Lets Make it Beyond Expectations! Enjoy watching!! #Huawei #jordan #dubai #Egypt #turkey ✨💫
Our Unique Touches are Every where!! Lets take you with us Behind the Scenes!! 💪✨💫 hard work with great team 💪#SEE ✨
المؤتمر الثالث للجمعية الاردنية لطب اسنان الاطفال تنظيم و تجهيز شركة سما ايلياء 💪💫✨#jordan #dubai #saudiarabia #Egypt #turkey
We made it as no one can make it better! 💪 Sama Eliea Team #BeyondLimits!✨& #BeyondExpectations! ✨💫. Contact us for your next event to make it unique and memorable! 📲+962 79028 2672 📧 [email protected]
Let us bring your vision to life and make your guest experince Unique & Memorable with our professional Team…. ✨Contact us to draw your next event from scratch! 📲 +962 79028 2672 or +962 79020 1570 💻 [email protected]
“Where Excellence Begins and End in Success” #Events #conferences #Exhibitions #EMPHNET 8th Conference done by SamaEliea team #jordan #dubai #KSA2024 #Egypt #Turkey 👌✨✨
تحت رعاية جلالة الملك عبدالله بن الحسين المعظم المؤتمر العربي الاول حول دور الكفاءات الصحية العربية المهاجرة تجهيز و تنظيم شركة سما ايلياء للمؤتمرات #جامعة_الدول_العربية #مؤتمرات #فعاليات٢٠٢٤
تجهيزات المؤتمر الاول للتقويم الشفاف و المؤتمر الثالث عشر للجمعية الاردنية لتقويم الاسنان والفكين ✨ #سما_ايلياء_للمؤتمرات
Contact us for your next event to make it unique and memorable 📲+962790282672 📧[email protected]
We are always the best #SamaElieaTeam ✨👌
Let’s Take you Back to Detex2022 ✨#samaelieateam #detex2024 #detex2022 #eventplanning
After Our Huge Success in #DETEX2022 and for the #Second_Time_in_a_Row#DETEX2024 Done By #SamaElieaTeam #ACI #We_Appreciate_Your_Trust