DJ Cro-G Projects

DJ Cro-G Projects DJ Cro-G was a stage name used while publishing tunes and performing in known universe. It evolved to projects now.

So, 50 years ago to day, Pink Floyd entered Abbey Road Studios to record something still as resonant and immortal as it ...

So, 50 years ago to day, Pink Floyd entered Abbey Road Studios to record something still as resonant and immortal as it was back then

Maybe even more.


Music and musicians are not as important as we might think in overall picture, lunatics are still here

50 years ago today, Pink Floyd began a month of recording at Abbey Road. At this point, working titles for the songs that would make up ‘The Dark Side of the Moon’ included, ‘Travel’ (instead of ‘Breathe’), ‘Religion’ (instead of ‘The Great Gig In The Sky’) and ‘Lunatic’ (instead of ‘Brain Damage’).

Nick Mason recalls, “The recording was lengthy but not fraught, not agonised over at all. We were working really well as a band”. David Gilmour added, “When we went into the studio, we all knew the material. The playing was very good. It had a natural feel.”

When you finally leave this limited three-dimensional world, make sure there is a legacy to be remembered by, even from ...

When you finally leave this limited three-dimensional world, make sure there is a legacy to be remembered by, even from those who never met you

R.I.P. Vangelis 😪💔

You have touched my early youth and made it bearable at trial times, fell asleep countless times with your art

I will remember you, for all that matters

Goodbye and may you finally meet Jacques

Provided to YouTube by Sony Music CatalogWaiting for Cousteau (Remastered) · Jean-Michel JarreWaiting for Cousteau℗ 1990 Sony Music Entertainment Germany Gmb...

I'd love to be on that afterparty 🙃

I'd love to be on that afterparty 🙃

Fancy winning tickets to the SOLD OUT Fontaines D.C. gig and afterparty at den Atelier this Saturday? Like & share this post and listen to The Home Stretch from 4-7pm to find out more and hear Melissa's interview with the band. Also we'll have Alain from Clae Asbl and Ady El Assal in studio to tell us about Festival Des Migrations, we'll be playing Guess Who and the results of Clanger or Banger will be revealed!

🔈🔉🔊🔈🔉🔊🔈🔉🔊NEW   RELEASE   IS   OUT🔊🔉🔈🔊🔉🔈🔊🔉🔈🔊⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️





🥳 Check your other streaming service for availability 🥳

Listen to Samo Sopstveno by Dj Cro-G on Apple Music. 2022. Duration: 2:06

😍 Thank yo so much XRP Radio 🙏🤘Tune in, I know I will 🔊

😍 Thank yo so much XRP Radio 🙏🤘

Tune in, I know I will 🔊

This Sunday night, as part of the Zerpathon fun, Juniper and Archer are mashing up The Shade Garden and the Blues Pit for a 3 hour block.
6-9 pm EST
5-8 pm CST
3-6 pm PST
11 pm -1 am GMT
Joining them in the broadcast room for a live performance, interview and as co-host is talented musician, Abbie Thomas!
Two raffle prizes will be drawn during the show in addition to playing awesome independent music by:

dunkie. G@TTO Dan Phelps Music
Craig Allen Hecht. Katielou
Collins and Streiss. hazeyjane
Lunatraktors. Ridley Woof
Purple Lights - Blues'n'Roll from Switzerland. Chris Jones Band
Curtis Re*****on. Galileo's Fan
Lost Tuesday Society. Ella Hartt Music. DJ Cro-G. Archie Ray
Lavender Galaxy AJ Abberton
K Michael Joseph - KMJ Music Underground Ade Wilding
John Robert Hunter. Mark Purnell
Azure Sky. St Patrickzz.
Abbie Thomas Music. The Muddy Gems. Lee Ainley's Blues Storm
Allex Guedes - Página Oficial. and possibly more!

Tune in and join the chat!



This Sunday in Luxemburg I will play a beautiful program for theremin and guitar with Josip Dragnić! For those in the neighborhood, come and join us 😀

I personally dislike everything Apple does. And yet, there is a "First time" for everything. This is something I like.Mo...

I personally dislike everything Apple does.

And yet, there is a "First time" for everything.

This is something I like.
Monumental praise goes to Apple Music.

FINALLY, this is an initiative that is "only" 40 years late but will allow all the DJ's to do what they are good at - MIXING in general public rather than creating new mediocre sounds for elevators.

Well done!

3 Playlists


Open post to ADEM - Agence pour le développement de l'emploi

CC: Paulette Lenert Xavier Bettel

Sent via official ADEM Web form today:


I would like to get contacted regarding my case with someone who is sensitive to people with disabilities as this has now been 4 months without any sign of a resolution.

Until now, I have not had success but was asked to break the CID law by sending my highly sensitive personal data trough unencrypted e-mail system and generally ignored and insulted when attempting to communicate on English through phone support.

When I finally got to a supervisor today, Mrs. (NAME) (she did not present her last name), phone reception was bad and I was asked to call again.

Upon calling again, support has refused to transfer me to her with "there are many (NAME) here".

I am a VERY sick person recently diagnosed with Primary Progressive MultipleSclerosis, thrown into your bureaucracy trough "Comission Mixte" decision based on this diagnosis to this horrendous system and would like to have some dignified treatment and not as a "normal" healthy human, or, as support person on the phone said "everyone has problems" utter ignorance.

I do not wish anything else but what is guaranteed to me not by a choice but predicament, based on decision not made by me but government's legal body.

Can you please assign a someone in ADEM who has a shred of empathy to contact me over the phone and sort this case out to mutual benefit.

As it is now, this is causing me only stress which in turn is bringing me faster to a wheelchair as a consequence of my disease. In addition, as a sole provider in my household, I will not have the means to pay my rent in next two months and this is causing much more stress than an ignorant person on the phone.

Thank you,

(My legal Name is in Contact Form)"

This post is to raise awareness of Inclusion. This is what inclusion is all about. It has nothing to do with Diversity. It is about how society and employers treat me as a disabled. I just remembered that teen years ago (not a typo) in Zagreb, Croatia, I had ...

I just remembered that teen years ago (not a typo) in Zagreb, Croatia, I had repetitive yearly subscriptions to classical music evenings and a distinct theater taste

How could I forget THAT?

Mind works in so many strange ways

Very happy about remembering my roots 🥰

Tonight, it is an evening of classical composers 👌


Thank you XRP Radio 🙏

Thank you XRP Radio 🙏

It’s time for some awesome tunes to be served up from Archer’s Blues Pit! Join Archer for some great blues, rock, and other tunes from around the world.

Tune in to hear music from:

John Lyons Band
Collins and Streiss
Curtis Re*****on
Feral Ghost
Liam Lynott
AJ Abberton
Chris Jones Band
DJ Cro-G
Devils Spirals Blues
The Trevor B. Power Band
Joe "Pops" Bredow
Keith Skip Larsen
The Cron Band
Eva No
Resonut 1


Pismo prijatelju "Luksemburšska Dvadeset i prva (Croatian) *

Music: DJ Cro-G
Lyrics: DJ Cro-G


- Translation probably not possible but will do my best in upcoming days


A letter to a friend:
"Gledaj, mi smo kroz ovo prošli, oni nisu.

Ova cijela generacija PTSP-a osim par koji su se obogatili tako da nažalost razumijem cijelu situaciju; pa i ja sam bio siromašan do bola da sam pobjegao sa 200 maraka u džepu, dva polu-kofera i jednim telefonskim brojem da sretnem nekog u Njemačkoj u McDonaldu koji navodno ima neki posao a pročitan u Plavom Oglasniku.

Što ne razumijem je, mjere ili ne, ovo je jebeni virus koji se širi socijalnim kontaktom. Ne postoji ama baš niti jedna mjera koja sa 100% sigurnošću može garantirati da će svi preživjeti ako se restorani otvore.

Ovo nije neka igra jebote. Umreš. Ili netko tvoj umre. Ili neki stranac ZBOG TEBE umre. Ne, otvaranje je najneodgovornija stvar.

I zato se treba pomoć Horesci svim mogućim načinima da prežive dok nije sigurno da neće bit daljnje smrti.
Alo, smrt.
Nema te više.
Nema Boga.
Nema vraćanja.
Ne postojiš.
Kako možeš to uopće tražiti od nekoga?

Da mu umre mama li tata. Da tvoj Mateo nema tatu više jer netko je morao ići u restoran na jelo jer mu je bilo previše da jede hranu iz mikovalne koju je kupio u dućanu?

Ne mogu to podržat' nikako i stvarno ne postoji niti jedan argument koji me može razuvjeriti do moje, skorašnje smrti - jer sam i sam na listi onih koji imaju prioritet dobit vakcinu.

U osnovi, ljude boli k***c hoću li ja pokupit smrtonosni virus i od toga umrijet pa ostavit Hanu i sina mi same na ovom svijetu. Alo. Razumiješ? JA sam u pitanju.

Umre KroDži jer su restorani morali radit. E pa nemože.

Normalno je svakome da bude i uplašen i ljut kad netko, barem i indirektno, ignorira mogućnost da će smrt nekoga gdje živi i tko mu i na kraju krajeva posjećuje mjesto rada od kojeg živi - UMRE.

Strašno je to gledat frende, strašno.
Izbor je psihološka pomoć ili groblje.
Ja biram psihološku pomoć jer sam preživio neugodnosti kad nemaš love.
Smrt nitko nikad nije preživio.

Copyright: 2021, DJ Cro-G


Pismo prijatelju "Luksemburšska Dvadeset i prva (Croatian) *

Music: DJ Cro-G
Lyrics: DJ Cro-G


- Translation probably not possible but will do my best in upcoming days


A letter to a friend:
"Gledaj, mi smo kroz ovo prošli, oni nisu.

Ova cijela generacija PTSP-a osim par koji su se obogatili tako da nažalost razumijem cijelu situaciju; pa i ja sam bio siromašan do bola da sam pobjegao sa 200 maraka u džepu, dva polu-kofera i jednim telefonskim brojem da sretnem nekog u Njemačkoj u McDonaldu koji navodno ima neki posao a pročitan u Plavom Oglasniku.

Što ne razumijem je, mjere ili ne, ovo je jebeni virus koji se širi socijalnim kontaktom. Ne postoji ama baš niti jedna mjera koja sa 100% sigurnošću može garantirati da će svi preživjeti ako se restorani otvore.

Ovo nije neka igra jebote. Umreš. Ili netko tvoj umre. Ili neki stranac ZBOG TEBE umre. Ne, otvaranje je najneodgovornija stvar.

I zato se treba pomoć Horesci svim mogućim načinima da prežive dok nije sigurno da neće bit daljnje smrti.
Alo, smrt.
Nema te više.
Nema Boga.
Nema vraćanja.
Ne postojiš.
Kako možeš to uopće tražiti od nekoga?

Da mu umre mama li tata. Da tvoj Mateo nema tatu više jer netko je morao ići u restoran na jelo jer mu je bilo previše da jede hranu iz mikovalne koju je kupio u dućanu?

Ne mogu to podržat' nikako i stvarno ne postoji niti jedan argument koji me može razuvjeriti do moje, skorašnje smrti - jer sam i sam na listi onih koji imaju prioritet dobit vakcinu.

U osnovi, ljude boli k***c hoću li ja pokupit smrtonosni virus i od toga umrijet pa ostavit Hanu i sina mi same na ovom svijetu. Alo. Razumiješ? JA sam u pitanju.

Umre KroDži jer su restorani morali radit. E pa nemože.

Normalno je svakome da bude i uplašen i ljut kad netko, barem i indirektno, ignorira mogućnost da će smrt nekoga gdje živi i tko mu i na kraju krajeva posjećuje mjesto rada od kojeg živi - UMRE.

Strašno je to gledat frende, strašno.
Izbor je psihološka pomoć ili groblje.
Ja biram psihološku pomoć jer sam preživio neugodnosti kad nemaš love.
Smrt nitko nikad nije preživio.

Copyright: 2021, DJ Cro-G


Preview for feedback


A letter to a friend:

"Gledaj, mi smo kroz ovo prošli, oni nisu.

Moja cijela generacija je PTSP osim par koji su se obogatili tako da nažalost razumijem cijelu situaciju; pa i ja sam bio siromašan do bola da sam pobjegao sa 200 maraka u džepu, dva polu-kofera i jednim telefonskim brojem da sretnem nekog u Njemačkoj u McDonaldu koji navodno ima neki posao a pročitan u Plavom Oglasniku.

Što ne razumijem je, mjere ili ne, ovo je jebeni virus koji se širi socijalnim kontaktom. Ne postoji ama baš niti jedna mjera koja sa 100% sigurnošću može garantirati da će svi preživjeti ako se restorani otvore.

Ovo nije neka igra jebote. Umreš. Ili netko tvoj umre. Ili neki stranac ZBOG TEBE umre. Ne, otvaranje je najneodgovornija stvar.

I zato se treba pomoć Horesci svim mogućim načinima da prežive dok nije sigurno da neće bit daljnje smrti.

Alo, smrt.


Nema te više.

Nema Boga.

Nema vraćanja.

Ne postojiš.

Kako možeš to uopće tražiti od nekoga?

Da mu umre mama li tata. Da tvoj Mateo nema tatu više jer netko je morao ići u restoran na jelo jer mu je bilo previše da jede hranu iz mikovalne koju je kupio u dućanu?

Ne mogu to podržat' nikako i stvarno ne postoji niti jedan argument koji me može razuvjeriti do moje, skorašnje smrti - jer sam i sam na listi onih koji imaju prioritet dobit vakcinu.

U osnovi, ljude boli k***c hoću li ja pokupit smrtonosni virus i od toga umrijet pa ostavit Hanu i sina mi same na ovom svijetu. Alo. Razumiješ? JA sam u pitanju.

Umre KroDži jer su restorani morali radit. E pa nemože.

Normalno je svakome da bude i uplašen i ljut kad netko, barem i indirektno, ignorira mogućnost da će smrt nekoga gdje živi i tko mu i na kraju krajeva posjećuje mjesto rada od kjeg živi - UMRE.

Strašno je to gledat frende, strašno.

Izbor je psihološka pomoć ili groblje.
Ja biram psihološku pomoć jer sam preživio neugodnosti kad nemaš love.

Smrt nitko nikad nije preživio.





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