Questi immagini sono dal Vietnam e dagli Stati Uniti durante la guerra del Vietnam ma sembra la stessa situazione da oggi in Gaza. Ascolta queste parole…#palestine #ceasefire #vietnam #palestina
Credit: @yoland6764 (Youtube)
oh Dio, vergognati, dove sono gli arabi, dove sono i musulmani, dove sono, che Dio abbia pietà di loro sorella mia, basta ingiustizia, siamo poveri, basta ingiustizia, non è né vita né mezzi di sostentamento, testimonia mondo, oh Dio #gaza
A great effort to raise awareness about what’s happening in Palestine in the Netherlands! #shopping #holidays #christmas #newyears
I familiari salutano Mahmoud Zakout, ucciso dall’IDF nel 2023. Uno delle migliaia di bambini uccisi dalle bombe israeliane a Gaza in meno di due mesi.
Il dolore che i bambini vivi devono sopportare nel vedere così tanta morte e sofferenza è così triste.
#israel #italia
“What we’ve now come to use the word refugee to mean, really, is anybody who is not a European.” Abdulrazak Gurnah speaking at @teatroalighieri for @festivaldelleculture_ra. What do you think? #refugee #migrants #migration #abdulrazakgurnah @comunediravenna
Trigger warning: video from @masih.alinejad where a woman is confronted by gunfire for apparently filming. Social media is shut off in Iran so it could be soon that this kind of content doesn't make it at all overseas. To help restore internet connectivity you can donate to Amnesty International & The Tor Project.
Leaked documents obtained last week by Amnesty International revealed top level orders given by the Islamic Repulbic of Iran to armed forces to "mercilessly confront" protestors. 52 police victims analyzed by eye-witness reports posed no threat of death or injury that could warrant the use of firearms against them.
It's horrifying to wonder what will happen to the girl on the motorcycle. These protestors are so brave-its bare hands against guns.
#iranprotests #womanlifefreedom #mashaamini
Repost @aiplague #mahsaamini #amini #protests #iranprotests #donnavitaliberta #dirittihumani
Il Terzo Mondo ODV is open for giving, receiving and volunteering every Wednesday and Friday from 15:30-18:30 at 30 via Grado, Ravenna.
We are starting a project together to help students arriving from Ukraine. If you want to donate something or if you know someone in need we will help with coordination and delivery of supplies. Get in touch.