Simply Talent Recreations events

Simply Talent Recreations events Simply Talent Recreations is an all fun company that provides a vast amount of services in the category of sports, tourism and entertainment.

From big events, to house parties you name it.. Simply Talent Recreations is your place to be .

"This person is no more available on messenger"  Leoatla Marry Leoatla what was really going on here? As business people...

"This person is no more available on messenger" Leoatla Marry Leoatla what was really going on here?
As business people, we give everyone 5min to explain themselves..
From time to time the scammers try to contact us.. which ruins chances for those really in need..
Be kind to people but don't fall for their evil social media tricks. Stay safe.

Proof we are not taking it easy on league teams.

Proof we are not taking it easy on league teams.

Proof I love basketball

Proof I love basketball

Proof we are whipping seasoned companies.  We are coming up nicely

Proof we are whipping seasoned companies. We are coming up nicely

Proof there is still life.... we are growing and cruising nicely.... Doing the most with the least.. building character ...

Proof there is still life.... we are growing and cruising nicely.... Doing the most with the least.. building character through sports.. just easy. The life I can't afford.. to many more..

Here is that no effort weekend schedule design.. learning how to crop 2024... anyway.  SIMPLY TALENT IS PLAYING AT 3PM L...

Here is that no effort weekend schedule design.. learning how to crop 2024... anyway. SIMPLY TALENT IS PLAYING AT 3PM LCE TODAY.. Let's please show up for our boys..
Ball is life..

A whole events calendar. Please contact for more information.  And please don't hesitate to share. Thank you in advance.

A whole events calendar. Please contact for more information. And please don't hesitate to share. Thank you in advance.

Don't hesitate to share. Simply Talent Recreations events

Don't hesitate to share. Simply Talent Recreations events

The time is near... Simply Talent Recreations events

The time is near... Simply Talent Recreations events

Another final... fun Sunday afternoon ahead..

Another final... fun Sunday afternoon ahead..

4 left. We still looking for new homes. 59541701

4 left. We still looking for new homes. 59541701

Great to see all our hard work finally be recognized. Great work team Simply talent recreations. And the Basketball Leag...

Great to see all our hard work finally be recognized. Great work team Simply talent recreations. And the Basketball League. 3 season and pushing.

Time for us to look for a new home. We play with food when there are many of us here. For only M500 you can come take us...

Time for us to look for a new home. We play with food when there are many of us here. For only M500 you can come take us from out current home in Ha-Thetsane.. Thank you in advance for the love and good life you are about to give me.. Call my leader on 59541701 ASAP.

We are cruising nicely.. Simply Talent Recreations

We are cruising nicely.. Simply Talent Recreations

Me thinking everyone cares about me..  I end up ......

Me thinking everyone cares about me.. I end up ......

Check out Simply Talent Recreations's video.

Simply Talent fun.

Simply Talent fun.

Watch, follow, and discover more trending content.

It's open season

It's open season

Check out Simply Talent Recreations's video.

Day 1.. great times ahead

Day 1.. great times ahead

Watch, follow, and discover more trending content.

Trying this taka-taka app finally.

Trying this taka-taka app finally.

Watch, follow, and discover more trending content.

Spring is finally here.. epic things are coming.. expanding well.. Standard Lesotho bank health day . Simply Talent Recr...

Spring is finally here.. epic things are coming.. expanding well.. Standard Lesotho bank health day . Simply Talent Recreations Simply Talent Recreations

I see two great seasons coming up for you. Epic.

I see two great seasons coming up for you. Epic.


Spring preparations

it is a perfect time to learn how to swim great people.. here is some information. You are more than welcome to call and...

it is a perfect time to learn how to swim great people.. here is some information. You are more than welcome to call and set up a different schedule at a cost obviously.. let us learn new skills.. +266 59541701


Thetsane West



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