No one had heard of the magical scene, the thoughts and the importance of the protection of electronic collection, the willingness of the "Big CruncH" - group specific reflection of the night in Each of the levels, the cycle starting in the year 2016, for the initially inconspicuous, but in the first galactic formation phase, a magnetic circuit system by the owner, Daniel Pohl, aLias IamHouseOrdnu
nh of the cell structure-process phase for an energetic magnetpfeldes the accuracy of the High quality of the artists, you can test and trust. To rotate in the universe the integration of Unique, highly talented artists on the Global intiligenten recognition of the tour, the table. Value for the high quality of the event, the life of the cosmos. In the galactic diversity on the insane world of sound by magical hands and Positive energy for the universe. The magical mass of the invisible energy field generated by matter, the individual's urge to move due to the density of the in tronce falling mass due to the complete Team of the Big CruncH group of high-profeszionaler art a faster step length driving, the sound of hables teleskob as the recognition through the Entire planet detection field signal advertising, localized, atmospheric sound structure, remove the "Big CruncH" - group for high-quality events in the accuracy and the look for the global artistes-virus is the way how a rocket launches.