Is though to be unique, memorable, and personal when planning #virtualevents and even more so, if you want to keep up the good work you were doing pre Covid-19 to make your events the gateway for #sustainableconversions! Lately, we're exploring partnerships with conservation entities, to bring awareness of their daily struggles, raise funds and keeping people connected to nature during confinement times 💚 Bonus point, everyone gets a funny thank you video from the species that helped! 🐨How are you rewarding guests for showing up to your virtual event?
With collaboration, idea exchange, innovation and inspiration, the #eventprofs role is to deliver events that will make a difference in the world.
We must stick together to create a strong impact!
#eventscreatechange #shareapositiveimpact
If you're struggling with focus and direction in these uncertain times, welcome to the club!
I've been helping so many people in our community struggling with all the stress and uncertainty behind the changes that #eventsprofs must make in order to stay afloat; we get it!
So make sure you're doubling-down on your personal development right now.
We're cheering you on! 🤩🥳 P.S. If you are cracking your head trying to navigate in the digital world, here is our 6 steps digital event transformation! 🤓
That magical moment when you take a step back and you can see how your event has made an impact 😍
Planning #plasticfree , #zerowaste , and #carbonneutralevents it's what fuels us up!
Knowing that we helped others to demonstrate their commitment to sustainability is the best reward. #eventscreatechange #sustainableevents 🌱
IT'S A WRAP! (not a plastic one)
The calendar has just flicked over into August, which brings the Plastic Free July challenge to an end.
We just want to say THANK YOU SO MUCH to all of you that took up the challenge and for all your efforts to reduce single-use plastic and cut down on plastic waste this month, you are AMAZING ✨
Official reports said that despite the extra challenges that surfaced this year with the pandemic an estimated 326 million people took part in Plastic Free July in 2020!! It's heartwarming to see how many of us want to #bethechange and be a part of the solution for our planet. 🌱
You can take a step further into your journey and make sure that #nosingleuseplastic enters your events. Here's our checklist to get you started!
Happy Monday! ☕️
As many #eventspros are moving their events from live to virtual, we decided to put together the 3 most common mistakes that we encountered along the digital transformation journey; may our mistake be useful to you all! #sharingiscaring #eventsrevolution
3 Biggest misconceptions about digital events. 🙌
Digital Events Must Avoid Traps!
Yes, the beginning of the year was a lot to handle for everybody, worldwide. Working from home, taking care of everyone else, trying to figure out the finances, how your job will survive and re-build yourself for virtual reality.
So much to do, and worry about this year. It's been a BIG season, and now we need a BIG change, and YOU, you can #makeachange
But listen, without intention, important dreams and projects can get pushed aside entirely, so STAY FOCUSED. Keep learning and reach out to your tribe. #togetherwecan create a powerful change for our industry and we're here to get you started, get you going and have your back! Reach out if you are ready to BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE
Be Creative!
Our role as #eventsprofs is to demonstrate sustainability in action, and now more than ever, during this #eventindustryrevolution we have to be creative. Events are a powerful tool to encourage changing behaviors and leave amazing enduring legacies. We have developed a list of things we think all events should aspire to leave as legacies to enhancing sustainable development.
Learn how to build positive legacies -
Can reusable mask distribution be a viable solution for events, to avoid additional #waste ?
#eventprofs like and comment, we want to hear your voice! 🗣