Czecho-Slovak food and beer!
Hi my name is Miro and live at Hitoyadocho and work as an architect in Sozosya. After feeling like becomming a part of Hitoyadocho community I would like to have everybody try the food from my country.
Guláš グラシュ
Originaly from Hungary, yet it is a very common meat stew everywhere in central europe. It is mostly prepared on real fire in a huge cauldron. Base is beef meat and onions, with a lot of paprika spice a cumin. It takes about 5hours to make this dish. Best served with bread and beer!
Nakladaný hermelín
Is a very popular czech cheese dish, where camembert style cheese ( we have our special in czechia) is pickled in oil with onions, spices and a secret garlic-spice paste for several days. Best served with bread and beer ( ビールのおつまみ見たい)
Hubertus Pivo
A selection of 4 Czech Lager style beers. Brewery was founded in 1457, has a very strong tradition and is a very popular beer in Czechia.
Premium Lager Beer
- Alc 4,7%
- a full-body lager, with enriching bitterness and characteristic bread-iness flavors
- best served cold and anytime with any food!
Dark Lager Beer
- Alc 4,9%
- rich flavored lager, gently merging sweet and bitter flavors. Caramel and coffee flavors were added by a carefull selection of 4 different malts
- best served cold with rich and heavy food
Medium Lager
-Alc 4,4%
-a refreshing beer, closest to draft beers in czech
- the balance between bread and malt flavours with the medium ammount of bitterness makes this the best beer for a hot summer day
Light Lager Beer
-Alc 3,7%
- a very light, easy to drink beer, with refreshing bitterness and flavors.
- best served cold and on a hot summer day
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