About Love

About Love About Love nasce con l'obiettivo di rendere il giorno del matrimonio unico e speciale. Perché il matrimonio perfetto esiste ed è solo Questione di Stile!

Amore è là dove si può dire tutto o non occorre dire nulla.H.A.ArperBuon San Valentino!💕❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️Love Is where an...

Amore è là dove si può dire tutto o non occorre dire nulla.
Buon San Valentino!💕


Love Is where anything can be said or nothing needs to be said.
Happy Valentine's Day! 💕


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🌐 www.aboutlove.it.........
❣️ Refined Weddings, Enchanting Events in Italy ❣️.........
Let's keep in contact
💌 [email protected].........

May the new year bring you all joy, health and serenity.🎁We say goodbye to 2024 which has brought us so much satisfactio...

May the new year bring you all joy, health and serenity.🎁

We say goodbye to 2024 which has brought us so much satisfaction and has allowed us to still be by your side on your most beautiful day.🙏

We are ready to start new exciting adventures! ❣️

Thanks to all our Amazing couples, partners and vendors who has made 2024 exciting and our jobs and lives rewarding.

Happy New Year to all of you!!! 🥂🎉💗

With love, Elena

🌐 www.aboutlove.it.........
❣️ Refined Weddings, Enchanting Events in Italy ❣️.........
Let's keep in contact
💌 [email protected].........


Paul ValéryMany people think that the Destination Wedding Planner's work takes place exclusively under the spotlight, bu...

Paul Valéry

Many people think that the Destination Wedding Planner's work takes place exclusively under the spotlight, but this is not the case: there are moments in which we are left alone to take care of your most important day and make sure that even the smallest detail is perfect.

Here I am then, intent on arranging the final preparations to ensure that nothing is left to chance because the care and value of every single detail are simply fundamental in this job.

Destination Wedding Planner is a combination of experience, vision and precision, where creativity joins organization, where the beauty of art must be able to adapt to logistics without losing its perfection and uniqueness.

This is the only way to achieve the magic that will make your wedding one of a kind.

I am immensely grateful to be able to do this wonderful job, thanks to which I can get to know your stories and your desires so that I can accompany you along this beautiful journey, transforming your dream into reality so that you can share it with the people you love most and its memory may remain forever in your hearts.

The 2025 season will bring new projects and amazing new stories to tell.

Are you ready to entrust me with your desires?

If you want to start planning your wedding contact me and we will start this wonderful journey together.

I can't wait to meet you! 💕✨


ABOUT LOVE..........

🌐 www.aboutlove.it.........
❣️ Refined Weddings, Enchanting Events in Italy ❣️.........
Let's keep in contact

💌 [email protected].........

"Fai quello che ami e non lavorerai un solo giorno della tua vita" (Confucio).Il regalo più grande che potete farci è co...

"Fai quello che ami e non lavorerai un solo giorno della tua vita" (Confucio).
Il regalo più grande che potete farci è continuare a sceglierci per rendervi felici anche nelle altre tappe più importanti della vita. 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨🤱🎀💝

🇬🇧 Do what you love and you will never work a day in your life" (Confucius).
The greatest gift you can give us is to continue to choose us to make you happy even in the other most important stages of life. 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨🤱🎀💝

ABOUT LOVE..........
🌐 www.aboutlove.it.........
❣️ Refined Weddings, Enchanting Events in Italy ❣️.........
Let's keep in contact
💌 [email protected].........

May the magical light of Holy Christmas bring joy, hope and love to all future newlyweds and every wish come true!Merry ...

May the magical light of Holy Christmas bring joy, hope and love to all future newlyweds and every wish come true!
Merry Christmas! 💝

Possa la luce magica del Santo Natale portare gioia, speranza e amore a tutte le future coppie di sposi e la realizzazione di ogni loro desiderio!
Buon Natale! 💝

ABOUT LOVE..........
🌐 www.aboutlove.it.........
❣️ Refined Weddings, Enchanting Events in Italy ❣️.........
Let's keep in contact
💌 [email protected].........


Direction and styling:


"Lloyd, sto cercando una bella frase per la festa degli innamorati""Credo sia uno sforzo inutile, sir""E perché mai, Llo...

"Lloyd, sto cercando una bella frase per la festa degli innamorati"
"Credo sia uno sforzo inutile, sir"
"E perché mai, Lloyd?"
"Perché l'amore non ha bisogno di parole di altri.
L'amore ha solo bisogno di vita insieme"
"Un pensiero davvero impegnativo, Lloyd"
"Come l'amore quando è vero... sir"

💞💞Happy Valentine's Day! 💞💞

Lloyd, I'm looking for a nice phrase for Valentine's Day"
"I think it's a futile effort, sir"
"And why, Lloyd?"
"Because love doesn't need other people's words. Love just needs life together"
"A really challenging thought, Lloyd" "Like love when it's true... sir"

Simone Tempia ~ Life with Lloyd Art. from the web

; ; ; # ; ; # aboutloveweddingitaly

Teniamoci stretto il presente, desiderando il futuro.....e sappiamo che il futuro sarà più luminoso che mai!Quindi prend...

Teniamoci stretto il presente, desiderando il futuro.....e sappiamo che il futuro sarà più luminoso che mai!
Quindi prendete il vostro bicchiere e tenetevi pronti per il 2023! 🥂
Ringraziamo il 2022 per le opportunità che ci ha riservato, per il nostro meraviglioso team, in continua crescita e le nostre indimenticabili coppie. 💖
Possa il Nuovo Anno aiutarvi ad esaudire ogni più intimo desiderio.
Buon Anno! 🎉🍾🍾


Let's hold on the present wishing for the future.....and we know the future will be brighter thank ever!
So, grab your champagne and be ready for 2023! 🥂
Let's thank 2022 for the opportunities that came our way, for our ever-growing talented team and our unforgettable couples. 💖
May the New Year help you to fulfill your deepest wishes.
Happy New Year! 🎉🍾🍾


Thank to fotografo

Le regole del galateo vogliono che il bouquet sia l’ultimo regalo che il futuro sposo fa, da fidanzato, alla propria spo...

Le regole del galateo vogliono che il bouquet sia l’ultimo regalo che il futuro sposo fa, da fidanzato, alla propria sposa: l’ultimo omaggio che chiude il ciclo del corteggiamento e simboleggia l’inizio di una nuova vita insieme.
Al bouquet è legato anche il tradizionale lancio: in antichità si diffuse la credenza che per essere di buon auspicio il bouquet dovesse passare per tre diverse mani: quella dello sposo, quella della sposa, e quella di una nubile.
La sposa, dunque, separandosi dall’ultimo regalo che ha ricevuto dal suo fidanzato, accetta la sua nuova condizione di sposata e lo dona ad un’altra donna come augurio di buon auspicio.

Nelle mani di chi regala un fiore, rimane sempre un po' di profumo. (Proverbio cinese)

🇬🇧 The etiquette wants the bouquet to be the last gift that the future groom makes, as a boyfriend, to his bride: the last gift that closes the cycle of courtship and symbolizes the beginning of a new life together.
The traditional throwing is also linked: in ancient times the belief spread that to be a good omen the bouquet had to pass through three different hands: that of the groom, that of the bride, and that of a maiden.
The bride therefore, separating herself from the last gift she received from her boyfriend, accepts her new status as a married woman and gives it to another woman as good luck.

In the hands of those who give a flower, there is always a little perfume. (Chinese proverb)

ABOUT LOVE..........
🌐 www.aboutlove.it.........
❣️ Refined Weddings, Enchanting Events in Italy ❣️.........
Let's keep in contact
💌 [email protected].........

...Who says soulmates can't have tails?...😉😻😻Happy National Cat Day😻Special thanks to  .......🌐 www.aboutlove.it...........

...Who says soulmates can't have tails?...😉😻
😻Happy National Cat Day😻

Special thanks to
🌐 www.aboutlove.it.........
❣️ Refined Weddings, Enchanting Events in Italy ❣️.........
Let's keep in contact
💌 [email protected].........


Amami per ciò che vedi ad occhi chiusi e per ciò che senti quando resto in silenzio.Lo stesso farò io camminandoti accan...

Amami per ciò che vedi ad occhi chiusi e per ciò che senti quando resto in silenzio.
Lo stesso farò io camminandoti accanto. E se sarai con me ti insegnerò a volare e tu mi insegnerai a restare. ❤️
(Preghiera Indiana)

Love me for what you see with your closed eyes and for what you feel when I am silent. I will do the same walking beside you. And if you are by my side, I will teach you to fly and you will teach me to stay.
(Indian prayer)


🌐 www.aboutlove.it

❣️ Refined Weddings, Enchanting Events in Italy ❣️

Let's keep in contact

💌 [email protected]

Happy Wedding Anniversary to our lovely couple and Happy Birthday to Matteo! 💝 Love always wins! 04.01.2020Photo:  ABOUT...

Happy Wedding Anniversary to our lovely couple and Happy Birthday to Matteo! 💝
Love always wins! 04.01.2020


ABOUT LOVE..........
🌐 www.aboutlove.it.........
❣️ Refined Weddings, Enchanting Events in Italy ❣️.........
Let's keep in contact
💌 [email protected].........

Thanks to all our Amazing couples, partners and vendors who has made 2021 exciting and our jobs and lives rewarding. May...

Thanks to all our Amazing couples, partners and vendors who has made 2021 exciting and our jobs and lives rewarding. May your wishes and dreams come true.
Happy New Year! ✨💝


#2022; ; ; "aboutloveudine

Thanks to all our Amazing couples, partners and vendors who has made 2021 exciting and our jobs and lives rewarding. May...

Thanks to all our Amazing couples, partners and vendors who has made 2021 exciting and our jobs and lives rewarding. May your wishes and dreams come true.
Happy New Year! ✨💝


#2022; ; ; "aboutloveudine

It's  time to celebrate Life and Love, to find your moments to take care of your beloved and to ourserves.I wish you to ...

It's time to celebrate Life and Love, to find your moments to take care of your beloved and to ourserves.

I wish you to be filled with the Christmas Spirit and to be surronded by a touch of magic that can never be lacking.

Wherever you are, whatever you do... Merry and Bright! ✨❣️






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