We’re proud to have been part of one of the most prestigious film festivals, Mostra Internazionale D'arte Cinematografica Fondazione La Biennale di Venezia, for another year. Providing our tailored equipment in one of the most iconic locations in Venice is always an honor and a challenge we gladly take on.
Whether it’s a grand venue or a remote location, our dedicated team ensures every detail is handled with precision. Overcoming obstacles is what we do best, and each time we deliver, it’s a reflection of our expertise.
Check out more on our website www.zorzi.co
Royalty Free Music: https://www.bensound.com
License code: 3U8KU1OEYNXTQ9Y5
🇪🇸 ¡Nuestro otoño está lleno de ferias comerciales en España!
Mira nuestro video para ver dónde estaremos:
1️⃣ Intergift en IFEMA MADRID
2️⃣ Auténtica Premium Food Fest en Sevilla
3️⃣ Conxemar en Vigo
4️⃣ Fruit Attraction en IFEMA Madrid
Nos estamos convirtiendo rápidamente en la primera opción para las empresas que desean exhibir sus productos en ferias españolas. ¿Por qué? Porque ofrecemos un servicio preciso y de calidad en alquiler de equipos para:
- Cocina
- Refrigeración
- Enfriamiento
- Lavado de vajilla
- Exposición
Visita www.zorzi.co para descubrir cómo podemos hacer que tu próxima exhibición sea un éxito.
¿Tienes alguna feria comercial próxima? ¡Cuéntanos en los comentarios! 👇
🇬🇧 Our fall is packed with trade fairs across Spain!
Check out our video to see where we'll be:
1️⃣ Intergift in Madrid
2️⃣ Autentica in Seville
3️⃣ Conxemar in Vigo
4️⃣ Fruit Attraction in Madrid
We're quickly becoming the go-to choice for businesses looking to showcase their products at Spanish trade fairs. Why? Because we deliver sharp, precise service in equipment rental for:
- Cooking
- Refrigeration
- Chilling
- Warewashing
- Displaying
Visit www.zorzi.co to discover how we can make your next exhibition a success.
Got an upcoming trade fair? Tell us about it in the comments! 👇
hashtag#zorzinoleggio hashtag#rentforevent hashtag#alquilerparaeventos hashtag#FeriasComerciales hashtag#EquipamientoProfesional hashtag#Zorzi hashtag#ExposicionesEspaña hashtag#TradeFairs hashtag#ProfessionalEquipment hashtag#Zorzi hashtag#SpanishExhibitions
🇪🇦 Exhibiendo la Excelencia en Seafood Expo Global 2024!
Como principal proveedor de alquiler de equipos profesionales, nos complace ser parte del prestigioso Seafood Expo Global 2024 en Barcelona. El evento de este año pone de relieve la creciente demanda del sector de productos de primera calidad y sabores innovadores, y estamos orgullosos de apoyar a nuestros clientes en la exhibición de su excelencia.
Nuestros expositores de congelación y refrigeración de última generación fueron la pieza central de nuestra presencia en la feria, permitiendo a nuestros clientes presentar sus productos de la mejor manera posible. Con nuestros equipos de alto rendimiento, nos comprometemos a ayudar a la industria del marisco a ofrecer la calidad y la experiencia excepcionales que esperan los consumidores.
Para saber más sobre nuestros productos, visite nuestro sitio web www.zorzi.co/es
Music I Use: Bensound.com/royalty-free-music
License code: 5T9O8XMDG82BOOH2
#zorzinoleggio #elartedeexponer #rentforevent #seafood #seafoodexpoglobal #seaexcellence #marisco #alquilerparaeventos
Pronti per CIBUS International Food Exhibition? un piccolo dietro le quinte, frigoriferi, vetrine e espositori imballati e caricati per una delle più importanti fiere del settore alimentare. Carichi per stupirvi a Parma!
#zorzinoleggio #rentforevent #artediesporre #cibus #cibusparma #cibus2024
🇪🇸 ¡Ya disfrutamos del evento gastronómico más importante del año, Despesques 2024! Junto a Electrolux Professional, equipamos este encuentro de cocineros con los mejores equipos de cocina, desde refrigeradores hasta hornos.
Este año, Despesques reunió a más de 80 chefs de todo el mundo, así como a líderes y expertos de la industria alimentaria. ¡Disfrutamos de debates profundos, sostenibilidad y una experiencia gastronómica inolvidable!
Con nosotros, puedes tener la garantía de contar con el equipo más eficiente y profesional. Si deseas más información, visita nuestro sitio web
🇬🇧 We recently enjoyed the most important gastronomic event of the year, Despesques 2024! In collaboration with @Electrolux Professional Group, we equipped this gathering of chefs with top-notch kitchen equipment, from refrigerators to ovens.
This year, Despesques brought together over 80 chefs from around the world, as well as leaders and experts from the food industry. We experienced deep discussions, sustainability, and an unforgettable culinary experience!
With us, you can have the guarantee of having the most efficient and professional equipment. If you would like more information, please visit our website www.zorzi.co/en
#zorzinoleggio #rentforevent #eventequipment #Despesques2024 #ElectroluxProfessional
Excitement is brewing as we gear up for VINITALY 2024, the ultimate wine and spirits exhibition! As #officialpartners, we're thrilled to be the go-to rental company for top-notch equipment like refrigerators, wine cellars and glasswashers. Working with esteemed clients and display builders to create stunning booths - stay tuned for greatness!
#zorzinoleggio #artediesporre #artofexhibition #rentforevent #Vinitaly2024 #EsposizioneDiVini
Reflecting on ProWein 2024 in Dusseldorf, it's clear why this event is celebrated as the #wine and #spirits industry's zenith. Despite logistical challenges, the fair proudly welcomed around 47,000 trade visitors from 135 countries, underscoring its vital role in fostering global connections and optimism within the industry. Our wine line received remarkable attention, affirming our commitment to quality and innovation. This enthusiasm from our clients motivates us to continue enhancing our offerings. Prowein's success story, marked by its unmatched range and professional attendance, reaffirms its status as a pivotal gathering for decision-makers worldwide. And we were there.
Waiting for the next important wine fair, @vinitalyofficial
Riflettendo su @ProWein 2024 di Dusseldorf, è chiaro perché questo evento viene celebrato come lo zenit dell'industria del #vino e degli #alcolici. Nonostante le sfide logistiche, la fiera ha accolto con orgoglio circa 47.000 visitatori specializzati provenienti da 135 Paesi, sottolineando il suo ruolo vitale nel promuovere le connessioni globali e l'ottimismo all'interno del settore. La nostra linea di vini ha ricevuto una notevole attenzione, a conferma del nostro impegno per la qualità e l'innovazione. L'entusiasmo dei nostri clienti ci spinge a continuare a migliorare la nostra offerta. La storia di successo di Prowein, caratterizzata da un'offerta ineguagliabile e da una partecipazione professionale, riafferma il suo status di appuntamento cardine per i decision maker di tutto il mondo. E noi c'eravamo.
In attesa della prossima importante fiera del vino, VINITALY
#zorzinoleggio #artediesporre #artofexhibiting #prowein #prowein2024
🇪🇦 Como su socio de confianza en alquiler, estamos encantados de confirmar nuestra presencia en las ferias y eventos más prestigiosos de toda España. Este mes de marzo, ponemos el punto de mira en Barcelona, donde estaremos junto a nuestros estimados clientes en Alimentaria Barcelona y Hostelco, los principales escaparates de la industria de la #alimentación, la #gastronomía y la #hostelería. Estos eventos representan el pináculo de la innovación, la calidad y las oportunidades de establecer contactos, y estamos orgullosos de apoyar a nuestros clientes en la exhibición de sus excelentes productos y servicios.
Únase a nosotros en Barcelona para experimentar de primera mano el futuro de los sectores de la alimentación y la hostelería. Aprovechemos la oportunidad de crecer juntos, explorar las tendencias del sector y forjar conexiones duraderas.
🇬🇧 As your trusted partner in rent, we're thrilled to confirm our presence at the most prestigious fairs and events across Spain. This March, we're setting our sights on Barcelona, where we'll stand beside our esteemed clients at @Alimentaria Barcelona and HOSTELCO, the leading showcases for the food, #gastronomy, and #hospitality industry. These events represent the pinnacle of innovation, quality, and networking opportunities, and we're proud to support our clients in showcasing their outstanding products and services.
Join us in Barcelona to experience the future of the food and hospitality sectors firsthand. Let's embrace the opportunity to grow together, explore industry trends, and forge lasting connections.
Fira Barcelona
#rentforevent #zorzinoleggio #artedeexponer #artediesporre #artofexhibiting #AlimentariaHostelco #InnovaciónEnHostelería #ApoyandoNuestrosClientes
Un weekend impegnativo ma pieno di soddisfazioni!🍻 🍕👨🍳
Fino a domani saremo a Rimini al Beer&Food Attraction l'evento che celebra l'unione tra birre, bevande, food e le ultime tendenze per il settore OUT OF HOME. Una vetrina unica per professionisti che desiderano esplorare nuove modalità e stili di consumo, in un contesto dedicato all'Eating Out Experience.
Saremo anche nel cuore degli eventi più prestigiosi del settore: Pizza Senza Frontiere e i Campionati della Cucina Italiana. La nostra collaborazione con la FEDERAZIONE ITALIANA CUOCHI testimonia la fiducia, la qualità e la professionalità che ci contraddistinguono. Questa stretta sinergia ci permette di offrire attrezzature espositive e professionali per la cucina di ultima generazione, essenziali per gli chef nei loro cammini verso l'eccellenza.
Seguiteci per scoprire come le nostre soluzioni elevano l'esperienza culinaria a nuovi livelli.
#zorzinoleggio #artediesporre #rentforevent #PartnerDiEccellenza #InnovazioneCulinaria #BeerFoodAttraction