Views from our late office hours. 😍
Happy Valentines Day! Visit for a small surprise. 🌹
What are your hacks for making Mondays easier?
#mondaymotivation #officespacekenya #thenookcoworking
December is here and we’ve done a great job! It’s time to celebrate our achievements. 🎉
How is your progress on this year's goals? If things are going well, great! If not, it’s okay to take a break and restrategize. It’s also okay to ask for help. 💪
How is your progress on this year's goals? If things are going well, great! If not, it’s okay to take a break and restrategize. It’s also okay to ask for help. 💪
How do you talk to yourself? Positive self-talk includes saying things like, “I am ready for this” or “I will be successful today”.
Imagine what success looks like and you can achieve it! 💡
#productivity #worklife #positivemindset #humpday
What does your next year look like? Making a plan helps avoid surprises.
#productivity #Tuesday #cowork #teambuilding #meetingspace #TheNookCoworking
Which tasks do you find yourself doing over and over? See if you can find an app to take over menial jobs such as social media #scheduling, #proofreading documents or noting #calendar events.
#prouctivity #management #entrepreneurship
Did you know? Highly productive people focus on getting started whether they are motivated or not. Motivation often comes AFTER productivity.
#productivity #dothework #grind #coworkingkenya
Understand your priorities. "I don’t have time" really means "it’s not a priority.” List what is truly important to you, understand why and organise your time accordingly.
#mondaymotivation #productivity #coworkingkenya
Hive’s CEO John Furneaux says that when you start work in the morning, you should tackle your hardest task first also known as 'eating the frog'. Does this work for you?
#productivity #coworking #millenialwork