The Heartbeat of the Rastafari Indigenous Village - Our Drum Tribute
# #catapultday #catapultartsgrant #caribbeanculturematters #artmatters #artspacecaribbean #artecaribeňo #culturematters #creativecommunity
Irits - Cultural and Wellness Festival is scheduled to be held on the last Sunday of every month.
CATAPULT - @catapultartscarib
American Friends of Jamaica - @afjcares
Kingston Creative - @kingstoncreativejm
Fresh Milk Barbados - @freshmilkbarbados
American Friends of Jamaica: @theafj
Kingston Creative: @kingstoncreativejm
Fresh Milk Barbados: @freshmilkbarbados
Join us this Sunday across the river with @lucianomessenjah! It will be a day of art, healing, and more! Stay tuned to keep updated. See you there.
Come and nourish your body and soul with live food from @bushandwater at IRITS this Sunday, February 23.
See you there!
#WalkWidYuhMoney! 😂🌿🌿💦
Mighty Diamonds, 50th Anniversary Tour - Montego Bay
Mighty Diamonds in concert, Sunday Afternoon, 1-6pm Rastafari Indigenous Village Montego Bay
Festival today at 1pm🙄 with live music all afternoon🤗, an Ital vegan meal included.😉 Watch local artisans🤩 join the healing ceremonies😇 and drumming rituals.😍 #Music #Food #Healing #Art #Culture #Ital #Vegan #Painting #Yoga #Massage #Therapy #Relax #Dancing #Reggae #Folklore #Family #Friends #Go #Harmony #Unity #Village #Jamaica #Onelove #Rastafari #Event #Festival #Artists #Sunday #Dinner #Show
Live food tasting😋 with Aris Latham😲 this Sunday at our Cultural Expo.😍 #Food #Festival #Friends
A deep healing🙄 meditation with renown physician,😇 ceo of health retreat😮 and veteran of traditional medicines🤗 #Food #Festival #Healing #Ceremonies
'Woman to Woman'🤗 song sharing uptempo beats😊 in celebration of the divine🤩 female energy.😍 #Music #Festival #Food #Family #Friends