Visit us in Siem Reap.
#memoirepalace #siemreap #angkorwat
Our meeting spaces are tailored to meet your needs. Share your requirements with us, and we'll ensure the success of your next event.
#corporateevents #eventmanagement #meetingspace
Everything is set at Memoria Spa for your arrival: lotus flowers, fresh towels, a serene ambiance, and our expert therapists ready to ensure your relaxation and pleasure.
#memoirepalace #Cambodia #siemreap #angkorwat #luxuryspa #healthyliving #WellnessCambodia
Last Friday, the 23rd, we had the honor of hosting the GIZ Cambodia and TUI Care Foundation Strategic Cooperation Announcement.
Weโre proud and delighted to hear that the attendees enjoyed our majestic ballroom, its elegant decor, and the coffee break lovingly prepared by our dedicated staff.
#memoirepalace #Cambodia #siemreap #Conference
Flowers and trees bring tranquility and fresh air to our surroundings.
At Memoire Palace Resort & Spa, we understand this deeply, which is why we meticulously maintain our gardens and nurture the lush greenery that makes this place truly special.
#memoirepalace #Cambodia #siemreap #angkorwat #GreenEscape #naturelovers
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Imagine starting your day with these breathtaking views while birds sing around you... Welcome to Memoire Palace Resort & Spa!
#memoirepalace #Cambodia #siemreap #luxury #angkorwat
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9th Angkor Empire Marathon 2024
Sunday, August 4, 2024 in Siem Reap.
Video: @ Roma Lim
Thank you for choosing Memoire Palace Resort & Spa to host your event.
We provided our guests with our spacious Ballroom, accommodating up to 250 people in theatre and reception style. The event featured a delightful coffee break with delicious snacks, cold beverages, and professional waitstaff. Dedicated receptionists warmly welcomed attendees, and the venue was beautifully decorated with lotus flowers and corporate elements.
We also provided audiovisual equipment with technical support to ensure flawless presentations, along with security services and parking, among other amenities.
#memoirepalace #MICE #businesstravel #conferences #corporateevents #eventplanning
Exciting things are happening this Green Season at Memoire Palace Resort & Spa! Last Sunday, we indulged in a delightful Pool Brunch with delicious Khmer and Western cuisine, and had a blast swimming in our immense pool!
Would you like to enjoy another Sunday Pool Brunch with your family? Share this with your friends and come experience one of the largest pools in Siem Reap and a brunch prepared by our local chef Chanthorn!
#memoirepalace #Cambodia #siemreap #poolbrunch #greenseason
Discover the mystical allure of Ta Prohm Temple, famously featured in โTomb Raider,โ where nature and ancient architecture intertwine.
Video: Mr Donut แแผแแถแแ
#memoirepalace #siemreap #Cambodia #angkorwat #greenseason
Enjoy the Green Season at Memoire Palace Resort & Spa!๐ฟ๐
- Spacious rooms with exquisite traditional Khmer designโ
- Family Suitesโ
- Stunning views and access to our 360-degree lagoon poolโ
- Eco-friendly amenitiesโ
- Delicious breakfast buffet includedโ
- Relaxing treatments at our marvelous Memoria Spaโ
- Our attentive staff dedicated to making your stay unforgettableโ
And much more...
#memoirepalace #Cambodia #siemreap #angkorwat #greenseason #greenpractices #ecofriendly