Savour Venice

Savour Venice I have carved an unseen mix of experiences that give the opportunity to “Savour Venice” and disc

After the successfull experience in New York with Acquolina Catering, Marika Seguso decided to bring the company back to its origins. With its base in Venice, Marika creates the sister company of Acquolina in 2006 and in 2009 opens the doors of Villa Ines as site of the Cooking School , location for exclusive events and small boutique hotel

"Simplicity is the ultimate Sophistication" Leonardo Da Vinci

"Simplicity is the ultimate Sophistication" Leonardo Da Vinci

"We must have a pie. Stress cannot exist in the presence of a pie"David Mamet

"We must have a pie. Stress cannot exist in the presence of a pie"
David Mamet

Marika's Magic Touch_Il tocco magico di Marika

Marika's Magic Touch

Il tocco magico di Marika

A special breakfast this morning in the garden of Villa Ines!Small pastries, carrot cake, cheeses and hams, what a good ...

A special breakfast this morning in the garden of Villa Ines!
Small pastries, carrot cake, cheeses and hams, what a good start to the day!

Una colazione speciale questa mattina nel giardino di Villa Ines!
Piccola pasticceria, torta di carote, formaggi e prosciutti, come iniziar bene la giornata!

"The only way to do great work is to Love what you do." Steve Jobs

"The only way to do great work is to Love what you do." Steve Jobs

every detail matters_ogni dettaglio conta

every detail matters

ogni dettaglio conta

Qualcuno ha chiesto la colazione in giardino?_Did someone ask for breakfast in Villa Ines' garden?

Qualcuno ha chiesto la colazione in giardino?

Did someone ask for breakfast in Villa Ines' garden?

A Goal without a Plan is just a Wish

A Goal without a Plan is just a Wish

The family shot is never easy, there are those who don't want to take it at all (Gianmatteo), those who remain serious (...

The family shot is never easy, there are those who don't want to take it at all (Gianmatteo), those who remain serious (Gianluca), those who smile in an unconvinced grimace (Nicolò), those who barely hint at a smile even though when she smiles she is even more beautiful (Allegra), those who try and succeed (Jacopo), those who never try because it comes out wrong (Io!!!!) those who look the other way (URA), those who are forcibly held back (MAKI).. what a struggle!! But also this year we managed to have our picture all together. A Happy New Year to friends near and far, those who accompanied us in this 2023 and those who are waiting for us in 2024.

Non è mai facile lo scatto di famiglia, c'è chi non lo vuole proprio fare (Gianmatteo), chi rimane serio (Gianluca), chi sorride in una smorfia poco convinta (Nicolò), chi accenna appena un sorriso anche se quando sorrride è ancora più bella (Allegra), chi ci prova e ce la fa (Jacopo), chi non ci prova mai perchè viene male (Io!!!!) chi guarda dalla parte opposta (URA), chi viene trattenuto a forza (MAKI).. che fatica!! Ma anche quest'anno siamo riusciti ad avere la nostra foto tutti insieme. Un felice Anno Nuovo ad amici vicini e lontani, a chi ci ha accompagnato in questo 2023 e a chi ci aspetta nel 2024.

Ura - Maki in attesa di festeggiare l'arrivo del nuovo anno 🎅🏻🎄🎅🏻🎄

Ura - Maki in attesa di festeggiare l'arrivo del nuovo anno 🎅🏻🎄🎅🏻🎄

Merry Christmasfrom the Magical Team of AcquolinA & Villa Ines!🎄🎅🏼🎄🎅🏼                                                   ...

Merry Christmas
from the Magical Team of AcquolinA & Villa Ines!

-1 day to Christmas🎄🎅🏼🎄🎅🏼

-1 day to Christmas

-2 days to Christmas🎄🎅🏼🎄🎅🏼

-2 days to Christmas

-3 days to Christmas🎄🎅🏼🎄🎅🏼

-3 days to Christmas

Basil Noodles with Cherry Tomatoes & Seafood

Basil Noodles with Cherry Tomatoes & Seafood

Grilled Cheese, Polenta, Radicchio, Hazelnuts and Honey

Grilled Cheese, Polenta, Radicchio, Hazelnuts and Honey

Paccheri with Radicchio, Sausage and Pumpkin

Paccheri with Radicchio, Sausage and Pumpkin

Pumpkin Gnocchi with Morlacco Fondue Sauce

Pumpkin Gnocchi with Morlacco Fondue Sauce


Savour Venice Gala at Villa Ines - Everything is ready for the 80th edition of the Venice Film Festival!

Savour Venice Gala a Villa Ines - Tutto è pronto per l'edizione n° 80 della Mostra del Cinema di Venezia!

"Travel doesn't become adventure until you leave yourself behind"

"Travel doesn't become adventure until you leave yourself behind"

"Once a year, go someplace you've never been before" Dalai Lama

"Once a year, go someplace you've never been before" Dalai Lama

"Plans are only good intentions unless they degenerate into hard work" Peter Drucker

"Plans are only good intentions unless they degenerate into hard work" Peter Drucker

Who will enter the flowery door of Villa Ines today?_Chi varcherà la porta fiorita di Villa Ines oggi?                  ...

Who will enter the flowery door of Villa Ines today?

Chi varcherà la porta fiorita di Villa Ines oggi?

In April and May, the lemons that had blossomed a year earlier are harvested, this is the most abundant harvest known as...

In April and May, the lemons that had blossomed a year earlier are harvested, this is the most abundant harvest known as the 'spicanda' where we find a rougher and less rounded fruit. This is followed by the June and July harvest where the best fruit with a smoother skin and a rounder shape is picked.

Ad aprile e maggio si raccolgono i limoni fioriti un anno prima, questa è la raccolta più abbondante detta “spicanda” dove troviamo un frutto più ruvido e meno tondeggiante. Segue la raccolta di giugno e luglio dove vengono raccolti i frutti migliori che presentano una buccia più liscia e una forma più tonda.

"Risi e Bisi" is a typical Venetian recipe, usually served in spring when fresh peas can be used.Today, April 25th. is t...

"Risi e Bisi" is a typical Venetian recipe, usually served in spring when fresh peas can be used.
Today, April 25th. is the day of the patron Saint of Venice, San Marco and it seems it was a tradition to offer this dish to the Doge.
Attention: "Risi e Bisi" it is not correct to consider it a risotto because it is a dish halfway between a risotto and a soup.
Hence, it should not be served either too dry or too soupy, but as a kind of thick soup. It should therefore be served "all'onda" (creamy and brothy), almost as if you were to eat it with a spoon! Here a different version of the traditional one: we added tiger shrimps, lemon zest and pea sprouts.
You can find the original recipe of "Risi and Bisi" along with many others in my book

"Risi e Bisi" è una tipica ricetta veneziana, di solito servita in primavera quando è possibile utilizzare i piselli freschi.
Oggi, 25 aprile è il giorno del patrono di Venezia, San Marco e sembra fosse una tradizione offrire questo piatto al Doge.
Attenzione: "Risi e Bisi" non è corretto considerarlo un risotto perché è un piatto a metà tra un risotto e una zuppa.
Quindi, non deve essere servito né troppo secco né troppo brodoso, ma come una specie di zuppa densa. Va quindi servito “all'onda” (cremoso e brodoso), quasi come se si dovesse mangiare con un cucchiaio! Qui una versione della ricetta tradizionale, arricchita con Mazzancolle, buccia di limone e germogli.
La ricetta risi e bisi originale è sul mio libro

"If you treat every situation as a life and death matter, you'll die a lot of times" Dean Smith

"If you treat every situation as a life and death matter, you'll die a lot of times" Dean Smith

Villa Ines in its spring dress:   in full bloom!_Villa Ines con il suo vestito primaverile:   in piena fioritura!       ...

Villa Ines in its spring dress: in full bloom!

Villa Ines con il suo vestito primaverile: in piena fioritura!

Spring in a Risotto.. We have Asparagus, Zucchini and their flowers, fresh Peas, a cream of Bruscandoli, Spinach and Bas...

Spring in a Risotto.. We have Asparagus, Zucchini and their flowers, fresh Peas, a cream of Bruscandoli, Spinach and Basil, some colorful Violets, drops of Stracciatella, Sprouts.. Do we miss anithing?

La Primavera in un Risotto.. Abbiamo gli Asparagi, le Zucchine e i loro fiori, i Piselli di Borso, una crema di Bruscandoli, Spinacini e Basilico, qualche violetta, delle gocce di Stracciatella, germogli.. Manca qualcosa?

Our garden vegetable fritter.. our garden! Just as we offer it at Villa Ines, small, colourful and crispy bouquets gathe...

Our garden vegetable fritter.. our garden! Just as we offer it at Villa Ines, small, colourful and crispy bouquets gathered in an olive basket. In palm cones, with wooden chopsticks.. All very fresh, well-kept and strictly green.. because the combination of many small details.. in the end.. makes a big difference.

Il nostro frittino di verdure dell'orto.. il nostro Orto! Così come lo offriamo a Villa Ines, piccoli bouquet colorati e croccanti raccolti in un cesto di ulivo. In conetti di palma, con bacchette di legno.. Tutto freschissimo, curato e rigorosamente green.. perchè l'insieme di tanti piccoli dettagli.. alla fine.. fa una grandissima differenza.



Via Lazzaro Mocenigo 10


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This is Acquolina!

Having a cooking class at Acquolina gives you the unique opportunity of having a tête-à-tête cooking class with the renamed Chef Marika Contaldo. Cooking classes are addressed to all those who wish to widen their knowledge of Italy and its traditions through delicious dinners, lessons, meetings with experts, all made even more pleasurable by the elegance and comfort of Villa Ines.

In Marika’s warm, state-of-the-art Kitchen, equipped with the most modern technology, with splendid views over surrounding villas and gardens, you will have the pleasure of preparing both typical Venetian dishes and others Italian using the best fresh and seasonal local products. Hand-on classes are limited to a small number to privilege close interaction with Marika and her assistant Maria who will guide you step by step creating every dish from scratch.