Préparations de Noël à Clervaux
🇫🇷 Il y a des festivités dans l'air ! Rendez-vous dimanche à partir de 11h 🎅
🇬🇧 Santa is coming to town very soon 🎅 See you Sunday from 11 am !
La saison du CUBE 521 reprend prochainement ! N'hésitez pas à aller voir leur programme artistique et musical.
The CUBE 521 season will start again soon! Don't hesitate to check out their artistic and musical programme.
❗️L'eau déborde à certains endroits, comme ici à Drauffelt. Les chemins de randonnée peuvent être impraticables à certains endroits. Faites attention !
❗️Water overflows in some places, as here in Drauffelt. The hiking trails may be impassable in some places. Be careful!
Hiking meets local food - Summer edition
Nos randonnées de l'été sont ouvertes aux inscriptions !
✅ De nouveaux restaurants et de nouvelles balades vous attendent de juillet à septembre. ℹ️
Our summer hikings are back !
✅ New restaurants and new walks await you from July to September.
Lumudays CLervaux 2021
Lumudays 2021 /
🇬🇧 Next weekend, the Lumudays are being organised all over the country. During this week, we will focus on the various museums that are opening their doors to you.
🇫🇷 Le week-end prochain, les Lumudays sont organisés dans tous le pays. A l'occasion, toute cette semaine, nous ferons un focus sur les différents musées qui vous ouvrent leurs portes.
#lumudays #visitluxembourg #visiteislek
Surprise dans le Luxemburger Wort ce matin ! Foncez découvrir notre magazine d'inspirations. 😍
This morning, Visit Clervaux is featured in the Luxemburger Wort. Go grab one ! 📰
Hiking - Vacances de Pâques
Ready to hike ?
During the holidays, we propose you 3 differents hikes ! All come with a local guide and a 3-courses menu in a restaurant or a picnic in the wild.
Hiking meets local food
Hiking meets local food 🚶♀️🌲 > 2021
Each week, all year long ! This new edition starts in March.
What's new ? More restaurants, and differents levels ! 🤩
▶Book your hike :
#visitluxembourg #visitclervaux #hiking #gastronomy
Hiking meets local food
Summer vibes in the Our's valley !
Hiking meets local food
There are many ways to discover the area. This summer, "Hiking meets local food" offers you the chance to mix delicacies in a restaurant with a nature trail. Are you in ?
Every Wednesday and Sunday until 13th September !
Velo Via Norden
Velo Via Norden - 1. & 2. August
Entdecken Sie das Éislek auf zwei Rädern !
Clervaux, quiet by nature
Tens of kilometres of hiking trails, a few hundred bicycle paths, the paradise for nature lovers and peace is not far away.