This enormously entertaining and very creative magic show boasts a cast of Korea’s greatest illusion artists in an enchanting, engaging and hilarious show like no other.
A contemporary mystery magical show, SNAP is a multi-faceted, ingenious show combining moments of classic comedy theatre with a unique stage language, magic and illusion. The cast of seven who have won all around victories including the 1st prize, most originality award and more from the world's most prestigious magic championships- huge stars in their own country and masters of their craft – bring to life characters such as The Alchemist, The Dreamer, The Florist, The oddball, The Tricksters and a host of others to stage a fabulous fantasy experience to Fringe audiences.
SNAP is the performance of fantasy art which creates an extremely realistic atmosphere of fantasy through the inventive ideas, producing a dreamlike impression through the use of light and dark reflecting the surreal world.