Do you know the legend of the Fritillaria Imperialis?
The imperial crown has not always had its present form but became as it can be seen today because of an event that occurred centuries ago. It is said that as Jesus ascended Golgotha, to be crucified, all the flowers he encountered on his way up, bowed their heads in reverence, only one flower did not do so, the “imperial crown” (fritillaria imperialis), which being too proud remained upright on its stem, but the moment Jesus set his gaze in its direction, it blushed with shame and with humility lowered the corollas of its flowers.
#flowers #fritillariaimperialis #nofloralfoam
🌱 Come da mito greco, si schiude alle calde carezze di Zefiro e i sui petali si disperdono nei freddi soffi di Borea.
Con gli anemoni di @lamargheritaelettrica il mito sembra di toccarlo con mano. Cresciuti in piena terra e mossi da entrambi i venti 🌬️
🍃Un valore unico, delicato e che riempie anche con soli 4 steli abbinati alle foglie del carciofo e del finocchio.
#3 Perché Slowflowers?
In vista del prossimo evento @slowflowersitaly vogliamo far capire quanto significa per noi.
In pochissimi anni si è formata una rete di coltivatori, floral designer e sostenitori nutrita e in continua crescita.
Facendone parte come floraldesigner conosciamo la problematica di come mantenere un azienda competitiva e allo stesso tempo contribuire con la condivisione dei nostri valori.
Alcuni dei piccoli passi per migliorare:
🌱Riduzione della spugna fino alla completa eliminazione. Partiamo iniziando a ridurre il nostro inquinamento ambientale.
🌱La stagionalità ha palettes colori molto definite. Non forziamole! Il mondo degli eventi si nutre di tendenze e mode, è alla ricerca di continue novità. Che sia questa la nuova tendenza! Non arcobaleni in tutte le stagioni! Non fiori tinti con coloranti che, anche se naturali, mostrano solo la nostra insoddisfazione da creativi compulsivi.
🌱Le grandi quantità non sono mai sostenibili. La natura ci insegna la moderazione. Mostriamo e comunichiamo ai nostri clienti il valore di queste scelte: un valore superiore a qualsiasi cascata di fiori.
Ogni evento vuole essere ‘unico’ e irripetibile…ma non per questo dobbiamo dimenticare il costo che il pianeta paga. Rispettando la natura ne coglieremo la vera bellezza senza forzarla o manipolarla.
🌱 Valutiamo sempre l’origine e la storia del prodotto che usiamo. In questa carrellata ci sono tanti fiori. Alcuni (i migliori… e sarebbe bello lavorare solo con questi) coltivati in flower-farm, alcuni di classiche produzioni italiane, altri importati da aziende estere che magari sono all’avanguardia per sostenibilità produttiva (e che per i grandi eventi è quasi impossible non mettere in conto per come oggi è il mercato). Tutti almeno rappresentano la ricchissima gamma cromatica della primavera!
Ma SOGNIAMO in grande. Sogniamo il rispetto che i nostri figli si meritano e cominciamo a cambiare le mode. Per i creativi compulsivi c
“Allegre erano le piante, e gli uccelli, e gli insetti, ed i bambini. Ma gli uomini, i grandi, gli adulti, non la smettevano di ingannare e tormentare se stessi e gli altri. Gli uomini ritenevano che sacro e importante non fosse quel mattino di primavera, non quella bellezza del mondo di Dio, data per il bene di tutte le creature, la bellezza che dispone alla pace, alla concordia e all’amore, ma sacro e importante fosse quello che loro stessi avevano inventato per dominarsi l’un l’altro.”
Lev Tolstoj, “Resurrezione”
#2 perchè @slowflowersitaly !
Conosco da un po’ di anni Giuditta e Francesco,spesso hanno collaborato con la nostra azienda.
@lamargheritaelettrica è il frutto della loro passione e non solo. È il frutto di scelte di vita, di ideali e di rispetto. Scelte fatte con amore e consapevolezza.
Aderiscono alla rete di @slowflowersitaly e quindi ne condividono i valori e il manifesto. Sapere che così vicino a noi crescerà una realtà così genuina ci riempie di gioia. Il loro gusto innato insieme allo loro sensibilità estetica potranno portare delle belle fioriture.
Crescete con il ritmo della natura e noi tutti alimentiamo il valore di questi piccoli/grandi progetti!
Il sogno di un territorio disseminato di #flowersfarm grazie all’impegno di molti sembra sempre più realizzabile. Sognare di trovare nei negozi di fiori sempre più #slowflowers da potere acquistare sapendo come vengono coltivati: questo ci scalda il cuore e ci da fiducia.
💚 Ecco perché @slowflowersitaly !
Summer Sustainability: Foraged Floral Inspirations🌞
In the past reel we talked about the season for weddings.
We know that for many people it is essential to choose the summer season. Therefore, we show you how it is possible to give beauty while staying in the season.
Embracing the season without compromise! Dive into our reel to discover how we weave beauty sustainably, sourced straight from nature’s bounty. From handpicked blooms in the fields to artisanal vessels by @studio_nautilus , we’re redefining elegance with a touch of eco-consciousness. Let’s harmonize with nature, arranging with care and conscience.
🌿 #SustainableFlorals #SeasonalSplendor #NatureNurtured #slowfloweritaly
Bringing Spring Love to Life!
Join us behind the scenes as we arrange stunning floral centerpieces for a wedding table bursting with spring vibratins. Thrilled to showcase our eco-friendly approach, crafting without the use of floral foam. Let the blooms speak for themselves!
#SpringWedding #EcoFriendlyFlorals #BehindTheScenes #nofloralfoam #slowflowersitaly
💚 “We loved with a love that was more than love.”
Edgar Allan Poe
@laurabravievents @2become1video @castello_di_vicarello @truffypi
When I was invited to make an inspiration for a “slowflowers” wedding shooting from @cloudeight_weddingsandevents …immediately we got excited !
And to have been able to realize it in a place as magical for us as @santangelovicolabate , was a dream. And to top it off @lisapoggi gave us me best pictures we could wish for !
What we wanted to show is that it is the details balanced with each other that create the harmony of beauty. The good result may be quite evident by what are the “resonances.” The texture of the wild carrot is mirrored in the texture of the fabric. The elements balance each other in a timeless dialogue. But above all, less is more! Care, experience and fairness in choices that are good for the environment: these are our highest priorities
#nofloralfoam #slowfloweritaly
Nature and its evocative names💚
The embarrassment in choosing the most suggestive one:
Prunus Cerasifera, Amolo, Mirabolano, Rusticano, and the one of my childhood: SUSINCILIEGIO.
💮A dream from my sister @taniatorrini : the flowering tree that gives you the most beautiful welcome!
loved by pollinators, its simplicity wins over everyone.
#flowering #blooming #nature #slowflowers
🤔What does it mean to know the local productions?
It would be great to be able to create big events using only flowers from local flower-farms.
🌿The @slowflowersitaly movement also works in this direction. But we know that also a great result is to be able to increase the use of flowers growth in Italy thanks to its great history of floral production. When in 2021 we realized this event published on @brides thanks to the splendid production of @evaclarkevents it seemed to us a dream to be able to propose the gladioli (excellent Italian production) that had been forgotten for too long. We are now happy to see it again used today in a lot of set-ups. And then the proteas of Italian production: a true excellence of @floratoscana .
🤓 Here’s how we enjoy work: creating inspirations to improve everyone together.🌱
#gladiolo #slowflowersitaly #floratoscana #wedding #bridesfeatured #
#nofloralfoam Wedding Dinner 🌱
All the flowers arranged in dark brown enamel vases handmade by Tuscan artisans.
🌿happy flowers in the water = happy florists who don’t use floral foam🍀
#slowfloralstyle #slowflowersitaly #flowerpower #lrcf #larosacaninafirenze #tablescape #weddinginspiration
These pics by @rosita_lipari_wedding showcase an @exclusiveitalyweddings production that gave us all the good vibes! 💫
The client loved our ideas, and we nailed it in the sustainability department.
Alongside seasonal flowers for the ceremony, we brought lots of plants back to life. Our main focus was this cool abstract geometric shape (by @kaleydo.official ) that totally stood out against the challenging backdrop of @castigliondelbosco .
And guess what? May is Lily of the Valley month in Italy! So, here’s the Lily of the Valley bouquet without shipping flowers halfway across the world.
Even the Gypsophila used to create clouds in the dinner hall was grown right here in Italy. We couldn’t have asked for more.
The entire production did not require the use of floralfoam and even the ceramic vases were produced by a young @studio_nautilus in Tuscany.
It was all #nofloralfoam!!!
Surrounded by partners who are also dear friends, we pulled off one of our favorite productions. Huge shoutout to all the vendors involved, thanks a bunch with open heart.
Thus we seem to demonstrate that if we want we can share great beauty, without excess, without polluting but by engaging in conscious choices.
go sustainable, go simple end elegant with respect for Nature and use brain to create the balance.
With: @exclusiveitalyweddings @kaleydo.official @rosewoodcastigliondelbosco @castigliondelbosco @floratoscana @slowflowersitaly
#slowflowersitaly #nofloralfoamtechniques #nofloralfoammovement #slowflowers
Journey with us to 2016 🍃
💫In this design project, witness the essence of our company’s vision as we embraced the concept of simplicity and elegance
✨Even in 2016, we understood the significance of sustainable floral: the choice of the ceremony arrangement lies in the understated beauty of the local ‘fico d’india’
🌟Every detail still whispers elegance, proving some designs are timeless.
📷 @lisapoggi
Design: @tommasotorrini
With: @exclusiveitalyweddings @shhhmydarling @masseriapotenti @giuliamakeupfirenze @saginger_visual_designer @sandracastelletti
#throwback #semplicityisbeauty #floraldesign #styling #destinationwedding #flowerpower #slowflowersitaly #slowflowers
A dilemma 🤔
What are your thoughts on artificially tinted flowers by stem? Perhaps you can envision our perspective. We believe in the beauty of natural blooms, and here’s why, natural is better! So… why?
We think nature provides an endless array of hues, and adapting to its seasons is a form of art in itself. Forcing artificial colors feels like an attempt to reshape what’s already perfect.
We’ve experimented with them, and our biggest concern arose: How do we dispose of them? Are they toxic in compost? ♻️These are not questions to be taken lightly. So, we ask:
🍃Did we really need them?
🌱Do they truly stimulate our creativity, or do they merely fulfill our insatiable desire to control nature?
🍀What are your thoughts on this colorful dilemma?
Could @vip_roses give us an answer about the composition of the tint used in the flowers?
#NaturalVsArtificial #NatureLover #ThoughtfulReflections #tintedflowers #slowflowers #slowflowersitaly #topic #flowerpower #florist #floraldesign
🌿 Unlocking the beauty of conscious foraging with Hellebores for home decor! 🏡✨
Did you know it’s possible to adorn your space with these stunning flowers while being mindful of details? Let’s delve into the art of conscious Hellebore foraging with these essential tips:
#1 Always choose blooms abundant in your local area. Hellebores, though protected in some regions, thrive in others! 🌍
#2 Never pick a lone flower. Opt for areas with abundance and never harvest all the blooms. Leave some to seed, allowing the plant to strengthen its root system, ensuring a robust return next year.
#3 Take only what you need. Minimalism is key to sustainable foraging.
#4 Master the kenzan technique – fewer stems can make a powerful statement. Embrace the simplicity of the Hellebore flower, making it the star of your arrangement.
#5 Observe the flower. With its gracefully drooping petals, position Hellebores on a high shelf or tall window to appreciate its beauty from below.
#6 Be content with less. A modest harvest is always better for the plant’s health! 🌱
Let’s celebrate the art of conscious Hellebore foraging, bringing nature’s elegance into our homes responsibly.
Little trick: when you return from foraging, immerse the flowers completely in a basin of water for 5 minutes and make a further precise vertical cut in the stem.
🌱 #ConsciousForaging #HelleboreDecor #SustainableLiving #slowfloralstyle #slowflowers #slowflowersitaly #foraging #homedecor #greenflower #flowerpower
Dive into the floral symphony of our workshop, crafted for the families of the happy couple.
🍀Gathered with smiles, colors, and carefree spirit the day before the celebration. This is what we cherish most about our work: the simplicity of shared joy.
🌼 We proudly offer techniques sans foam, replaced with the metal mesh, as our commitment to the environment.
🌱Where nature calls, we answer with love.
#FamilyCelebration #SimpleJoys #floralworkshop #ecofriendlywedding #foamfree
🎥 @tommasotorrini
Planning: @weddingsintuscany
Venue: @mangiacane
GITANJALI & KARIM wedding in Tuscany 💚.
Photo @lisapoggi
Siamo felici di aver contribuito a raccontare i valori di @slowflowersitaly nel documentario di Luca Scota @stranirumoristudio andato in onda su Rai Tre @instarai3. Aver condiviso questa esperienza con @puscinaflowers , @agriturismo_il_rigo @alegorpe e @santangelovicolabate ancora una volta ci mostra come insieme si possa provare a cambiare le cose!
Per il grande lavoro al documentario ringraziamo tutta la redazione di Geo&Geo, Luca Scota e Strani Rumori Studio @stranirumoristudio .
#slowflowersitaly #fiori #coltivatoinitalia #fioriitaliani #fiorilocali #fioristagionali #inspiredbyflowers #sustainablefloristry #flowerfarmer #plasticfree #slowflowers #nofloralfoam