\ 2024佐賀インターナショナルバルーンフェスタまで、あと13日!/
(Eng. below)
過去16年間のフライト実施のデータをまとめると、午後の44%の実施率に比べ、午前は ”82%”と高い実施率となっています

It starts from Oct 31 and 2 weeks to go! All participants, including pilots, crew, and spectators, are you ready?
In Saga International Balloon Fiesta, flights will be held twice a day from 7:00am and 3:00pm but did you know there are higher chance to be held in mornings than afternoons?
Let’s see the data for the last 16 years. Probability of morning flights is 82% and afternoon 44%.
You might have had a experience that they were all canceled even it was fine weather. (I have…)
In a sunny day, ground of the Saga Plain is warmed up by the light of the sun and there will be temperature differences between the Ariake Sea. The grand is heated easily but the sea isn’t, so that updraft air rises on the Saga Plain and downdraft air is created on the Ariake Sea. It becomes windy and mass of air called thermal, which makes flights of balloon unsafe.
Sky sports are depending on weather all the time and you know nothing is certain. But maybe, something good will happen if you get up early.