Keio Plaza Hotel Tokyo 京王プラザホテル

Keio Plaza Hotel Tokyo 京王プラザホテル This is official page for KEIO PLAZA HOTEL. Located in Shinjuku, the heart of Tokyo.




Celebrate Hinamatsuri with us! We're offering special seasonal menus at Kagari Japanese Cuisine restaurant and other locations. Highlights include the charming Kagari Bina lunch, served in adorable Arita ware dishes shaped like traditional hina dolls (representing the Emperor and Empress), and the vibrant Hanaemi lunch and dinner, featuring dishes presented in delightful bonbori (paper lantern)-shaped vessels. These dishes are as pleasing to the eye as they are to the palate.

#京王プラザホテル #ひなまつり

カクテル&ティーラウンジでは「キャラメルシナモンアップルティー~スリランカの茶葉 ウバのデザートティー~」をご提供中。独特の渋みと心地よいコクがある世界三大銘茶のウバにフレッシュのリンゴとドライイチジク、甘いキャラメルシロップを加えたデザー...

カクテル&ティーラウンジでは「キャラメルシナモンアップルティー~スリランカの茶葉 ウバのデザートティー~」をご提供中。独特の渋みと心地よいコクがある世界三大銘茶のウバにフレッシュのリンゴとドライイチジク、甘いキャラメルシロップを加えたデザートのようなアップルティーをお楽しみください。

Savor the sweetness of autumn with our Caramel Cinnamon Apple tea at Cocktail and Tea Lounge. This exquisite dessert-inspired tea features premium Uva tea from Sri Lanka, infused with the flavors of fresh apples, dried figs, and a drizzle of caramel. This symphony of flavors will tantalize your taste buds.

#京王プラザホテル #アップルティー



・とろ~り食感の「焼きたて いちごのフォンダンショコラ」

Starting today, January 15th (Wed), indulge in a delightful Strawberry-themed Dessert Buffet at All-Day Dining Jurin.
Treat yourself to a delectable selection of 13 sweet creations, including freshly baked strawberry soufflé and other delightful treats made to perfection. Immerse yourself in the sunlit ambiance of our dining room while savoring an array of strawberry desserts alongside our signature savory dishes.
Menu Highlights:
Perfectly Yours Parfait (craft your own creation)
Fluffy Baked Vanilla Soufflé with Strawberry Cream
Warm Strawberry Fondant Chocolate
Melting Raclette Cheese with Vegetables and Crusty Baguette
Join us for this irresistible celebration of strawberries!

#京王プラザホテル #ストロベリースイーツブッフェ




This Valentine’s Day, indulge in our special creation: Dessert Chocolates Inspired by Flowers and Fruits. The Chocolat Bouquet enchants with its charming, ball-shaped chocolates, while the Ruban Sucré, beautifully wrapped like a gift, adds an elegant touch to your celebration.

Each piece is delicately infused with the exquisite flavors of flowers and fruits, offering a truly unforgettable dessert experience. These chocolates are perfect as a gift for loved ones, a personal indulgence, or a delightful treat to share with family.

Available : January 14th (Tue) - March 16th (Sun)

#京王プラザホテル #バレンタイン2025

あけましておめでとうございます。2025年も皆様にとって幸多き1年になりますよう、心よりお祈り申し上げます。本年もどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。A Happy New Year!Wishing you a joyous New Year!...


A Happy New Year!
Wishing you a joyous New Year! May 2025 be filled with happiness and prosperity, bringing you countless moments of joy and success. Here's to new beginnings and exciting adventures.

#京王プラザホテル #お正月2025

今年も皆様のご愛顧を賜り、誠にありがとうございました。来年も皆様にお会いできることを楽しみにしております。良いお年をお迎えください。We sincerely appreciate your continued patronage. As w...


We sincerely appreciate your continued patronage. As we eagerly anticipate your visit in the upcoming year, we extend our warmest wishes for a joyous and healthy New Year filled with happiness, surrounded by family and friends. May the coming year bring you prosperity and fulfillment. Cheers to a wonderful year ahead!

#京王プラザホテル #大晦日2024

2024年も残すところあと2日となりました。新年の慶びに華を添える美味を重ねた、彩りのおせち料理。それぞれの食材に込められた願いや祈りとともに、素敵な新年をお迎えください。A new year is approaching, with on...


A new year is approaching, with only 50 hours left! Osechi is a traditional Japanese New Year’s dish consisting of an assortment of small dishes arranged in tiered boxes. Each dish has its own significance, and is part of the celebration of the New Year and has some auspicious meaning which reflects people’s wishes. For example, “kuro-mame,” sweet simmered black beans, are for diligence as “mame” means diligent. And “kazunoko,” herring roe, represents fertility.

#京王プラザホテル #おせち

メリークリスマス!素敵なクリスマスをお過ごしください✨Merry Christmas to everyone!On behalf of the entire team at Keio Plaza Hotel, we wish you a m...


Merry Christmas to everyone!
On behalf of the entire team at Keio Plaza Hotel, we wish you a magical Christmas.
May all your dreams and wishes come true, and may you feel happiness all year round.

#京王プラザホテル #クリスマスツリー

アートラウンジ<デュエット>では、ナッツバニラロイヤルミルクティーをご用意しております。ナッツの香ばしさとバニラが香る季節限定のロイヤルミルクティーを、暖かみ溢れるくつろぎの空間でご堪能ください。Art Lounge, Duet, is o...


Art Lounge, Duet, is offering Vanilla Nut Royal Milk Tea. Please enjoy fragrant nuts and the elegant aroma of vanilla. Don't miss your chance to try this flavorful milk tea, perfect for chilly days!

#京王プラザホテル #ロイヤルミルクティー



Celebrating the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Registration of Traditional Sake Brewing!

At our three establishments—Japanese Cuisine Kagari, Sake Bar Amanogawa, and Kaiseki Soujuan—we take pride in offering a diverse and carefully curated selection of exceptional sake and other beverages to perfectly complement your dining experience!
Whether you pair sake with exquisite dishes at Kagari, embark on a sake tasting journey at Amanogawa, or enjoy it as the perfect accompaniment to a refined moment at Soujuan, we invite you to immerse yourself in the art of sake at its finest.
We look forward to welcoming you and celebrating the elegance of Japanese sake culture together.

#京王プラザホテル #ユネスコ無形文化遺産

メインバー<ブリアン>でお客様に提供されるチャーム。パスタスナックはデュオ フルシェットの料理長監修でパリパリに揚げており、ソルト&ペッパーのフレーバーです。オリーブには中にアンチョビを詰め込み、さらにアンチョビオイルに漬け込んでいます。ど...

メインバー<ブリアン>でお客様に提供されるチャーム。パスタスナックはデュオ フルシェットの料理長監修でパリパリに揚げており、ソルト&ペッパーのフレーバーです。オリーブには中にアンチョビを詰め込み、さらにアンチョビオイルに漬け込んでいます。どちらもお酒がより一層進む味わいです。

At Main Bar Brillant, we offer exquisite appetizers crafted to perfectly complement your favorite drinks.
Crispy Pasta Snack
Handcrafted under the guidance of Duo Fourchette’s executive chef, this golden, deep-fried pasta is seasoned with a delicate blend of salt and pepper for an irresistible crunch.
Anchovy-Stuffed Olives
Juicy olives are generously filled with savory anchovies and marinated in rich anchovy oil for a bold, umami-packed bite.
Please note: Flavors may vary.

#京王プラザホテル #メインバーブリアン


かわいいぬいぐるみがお出迎えするスペシャルテーブルプランの他、スイーツブッフェでお腹が満たされた後に47階のSKY PLAZA IBASHOでゆっくりくつろげるお得なプランもお見逃しなく♪

We're celebrating Korilakkuma’s 20th anniversary with an enchanting new theme: “Cotton Candy in the Sky” and a delightful dessert buffet at All Day Dining JURIN! Our patisserie team has designed a sweet selection inspired by this magical, pastel-hued world that promises to spark joy.
Enjoy a special dining plan featuring adorable plushies to welcome you at your table, setting the stage for a truly unique experience. Additionally, take advantage of our package that includes access to the relaxing SKY PLAZA IBASHO on the 47th floor after you’ve savored your fill of desserts. Don’t miss this charming journey into Korilakkuma’s whimsical world!

#京王プラザホテル #コリラックマ

本日は快晴!気温は低く肌寒いですが、空気は澄んでいるので都庁側は良い眺めです。撮影場所:SKY PLAZA IBASHOClear skies today! It’s chilly, but the crisp air offers a g...


Clear skies today! It’s chilly, but the crisp air offers a great view of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government side.
📷 taken at: SKY PLAZA IBASHO

#京王プラザホテル #新宿 #西新宿

今日11月22日は「いい夫婦の日」。京王プラザホテルのレストランでは、記念日やお祝いなど、特別な席の演出としてケーキや花束、メッセージプレートのお手配を承ります。Japan has a number of special observanc...


Japan has a number of special observances devoted to the family like most other countries, and one of them is on November 22nd, “Good Couple Day.” In Japanese, the numbers “11-22” can be read phonetically as “ii fuufu” (which means “good married couple”). Our hotel restaurants offer custom cakes, bouquets, and message plates to make your special occasions unforgettable!

#京王プラザホテル #いい夫婦の日

アートラウンジデュエット の11-12月のアフタヌーンティー『午後の宝石箱~冬~』は、11月は紅茶とマロンのデザートを、12月はクリスマスデザートをご用意いたします。季節を感じながら、有田焼の器とともにお楽しみください。Embrace th...

アートラウンジデュエット の11-12月のアフタヌーンティー『午後の宝石箱~冬~』は、11月は紅茶とマロンのデザートを、12月はクリスマスデザートをご用意いたします。季節を感じながら、有田焼の器とともにお楽しみください。

Embrace the enchanting allure of the season this November and December with our exclusive offering, 'Jewelry Box in the Afternoon in Winter,' presented at Art Lounge, Duet. Delight in the discovery of treasures nestled within exquisite Arita-yaki porcelain boxes. In November, relish the rich flavors of tea and chestnuts, while December unveils a special Christmas dessert. Immerse yourself in the splendor of the season and savor the delights awaiting you at Art Lounge, Duet.

#京王プラザホテル #アフタヌーンティー



Top bartenders from Keio Plaza Hotel Tokyo are teaming up with leading brewers for a one-night-only event, Aurora Beer Night, on Sunday, November 24! Enjoy exceptional beer and cocktails crafted by professionals, paired with an exclusive hotel buffet, all while taking in the stunning night views from the 45th floor. Don’t miss this unforgettable evening!

#京王プラザホテル #ビール



In Japan, parents traditionally take their 3-, 5-, 7-year-old children to a Shinto shrine to pray for their growth on November 15th. Children are dressed well for the occasion, with many of them in traditional kimonos. Having emerged in the Edo period, this custom is called Shichigosan (“seven-five-three”) after the ages of the children who participate in the celebration. Kagari, Japanese Cuisine, and Soujuan, Kaiseki Cuisine, both in Keio Plaza Hotel Tokyo have special menus for celebration of children's growth.
*Requires reservations in advance.

#京王プラザホテル #七五三



Our Oktoberfest is available until the end of November across various locations within the hotel.
At Main Bar Brillant, enjoy a carefully curated selection of craft beers, handpicked by our expert bartenders.
●Yona Yona Ale●
This medium-bodied American Pale Ale features a fresh, aromatic profile from premium Cascade hops. Please note that beer selections may vary based on seasonal availability.

#京王プラザホテル #よなよなエール


Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo





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