Hakuba Rainbow Festival

Hakuba Rainbow Festival Hakuba Rainbow Festival is 10 days of fun in the Hakuba Valley

Hope to see you at Sakka this morning. It looks like the sun will be shining, music playing at the terrace bar, come and...

Hope to see you at Sakka this morning. It looks like the sun will be shining, music playing at the terrace bar, come and support the rainbow community.

Come and celebrate the epic snow we are getting this weekend.We will have the fire pits going, and the DJ ready to help ...

Come and celebrate the epic snow we are getting this weekend.
We will have the fire pits going, and the DJ ready to help us dance to the snow gods under the rainbow umbrellas tomorrow afternoon 12 to 3pm

ファイヤーピットを焚き、DJ が虹の傘の下で雪の神様にお祝いし踊る私達をヘルプしてくれます。



Due to the big snow storm coming this weekend, the costume contest and flag parade will now be held on Saturday March 16th. We are hoping for a sunny day!

楽しい時間がもうすぐ始まります!2024年3月9日から17日まで白馬レインボーフェスティバルに参加してください。ここではそのハイライトをいくつか紹介します。詳細については、www.hakubarainbow.com をご覧ください。3月9日...

詳細については、www.hakubarainbow.com をご覧ください。

フェスティバルの週は、八方尾根のゲレンデでの 1 日から始まります。
午後 6 時からベアーズ カフェ エコーランドでウェルカム ディナーが開催され、午後 9 時からサムライ ケバブで遅くまでドラッグ ショー UPLIFT PARTY が開催されます。

前夜のUPLIFT PARTYに続いて、自分のコスチュームを着る時間です。
ベアーズカフェ スノープラザ咲花で午前11時から開催される入場無料の仮装コンテストに参加してみませんか。

仮装コンテストの後は、八方尾根咲花ゲレンデでのフラッグパレードにご参加ください。集合場所 ベアーズカフェ スノープラザ咲花 3月10日(日)正午12時

リラックスしたいときは、テラス バーでゆっくりとくつろいだり、ヘンリーズ レストランで午後 12 時から午後 3 時までシャンパン ブランチをお楽しみください。

Fun times coming soon!
Join the Hakuba Rainbow Festival, March 9th ~ 17th 2024.
Here are some of the highlights.
Check out all the details at www.hakubarainbow.com

March 9th
Start the festival week off with a day out on the slopes of Happo-one,
call into Bears Cafe at the Sakka Snow Plaza and check out all the Rainbow Festival decorations.
From 6pm there will be a welcome dinner at Bears Cafe Echoland , followed by the Drag Show UPLIFT PARTY 9pm until late at Samurai Kebab!

March 10th
Following the UPLIFT PARTY the night before, it’s time to get your own costume on!
Join in the fun at Bears Cafe Snow Plaza Sakka with the Free Entry Costume Contest from 11am.
Some great prizes for entrants in costume.

Following the costume contest, please join the flag parade at Happo-one Sakka Gerende. Meeting place Bears Cafe Snow Plaza Sakka at 12 noon on Sunday March 10th

If you're in the mood to relax, just sit back and relax at the Terrace Bar or enjoy the Champagne Brunch at Henry's Restaurant from 12 to 3pm


Hakuba, Nagano


月曜日 09:00 - 17:00
火曜日 09:00 - 17:00
水曜日 09:00 - 17:00
木曜日 09:00 - 17:00
金曜日 09:00 - 17:00
土曜日 09:00 - 17:00
日曜日 09:00 - 17:00



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What is Hakuba Rainbow Festival.

* English below



LGBT festival is in very normal and popular in all of the famous ski resort except in Japan. so if we say Hakuba is a one of the popular international ski resort, we should have kind of this event in here this is why we started last year. But not just for LGBT community, in Japanese we say "Rainbow bridge" for connect many different people and things. World is getting crazy, snow season will shorter in the future maybe. If so, we should do something in here in March and make fun and reason to people choice us! This is the biggest reason of this festival. If you are a business owner in hakuba, please contact us to join. Even you aren’t Hakuba people, please offer us if you have any ideas!. This is the Hakuba Rainbwe Festival group page. We will keep post a lots of interesting event in March. Please like this group page and let get hakuba great again!