Villa Zagara Sorrento

Villa Zagara Sorrento Affacciata sul Golfo di Napoli, è una villa storica situata sulle muraglie dell'antica Sorrento, ne



Si moltiplicano i riconoscimenti internazionali per l’olio extra vergine d’oliva monocultivar Minucciola di Villa Zagara di Sorrento, prodotto con la ricerca certosina della qualità e con un saper fare che affonda le radici in più generazioni. La produzione di Nino Apreda e della sua famiglia:...

This is a beautiful story that I am proud of for the deep context with Mediterranean historical and cultural roots, uniq...

This is a beautiful story that I am proud of for the deep context with Mediterranean historical and cultural roots, unique to the coast and the history of Sorrento itself. Villa Zagara oil won the gold medal at the Athena International competition in Sparta, Greece. Tradition has it that Zeus conceived the world as an immense garden of opportunities, for men to learn, and for Athena to teach. He therefore gave us an evergreen, resistant and long-lived plant, suitable for withstanding summer drought and salty winds, whose verdant foliage in spring was white with tiny flowers which, in autumn, produced small oily fruits. His gift was not sterile, on the contrary, he was capable of generating other gifts; in fact, the goddess did not limit herself to offering the olive tree: she also taught the technique of pressing, with which to obtain a prodigious, dense and fragrant liquid. An ambrosia for mortals, a panacea for many needs and countless ills, more precious than gold. Olive oil nourished, cured, perfumed and enlightened man for millennia. So to thank the gods for having overcome the land of the Sirens unharmed (as Homer narrates in the Odyssey) they built the temple of Athena at Punta Campanella and planted the Minucciola olive tree, a symbol of peace, on the sacred hill of Cronos. Whose oil was brought to the temple and illuminated the votive aedicules with the head of Athena, later Minerva for the Romans, at the crossroads of the paths. Today this very porous cultivar has adapted to the territory, interprets its aromas and is present in the Sorrento peninsula between and . We at Villa Zagara Sorrento take careful care of the cultivar and monitor the cold pressing process for a High Quality EVO oil.

Questa è una bella storia di cui sono orgoglioso per il contesto profondo con radici storiche e culturali mediterranee, uniche della costiera e della storia stessa di Sorrento. L’olio di Villa Zagara ha vinto la medaglia d’oro alla competizione Internazionale Athena a Sparta in Grecia. La tradizione narra che Zeus concepiva il mondo come un immenso giardino di occasioni, per gli uomini di imparare, e per Athena di insegnare. Donò, quindi, una pianta sempreverde, resistente e longeva, adatta a sopportare la siccità estiva e i venti salmastri, le cui verdeggianti fronde in primavera biancheggiavano di minuscoli fiori che, in autunno, producevano piccoli frutti oleosi. Il suo dono non era sterile, al contrario, era in grado di generare altri doni; la dea infatti non si limitò a offrire l’olivo: insegnò anche la tecnica della spremitura, con cui ottenere un prodigioso liquido, denso e profumato. Un’ambrosia per mortali, panacea di tanti bisogni e di innumerevoli mali, più prezioso dell’oro. L’olio d’oliva nutrì, curò, profumò, illuminò l’uomo per millenni. Così per ringraziare gli dei per aver superato incolumi la terra delle Sirene (come narra Omero nell’Odissea) eressero a Punta Campanella il tempio di Athena e piantarono dalla collina sacra di Crono, l’Ulivo di Minucciola simbolo di pace. Il cui olio era portato al tempio ed illuminava agli incroci dei sentieri le edicole votive con la testa di Athena poi Minerva per i romani. Oggi questo cultivar molto poroso si è adattato sul territorio ne interpreta i profumi ed è presente in pen*sola sorrentina tra Amalfi e Pompei. Noi a Villa Zagara facciamo una attenta cura del cultivar e monitoriamo il processo a freddo di spremitura per un olio EVO di Alta Qualità.

A dinner under our magical olive grove is always a great idea. Throwback time to the beautiful wedding of Serena & Fabio...

A dinner under our magical olive grove is always a great idea.

Throwback time to the beautiful wedding of Serena & Fabio. ✨

A dinner under our olive grove is always a great idea.  Throwback time to the beautiful day of Serena & Fabio ✨

A dinner under our olive grove is always a great idea.

Throwback time to the beautiful day of Serena & Fabio ✨

And that is love ..Reliving moments the beautiful love story of Kelly & Massy ✨

And that is love ..
Reliving moments the beautiful love story of Kelly & Massy ✨

Immerse yourself in the flavors of our amazing gardens. Smell the delicate aromas of orange, lemon and olive trees, awak...

Immerse yourself in the flavors of our amazing gardens. Smell the delicate aromas of orange, lemon and olive trees, awaken your senses in the corner of spices. Be pampered by the harmony of the sea, the sounds of waterfalls and the chirping of birds. Getting married here is an experience you will cherish forever 🤍

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It’s time for an aperitivo somewhere in the world 🌎 And aperitif time at our Olympic size swimming pool area is always a...

It’s time for an aperitivo somewhere in the world 🌎

And aperitif time at our Olympic size swimming pool area is always a great idea.

Explore the art of balsamic-making at Villa Zagara Sorrento. Delve into our world of diverse barrels, each of different ...

Explore the art of balsamic-making at Villa Zagara Sorrento. Delve into our world of diverse barrels, each of different trees, imparting a unique essence to our vinegar making it a truly exceptional taste. 🍇

A dream place like no other ✨

A dream place like no other ✨

Every day here is a new discovery, a new flower blooming. Every day has a new color, a new fragrance. Come to witness th...

Every day here is a new discovery, a new flower blooming. Every day has a new color, a new fragrance. Come to witness the magic of our botanical paradise ✨

Life’s little pleasures are often found in the simplest of moments. There is something truly magical in our gardens, com...

Life’s little pleasures are often found in the simplest of moments. There is something truly magical in our gardens, come here to experience it. ✨

A dream coming true: Memories of Ida & Andrea’s wedding ✨Wp:

A dream coming true: Memories of Ida & Andrea’s wedding ✨


When life gives you 250 lemon trees and more than 10 types of lemons.. you host a lemon event for  🍋

When life gives you 250 lemon trees and more than 10 types of lemons.. you host a lemon event for 🍋

The magical hidden spots of  💖

The magical hidden spots of 💖

Secrets spots for an intimate dinner in the Amalfi coast 🍋

Secrets spots for an intimate dinner in the Amalfi coast 🍋

Lose yourself in the beauty of Villa Zagara’s botanical gardens where the sounds and the fragrances of nature will pampe...

Lose yourself in the beauty of Villa Zagara’s botanical gardens where the sounds and the fragrances of nature will pamper and surprise you…


Strettola San Vincenzo

Orario di apertura

Lunedì 09:00 - 17:00
Martedì 09:00 - 17:00
Mercoledì 09:00 - 17:00
Giovedì 09:00 - 17:00
Venerdì 09:00 - 17:00
Sabato 09:00 - 17:00
Domenica 09:00 - 12:00




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Villa Zagara Sorrento

A one-of-a-kind venue for your once-in-a-lifetime celebration where your dreams become reality.

We believe your celebrations should be exactly as you have always dreamt. Surrounded by a rare medley of flowers and trees, Villa Zagara provides the perfect backdrop for your fairytale wedding or other unique events.

Immerse yourself in the smells of fresh oranges and lemons and be pampered by the sounds of the sea, while located in the historical heart of Sorrento.

Everything is possible when historical charm meets the magic of mythology in the land of mermaids.