ...

Presepe vivente di Giarratana 2023. I ostri pulmini partono domani 26 Dicembre da Ragusa e da Modica per accompagnarvi a visitare uno dei presepi viventi piú belli d'Italia. Prenotazioni all'indirizzo e-mail: [email protected]
Partenza alle 17:00 e rientro alle 22:00.

Wine food tour Western area of Sicily with private driver.This tour includes the cities and sites of Palermo, Cefalù, Tr...

Wine food tour Western area of Sicily with private driver.
This tour includes the cities and sites of Palermo, Cefalù, Trapani, Marsala and Agrigento. It also includes the archaeological sites of Segesta and Selinunte, the Valley of the Temples of Agrigento, the natural sites of the Saline of Marsala and Trapani.
In this itinerary he recommends the wineries of: Florio Duca di Salaparuta, Baglio Bonsignore, Marco De Bartoli, Firriato Baglio Soria and Tasca D'Almerita.
Tour from 3 to 8 days.


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Sicily offers surprises. The Baglio Bonsignore Winery has given us a fantastic experience in the province of Agrigento. ...

Sicily offers surprises. The Baglio Bonsignore Winery has given us a fantastic experience in the province of Agrigento. We are in the ancient village of Naro between the Baroque and the Middle Ages. Luigi and Debora gave us a guided tour of Naro and then a lunch with a tasting of their fantastic wines and food prepared by them. If you want to have this experience, write to: [email protected]

Sicily wine experiences in Marsala a Marco De Bartoli winery.Private chauffeur service in Sicily with specialized cars a...

Sicily wine experiences in Marsala a Marco De Bartoli winery.
Private chauffeur service in Sicily with specialized cars and vans to make you live the best experiences of wine, food and get to know the ancient villages where mass tourism does not arrive and travel in big buses

Sicily wine tour, from Firriato winery with visita Borgo Parrini with driver of Chauffeurs in SicilyQuote and informatio...

Sicily wine tour, from Firriato winery with visita Borgo Parrini with driver of Chauffeurs in Sicily

Quote and informations a: [email protected]

Private tour and wine tour of Tuscany with

Private tour and wine tour of Tuscany with

Sicily private experiece, today our driver Luciano on tour to visit the Catania market with two American customers.     ...

Sicily private experiece, today our driver Luciano on tour to visit the Catania market with two American customers.

With Chauffeurs Inn Sicily for private tours of Sicily. Ragusa area the best of art, wine and food private tours with dr...

With Chauffeurs Inn Sicily for private tours of Sicily. Ragusa area the best of art, wine and food private tours with driver personal for small group.

Private tour to visit the Valley of the Temples in Agrigento with a break in the winery to experience a guided tasting o...

Private tour to visit the Valley of the Temples in Agrigento with a break in the winery to experience a guided tasting of Sicilian wines and food. This is our recommendation today. Write to ask for a quote to have our driver services and specialized Tourist Guide. E mail: [email protected]

Visit Ragusa Ibla. This is the most beautiful and romantic experience of private tours of Sicily with our best drivers. ...

Visit Ragusa Ibla. This is the most beautiful and romantic experience of private tours of Sicily with our best drivers. Write to us for advice and assistance. [email protected]


Venite a Ragusa, noi saremo i vostri autisti

Hi, we have attached a travel program in Sicily recommended by us. Write again for other useful information for you. If ...

Hi, we have attached a travel program in Sicily recommended by us. Write again for other useful information for you. If you want to take a private tour with us, write to [email protected]

I got a good review for the Giarratana tour that I did on April 21st with 2 American tourists from Houston. They had a g...

I got a good review for the Giarratana tour that I did on April 21st with 2 American tourists from Houston. They had a great surprise for having discovered a unique and never imagined Sicily. For info and quote: [email protected]

With our drivers for a journey of wine, food and the most beautiful cultural cities around Sicily. Write down your proje...

With our drivers for a journey of wine, food and the most beautiful cultural cities around Sicily. Write down your projects and we will personalize your experiential holiday in Sicily with you.


Piazza Duomo, 22


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Our Story

Sicilia.Un nostro driver per i Vostri desideri in sicurezza. Siamo disponibili in tutta la Sicilia, sia per un tour di più giorni che per un escursione giornaliera o una visita cantine. Operiamo solo su prenotazione e il veicolo verrà riservato solo per chi lo prenota.Contattateci a: [email protected] - WhatsApp 3476708101