Miracle Journey

Miracle Journey Sjekk ut våre "Photos" (trykk "see all"). Hva er spesielt med oss? Vi driver ikke med tradisjonell turisme, vi skaper overraskelser! Logoen vår er en labyrint.

Miracle Journey er et Norsk-Litauisk selskap som er spesialisert i å skape unike program for bedrifter, organisasjoner, vennegrupper eller andre som ønsker en spesiell og uforglemmelig opplevelse i Vilnius. Om oss:
Miracle Journey er et norsk-litauisk selskap som organiserer og er vertskap for bedrifter, organisasjoner, vennegrupper, kor og orkestre og andre som har lyst til å besøke Vilnius og Li

tauen. Det er fordi vi mener at det å reise, uansett formål, skal være litt som å gå inn i en labyrint: noe nytt, noe fremmed og noe overraskende. Den har en inngang og en utgang og det er alt du vet. Det er reisen mellom disse vi i Miracle Journey elsker å skape spesielt etter dine ønsker og deres behov. Vi driver ikke med masse-produksjon. Alle våre kunder får sitt eget, spesialtilpassede program ut fra deres formål med reisen. Enten dere ønsker å gjennomføre et styremøte her, ha en konferanse, ha ledertrening eller teamutvikling så har vi opplegg for dette. Programmet deres tilføres så, etter eget ønske, utfordringer, konkurranser, kulturopplevelser, historiske byvandringer og selvsagt gode måltider på være utvalgte restauranter. Alt tilpasset deres ønsker og budsjett. Vi tar oss av alt, fra dere blir hentet på flyplassen, til dere blir brakt trygt tilbake, spekket med gode opplevelser og minner. De fleste av våre kunder er bedrifter og organisasjoner som stiller høye krav til leveranser. Derfor er vi spesialisert i forhold til å levere i henhold til de kravene disse stiller. De ansatte i Miracle Journey er alle titulert ”Guardian Angels” og minst en av disse passer på dere under hele oppholdet og sørger for at alt er etter planen og hjelper dere med det dere måtte ønske underveis.

Å besøke Vilnius og Miracle Journey er en personlig opplevelse. Vi tar ikke imot våre kunder, vi tar imot våre venner. Du kommer på besøk ”til oss”. Vi introduserer deg til våre venner, i blant tar vi dere med hjem til en lunsj eller vi går en tur på byen sammen. Vi i Miracle Journey er en bred sammensatt igjen av inspirerte og motiverte mennesker. Vi er musikere, forretningsfolk, kunstnere, og akademikere. Alle har lyst til å dele av sitt og til å lære av ditt. Derfor blir også opplevelsen mer autentisk og minneverdig. Samtidig er vi til stede for dere på tlf. døgnet rundt slik at dere, dersom noe skulle oppstå, alltid har noen der til å bistå dere. Ulf Hallan: [email protected]
Ideskaper og historieforteller
Første ansatte og adm.dir. i stiftelsen Nordnorsk Lederutvikling i Bodø i 20 år. Erfaren konsulent innenfor ledelse, teambygging og strategiarbeid nasjonalt og internasjonalt. Kom til Vilnious i 1999 og forelsket seg i byen, nå bosatt i Vilnius i over 11 år. Erika Kutkaityte: [email protected]
Direktør i Miracle Journey og den faste hånd som sørger for at alt er litt bedre enn perfekt. Vertinne og vår sjefsengel som holder styr på alt og alle. Hjertelig velkommen til Litauen og Vilnius! P.s. Se på photos, så får dere et lite inntrykk av hva andre har opplevd her! Why are we special? Miracle Journey does not believe in tourism. We believe in surprises! You can notice that we have a labyrinth in our logo. It's because we believe that traveling with Miracle Journey should be like entering the labyrinth: it has the beginning and the end, and that is all you know. In between there is a journey. This journey is full of miracles and surprises that we organize for you! Miracle Journey doesn't mass-produce. We create a unique program for every group! Instead of giving charter one-fits-all offers, together with the customer we create a unique program for your group that combines culture and learning together with some fun bonding experiences and nice meals. We listen to your desires and propose activities that we believe your group will enjoy. No one before has experienced the program that we create for you! Miracle Journey is experienced in pleasing business clients

We work exclusively with companies and organizations; therefore we know and meet the standards of business clients. Usually everything from the moment your airplane lands in Vilnius until the moment you depart back home is taken care of by Miracle Journey and at least one of our Guardian Angels is present in every part of your program, making sure that everything goes smoothly and that you would not have to worry about anything. Miracle Journey is personal

You do not come to Lithuania as a tourist. You come to "visit us". We show you around town, we introduce you to our friends, we give you a tour of Vilnius nightlife, we invite you to our homes, we join you for meals and not only to make sure that there's enough wine and the food isn't late, but also to share our experience and love of this country. And if you need any help at any point of your stay, you can call us 24/7 and we will be right there! Miracle Journey reveals the true Lithuania to you: the people

Miracle Journey consists of highly motivated people from many areas of society. When visiting a new country it is just as important WHO you meet as WHAT you see. In addition to our Guardian Angels that watch over you, we have a large variety of people that meet our guests: musicians, politicians, historians, dancers, students, business people, artists and academics. They are not there mainly to give lectures, but to join in for a lunch or dinner; or to share their specialties within art or music, exclusively for you.


We wish happy and cosy holidays to all the friends of Miracle Journey! 🥰☃️🥂🎄


Heldigvis så er Litauen nesten Corona fri sone. Det er registrert en smittet helt nord i landet, i Šiauliai. Vlilnius er i beredskap, men ingen smittede påvist. Dessuten er det vår i lufta, 11-13 varmegrader og jeg hadde den første utepilsen i aften med gode venner.... (selv om det ikke var pils for meg).Alle er hjertelig velkommenpå en Coronafri helgetur! Takontakt!!!


Hei, og takk for sist!
Vi setter veldig stor pris på de av dere som skriver en, to eller tre setninger om opplevelsen med Miracle Journey i Vilnius. Det tar bare et minutt eller to, men betyr veldig mye for oss og ikke minst våre fremtidige kunder. Med Erika ute i svangerskapspermisjon de neste to årene trenger Ulf all den drahjelp han kan få! 🙂
Heldigvis har jeg gode hjelpere i Evelina og Ivona og Belada!


Snart får vi alle ledere i COOP Finnmark på besøk. Nesten 40 personer og antakelig det mest omfattende programmet vi noensinne har lagd for noen gruppe her i Vilnius. Det blir fantastisk artig, utrolig krevende og jeg er sikker på at det går bra når jeg har supre Guardian Angels til å ta vare på gjengen! Det er en flott følelse for en liten, men veldig ambisiøs bedrift å få tillit til å lage et så stort program!

Kjære gode venner. Konsertprogrammet er ikke klart ennå, men Vilnius har jo så uendelig mye mer å by på i løpet av året....

Kjære gode venner. Konsertprogrammet er ikke klart ennå, men Vilnius har jo så uendelig mye mer å by på i løpet av året. Hva med øl-festival, burger-festival, en haug med musikk-festivaler, ikke minst jazz og alt mulig annet. Mest spennende er kanskje de tradisjonelle byfestene når Vilnius stenges for bytrafikk og blir et levende kulturmarked. Her er noe av det som skal skje i år, du er hjertelig velkommen!

This year can be your most exciting yet if you come to Vilnius, especially since there are 36 notable events to choose from. Anything from very traditional to more artsy out-of-the-box event: music or cinema, the diversity of art and culture, the latest trends, and a special atmosphere full of ideas...

CHRISTMAS TABLE and Jan Garbarek IN VILNIUS!  Thinking of bringing your company, friends or family for a Christmas trip ...


Thinking of bringing your company, friends or family for a Christmas trip to Vilnius this year?

Here are a few of the exciting events this winter:

🍻 Nov30-Dec1 Vilnius beer festival

🌲 Dec1 – Festive lighting of Vilnius Christmas Tree, Christmas market opens in Cathedral Square

💃 Dec1 - Traditional Norwegian Christmas Table – JULEBORD!
Delicious Norwegian food, singing Christmas songs, entertainment and raffle.

🎶 Dec2 – Concert with Jan Garbarek Group feat. Trilok Gurtu

If you are interested in a Christmas table package for your company or personal group around these or other dates, contact us. 🌲

Fire sider i Dagbladet om Vilnius på lørdag. Her er også Ulf nevnt sammen med Miracle Journey. Kos dere, dere som har væ...

Fire sider i Dagbladet om Vilnius på lørdag. Her er også Ulf nevnt sammen med Miracle Journey. Kos dere, dere som har vært her og la dere friste til å ta kontakt, dere som ikke har vært her ennå!


‘Vilnius, the G-**ot of Europe: Nobody knows where it is, but when you find it, it’s amazing’ … a bold claim from a recent tourist ad that went viral

Lithuania is celebrating!

Lithuania is celebrating!

Tomorrow is a huge celebration in Lithuania! 💛💚❤️

Tomorrow is a huge celebration in Lithuania! 💛💚❤️

On 16 February 2018, Lithuania will celebrate 100 years since the signing of its Act of Independence. Here are 7 quick facts to get you in the know: 1. The Act of Independence created the Lithuanian state as we know it today. It marked the will of the Lithuanian people to create their own democratic...


Kaziukas Fair takes place annually on the weekend closest to Saint Casimir‘s Day (4 March). That‘s 3-5 March, 2017

How about being picked up at the airport by a gang of strong men in leather? ;) Then take a ride through the city with a...

How about being picked up at the airport by a gang of strong men in leather? ;)
Then take a ride through the city with a couple of breath-taking rest stops.

ps. it works best as a surprise

We have had a great experience in organizing concert tours for Norwegian musicians in Lithuania. We’ve worked with solo ...

We have had a great experience in organizing concert tours for Norwegian musicians in Lithuania. We’ve worked with solo performers as well as choirs and orchestras - both amateur musicians and professionals; this is includes: Bodø Domkirkes Ungdomskor, Fauske Blandakor, Susanne Lundeng Trio, Norwegian Arctic Philharmonic Orchestra, Jan Gunnar Hoff, The Publiners, Lindesnes Trekkspillklubb and many more.

We are especially experienced in organizing tours for Norwegian Choirs and School bands/Orchestras.

We take care of the essentials (hotel, transportation, dining) as well as handling all that is needed to set up the concerts: finding suitable venues and festivals, communicating with festival organizers, renting stage & equipment, advertising the events, finding Lithuanian musicians to cooperate with.

And let’s not forget the personal care of Miracle Journey that will accompany you every step of the way making your experience at least a little bit more magical!

Add an extra layer of excitement to your journey by choosing some musical experience. Professional musicians (classical,...

Add an extra layer of excitement to your journey by choosing some musical experience. Professional musicians (classical, jazz, folk... you name it!) will perform for your group exclusively, creating magical atmosphere for your best Vilnius memories.

June 2017 - Fauske Blandakor

June 2017 - Fauske Blandakor

Trakai is a symbol of Lithuanian tourism like Venice in Italy, or St. Petersburg in Russia. Similarly, Trakai was a former state of governor residence, the city have held many important cultural and historical events. And like Venice or St. Petersburg, Trakai is a city on the water. The only difference is that it is not near the sea but surrounded by lakes. Today Trakai castles are one of the most visited tourist sites in Lithuania, during the year it attracts up to 300 000 visitors.

During middle ages, Trakai was a multicultural settlement, now Karaites perceive Trakai as their homeland. It is estimated that now in Trakai (approximate population 6000) lives about 60 Karaites.

It is said that it was the Karaites who taught Lithuanians to pickle cucumbers. However, they are most famous for traditional Karaite dish “Kibinai”. In Trakai there are two things you must do: visit the castle and taste “Kibinai”.

We usually do exactly that and not only! After browsing through Trakai street market we visit the Trakai castle; and then, if the weather is suitable, we board the boat where lunch is served while we sail the lakes surrounding the castle. A true Miracle Journey!

June 2017 - Fauske Blandakor

June 2017 - Fauske Blandakor

June 2017 - Fauske Blandakor

June 2017 - Fauske Blandakor

Miracle Journey's terrace has been a venue for memorable events for years now: from welcoming surprises to seminars to concerts and dinner parties to birthday celebrations and even weddings!
The possibilities are endless, and the view of Vilnius old town is unforgettable...

November 2017 - Saltstraumen skole visiting a public Lithuanian school

November 2017 - Saltstraumen skole visiting a public Lithuanian school

Learn, compare and cooperate!

Miracle Journey works with professional businesses and organizations. Many of them use Miracle Journey as their preferred partner in developing their business internally or towards new markets and possibilities.

The fact that Ulf Hallan also holds the post as Honorary Consul for Lithuania to Norway, helps to open doors for Norwegian companies who search for partners, competence or business opportunities.

We have worked finding possibilities and learning for Telecom companies, Maritime Constructors, Woman’s Crisis Centers, Kindergartens, Architects, Choirs concert tours and many, many more.

THE RESTORED LITHUANIAN STATE IS TURNING 100 on February 16th! 💛💚❤️Vilnius municipality is organising lots of events thi...

Vilnius municipality is organising lots of events this year to commemorate this grand occasion. And you can even win a trip to Vilnius - see the post below :)

Come celebrate 100 years of Lithuanian Independence with us – just take the quiz, leave your contact details for a chance to win, and see you in Vilnius!

Happy Holidays to all of our friends! We are so grateful for another wonderful year - full miracles that we could create...

Happy Holidays to all of our friends!
We are so grateful for another wonderful year - full miracles that we could create and share with you 💚😇🎄🍷


Not “small”, but “compact”. “Not new”, but “modern”. “Not crowded”, but “multinational”. Perhaps Vilnius combines the above characteristics as no other European city. Its rich diversity of tangible and intangible heritage both portray an exceptional illustration of European capital which evolved in…

The sales of Club Tickets to Roger Waters concert in Kaunas has started and we'd love to invite you to join us in this f...

The sales of Club Tickets to Roger Waters concert in Kaunas has started and we'd love to invite you to join us in this fantastic experience!
We prepared a lovely package for you that includes Club ticket, transportation, hotel, welcoming and pre-party.
Please contact us to book your trip by Friday (November 3rd) and to receive detailed information regarding the program.

*this package is based on Norwegian air flights Oslo-Vilnius-Oslo August 23-28, 2018. If you choose different dates, the price will be adjusted.
**this is your basic package, you will get a chance to sign up for dinners, guided tours, SPA and other activities to enrich your experience even more!

It's official - ROGER WATERS will perform in Kaunas "Žalgirio arena" on August 26th next year! Ticket sale starts next w...

It's official - ROGER WATERS will perform in Kaunas "Žalgirio arena" on August 26th next year! Ticket sale starts next week (on October 12th).
Contact us if you are interested - this trip would make a great Christmas Present! ;)

Julebord i Vilnius! 🌲🍽️🥂🎁Contact us for more information ;) Sharing is caring - if you know someone who is interested, p...

Julebord i Vilnius! 🌲🍽️🥂🎁

Contact us for more information ;)
Sharing is caring - if you know someone who is interested, please share 🙏

Learn, compare and cooperate!  Miracle Journey works with professional businesses and organizations. Many of them use Mi...

Learn, compare and cooperate!

Miracle Journey works with professional businesses and organizations. Many of them use Miracle Journey as their preferred partner in developing their business internally or towards new markets and possibilities.

The fact that Ulf Hallan also holds the post as Honorary Consul for Lithuania to Norway, helps to open doors for Norwegian companies who search for partners, competence or business opportunities.

We have worked finding possibilities and learning for Telecom companies, Maritime Constructors, Woman’s Crisis Centers, Kindergartens, Architects, Choirs concert tours and many, many more.

September 2016 - M3 Anlegg

September 2016 - M3 Anlegg

We invite you to a shooting experience located in Vilnius or nearby – we can offer several locations. Professionals will introduce you to the guns and teach you how to use each one of them. Adrenaline kicks in and friendly competition makes it even more fun. Real guns with real bullets are used for shooting!

1) Transportation
2) Professional instructor
3) Shooting with chosen number of guns; here is an 8-gun program as an example:
• PM (Makarov) 9mm – 5 shots
• G***k 17 9mm - 5 shots
• SigSauer P-226 - 5 shots
• C**t 1911 45 ACP – 8 shots
• RONI/G17 - 10 shots
• Wi******er 12mm - 5 shots
• AK-47 7,62mm – 5 shots
• AK-74 - 5 shots

We invite you to spend your afternoon enjoying 3 specially selected cognacs with the host who is the best in his field. ...

We invite you to spend your afternoon enjoying 3 specially selected cognacs with the host who is the best in his field. He is often called the ambassador of cognac: he owns a cognac shop in Vilnius, has a substantial collection of cognacs as well as personal connections with the producers and he does not hide his passion for this noble drink, hell, even the license place of his car spells “Cognac”!

“Cognac boutique”, where degustations for smaller groups take place holds over 800 kinds of cognac, 100 kinds of armanac, 50 kinds of calvados, 250 kinds of whiskey, 350 kinds champagne and around 300 kinds of wine, plus many other kinds of drinks – a proud collection of the owner.
Spend a wonderful, relaxed evening with your colleagues and friends, tasting this noble drink, comparing it one to the other, hearing stories you won’t believe, learning answers to any question you ever had about cognac…let the enthusiasm and passion for cognac infect you for this one magical evening.

For those who love chocolate this means paradise! You and your friends will be gathered in a small and cozy hand-made ch...

For those who love chocolate this means paradise! You and your friends will be gathered in a small and cozy hand-made chocolate café. Here you will be dressed in caps and aprons, just like real confectionary professionals. After a short introduction of chocolate and its history you will get to taste the raw ingredients and then spend half an hour making as many pieces of confection as you manage! But quantity is not all that matters here – the most beautiful one will be awarded!
It is the sweetest way for to express creativity and competitiveness. You can take all your creations home as souvenirs or eat them right there with a nice cup of coffee.

•Professional teacher
•Chocolate prizes
•All the confect candies you will manage to create
•Discount at the chocolate shop

Back in the USSR is one of the most special and unique team experiences you can find in Europe. The 1984 Soviet Bunker i...

Back in the USSR is one of the most special and unique team experiences you can find in Europe. The 1984 Soviet Bunker is located outside the Lithuanian capital Vilnius in an old two-story underground bunker in the middle of the woods. The bunker, built in 1985 and abandoned in 1991 when Lithuania regained its independence, was a secret location during the Soviet period. It was built to house a TV station that could go on air in the event of a nuclear war. No one was here after Soviet units. Not Lithuanian tourists, not foreigners. You are the first.

The 2.5 hour experience allows visitors to get an idea of what life was like under a totalitarian regime; they have to head five meters underground into the bunker and have to put up with questions and commands barked at them by actors dressed in KGB uniforms. The actors are pretty scary – and all of them—both professional and not—were in the Soviet army. Some of them were even interrogators during Soviet times.

But this experience is not only about the Soviet Union. It is just as much about yourself and your group. How do you react to pressure, how do you deal with ethical questions in your actions, during interrogation and with your own colleagues and friends? This experience usually includes both a lunch in beforehand as well as a small Soviet meal afterwards.

Let’s get wild with Go Karts! This race brings up excitement and requires speedy reactions, concentration and support fr...

Let’s get wild with Go Karts! This race brings up excitement and requires speedy reactions, concentration and support from your team!

First we will hear the instructions and the program for the competition and will be divided into groups. This will take approximately 25 minutes. The competition will proceed.

Then people, who performed the best in the qualification drive, will be selected for the Final drive: The winners are awarded!

There is a bar open at the Go Cart track where participants can buy soft drinks and snacks to enjoy while they cheer their friends who are racing and wait for their turn to drive.

Spend some extreme time in the nature! You will be instructed on how to use the powerful 4-wheel ATVs and after some tim...

Spend some extreme time in the nature! You will be instructed on how to use the powerful 4-wheel ATVs and after some time to practice, you are off to the wilderness - fly faster than the wind over the fields and forest trails! Adrenaline is guaranteed!

Length of safari: 26 km
Duration: 1 - 2 hours


Vingriu G 3-1





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