Kinky Riga

Kinky Riga Kink-related information & events
for open-minded & curious people.

Events in Riga for expats, foreigners & globally minded locals to meet, socialize & discover Riga together.

‼️ Wanna kinky-up your or someone else’s Xmas? Here’s an idea how! 😈Gingerbread cookies for those who have been naughty!...

‼️ Wanna kinky-up your or someone else’s Xmas? Here’s an idea how! 😈

Gingerbread cookies for those who have been naughty! 🔥

🖤”Sex me up & kinky” - 10€/set
🖤"You will be my Slave!” - 5€/pcs
🖤"Your Xmas C**k" - 7€/pcs

✅ Mani Cepumi will be selling some of their naughty gingerbread cookies at MEETUP 4 KINKSTERS event on 14.12. (Cash only!)


Pre-Order now your chosen cookies and receive them at the event on 14.12. 🎁

Yummy! 😋


Hey, community!

On 14th Dec 2023 we are launching “Ethical B**M Riga” Community Chat group in Telegram.

In the future new participants will be added there only by admins and only with a reference from someone who already is in the community.

The chat group is meant mainly for kink, B**M and fe**sh discussions in ethical an intellectual manner. There will be different threads like events, kinky marketplace, general discussions and other.

If we haven’t seen you around much, drop us a message and we might ask for a short video call before approving you as we care about the community’s wellbeing and are willing to maintain it pleasant and safe for all it’s members.

Send message to Kinky Riga to be added to this Telegram group!


Had an opportunity to attend a Sh***ri for newbeginners workshop by Tengu Hanataka (IG: sh***ri.baltics). Even though, I...

Had an opportunity to attend a Sh***ri for newbeginners workshop by Tengu Hanataka (IG: sh***ri.baltics). Even though, I was in a role of a Rope Bunny (the one who was being tied), I learnt so much! About sh***ri, communication, anatomy, safety…

Tengu is an amazing teacher with 10+ years experience with sh***ri, and I recommend his workshops 100%! Sh***ri is so much more than ropes and knots! It is an art! A very fine art! Incredible, how being tied up can make you feel so free, it was a deep meditation for me.

Follow on IG: sh***ri.baltics / join on FB: Community, and stay tuned about upcoming workshops! Feel free to DM me, will be happy to share some info!

***ririga ***ri **mcommunity **mriga

Have you heard of The Social Network for the B**M, Fe**sh & Kinky Community ✅ Just like Facebook, but f...

Have you heard of The Social Network for the B**M, Fe**sh & Kinky Community

✅ Just like Facebook, but for kinky people
✅ Meet likeminded people from all around the world, browse profiles, join interest Groups
✅ A beautifully diverse community of over 10 M members from all around the world
✅ Explore Kinktionary- just like dictionary, but about roles, kinks, fe**shes…
✅ Attend kink-related events all around the world
✅ Site is in English

❌ NOT a dating site
❌ NOT an app
❌ NOT a paid website (only feature that isn’t for FREE is the option to watch 2,5M videos shared by the communty, it costs 30 USD/ per 6 months, so basically 5 USD/ month- Support for the Website)
❌ You DON’T have to provide your card details when registering

See you there! 😈



IMPORTANT UPDATE! Riga InterNational Events Page has experienced some serious make-over.

Please, be informed that this Page is now called Kinky Riga, and from now on will be sharing kink-related information & events for open-minded & curious people, in English.

Feel free to unlike/ unfollow the Page if this topic is not relevant to you.

DISCLAIMER: Don't be afraid to be open-minded. Your brain isn't going to fall off.


Lepojos un dalos ar vakardienas pasākuma prezentāciju/ I am proud to present the presentation of yesterday's MEETUP 4 KINKSTERS 19/10/2023: PAŠDARINĀTIE B**M RĪKI UN AKSESUĀRI / DIY B**M TOOLS & ACCESSORIES.

Kad radās šī pasākuma tēmas ideja, pat nevarēju iedomāties, kādi talanti atklāsies! Liekot kopā prezentāciju, man bija WOW moments. Tiešām liels lepnums par tik radošiem, prasmīgiem un talantīgiem Rīgas B**M kopienas biedriem! 🤩 Prieks arī par to, ka viņi netur sveci zem pūra, labprāt prezentē savus darinājumus, kā arī dalās ar pieredzi, padomiem, iedvesmojot citus nebaidīties no nevarēšanas un nezināšas, bet sākt radīt pašiem un apgūt visu procesā, soli pa solim! PALDIES JUMS!


When the idea for this event theme arose, I couldn't even imagine what talents would be revealed! Putting together the presentation, I had many WOW moments. Truly, a great pride for such creative, skilled, and talented members of the Riga B**M community! 🤩 Also, it brings joy that they don't keep their light under a bushel, willingly presenting their creations, as well as sharing their experience, tips, inspiring others not to fear lack of know-how, but to start creating themselves and learn in the process, step by step! THANK YOU!

😈 Uz tikšanos šovakar MEETUP 4 KINKSTERS SEPTEMBRĪ: B**M UN ATTIECĪBAS! ✅ Atklātas sarunas✅ Reāli pieredzes stāsti✅ Holi...


✅ Atklātas sarunas
✅ Reāli pieredzes stāsti
✅ Holistiska diskusija
✅ Iepazīšanās un socializēšanās

💡 Pirmo reizi Laska V21, pirmo reizi latviešu valodā (ar tulkojumu angļu valodā).

😎 Nav svarīgi vai esi iesācējs tēmā vai tematiķis ir daudzu gadu pieredzi. Varbūt par tēmu vispār neko nezini un ir vēlme iegūt jaunu informācīju? Visi ir laipni gaidīti! Ikvienam ir ar ko padalīties un ko iegūt!

Uz tikšanos! 😉🍒

P.S. Bārs ”Laska V21” atrodas Vagonu 21 pagalmā pašā galā, kreisajā pusē. Ja grūtības atrast, zvani: +371 27 894 689


Let’s talk about Sh***ri, the Art of Japanese Rope Bo***ge!

A lot of people find it super s*xy to tie up a partner—or be tied up by a partner—in the bedroom. In fact, B**M (the B stands for "bo***ge") is the most common s*xual fantasy among adults.

- - -

Meetup 4 Kinksters on 16/03/2023 will be covering the topic of Bo***ge. Great opportunity for everyone to learn more about bo***ge, including sh***ri, ask questions to professional riggers and to experience on themselves how it feels (optional, of course). There will be both male and female riggers offering simple sh***ri demonstrations.

- - -


Sh***ri is a contemporary form of rope bo***ge that originated in Japan. Sometimes it’s also called Ki***ku or Japanese bo***ge.

Sh***ri literally translates to “to tie” or “to bind”. It refers to intricate and beautiful knots and patterns used to restrain and give sensation to the body.


Sh***ri is not inherently s*xual. Many practice it as a form of meditation, as a tool to create connection and intimacy with a partner, or simply enjoy it because it’s beautiful. Nevertheless, Sh***ri can be used to spice things up in the bedroom or to add to your kinky repertoire.


The visual imagery dates back to how prisoners and criminals were restrained in Japan during the medieval and Edo periods (1200s CE to late 1800 CE). This fed the darker erotic imagination of kinky Japanese people, much in the same way that European medieval prison tools inspired Western B**M—think crosses, manacles, and chastity devices.

Binding would also appear in specialty p**n, other imagery, and underground adult entertainment venues in Japan. In World War II, some American soldiers saw Sh***ri and surreptitiously brought it back to the United States. Cut to the '90s, and it was all over the Internet. Today, it’s developed into a 21st-century form of pleasure craft.


it’s important to have mutual “safe words” or “safe signals.” These are words or signals to indicate that either one of you wants to change what’s happening. Many people tend to use the traffic light—green for keep going; yellow for I’m reaching my limit; and red for stop at once—but you can come up with the safe words that work best for you.


Rigger/Rope Top: The person doing the tying.

Rope Bottom/Bunny: The person being tied.

Floor Tie: Rope work that is done exclusively on the floor.

Suspension: An advanced form of Sh***ri that includes lifting the body off the floor using only ropes.

Self-tie: When a person ties themself.


There are various reasons why someone may enjoy Sh***ri. It may have to do with the feeling of letting go of control—or the feeling of surrendering during s*x.

Some folks like the tactile sensation of the soft (or rough) rope against their skin. It can feel like a comforting, tight hug. It can also be a great addition to dominance and submission fantasy play. For some, it can heighten s*xual sensations and or***ms because of body position changes and muscle contractions.

Something that draws many to Sh***ri is the intimacy it creates between partners. Riggers can create a whole range of experiences for their bottom depending on what they desire. Often the feeling desired is simply to be restrained, but sometimes it’s to feel beautiful, to feel shame, to feel s*xy, to feel pain, and so on. A rigger can create those feelings for someone with just their ropes.


Some people think that all men are top and all women are bottom. The reality is that people of all genders enjoy being tied up and tying up their lovers.


On Sunday, 09/04/2023 there begins a Sh***ri course by Tengu Hanataka, a well-known Latvian rigger, who has been practicing for 10 years. The course is designed for beginners. It is a 8-workshop course “Suspension ready” - each workshop is a 4h training, that will happen every second Sunday, starting 09th of April.

More info & signing up:

Once you have learnt the basics, you can join the regular “rope jams” happening at HEL Dungeon- home for Riga’s B**M/ kink Community (more info bellow) to practice your skills.

Sh***ri has become so popular that there is also an app available in Google Play called “Sh***ri Study”. You might check it out to get some insights.


In the video of this post you can see Mobile/dynamic self-suspension bo***ge- marionette/puppet.

Rigger: Jānis (speaker for MeetUp Kinksters event on 16/03/2023), Rigger, Dominant, Event Organizer, DUNGEON open hours host. (

Model: Vittoria HEL, Dungeon Master, B**M & kink educator, mindfulness & mindful art teacher. (

Video is filmed at HEL Dungeon- home of Riga’s B**M/ kink community, also venue for variety of events and safe place to practice sh***ri, amongst other B**M practices. Every Tuesday from 19:00-22:00 OPEN HOURS are happening, everyone is welcome to join! You can also just come and watch, meet likeminded people and just hang out.

More info:
Facebook Group: Community
Telegram channel:

- - -
Looking forward seeing you on Thursday, 16/03/2023 at 19:00 at Reggea Bar Riga, Lāčplēša 13!

***ri **mriga ***ge


Thank you everyone for joining February MeetUp 4 Kinksters!
Here is an insight to those who weren't able to join.

Big thanks to our charming & knowledgeable speakers!

🎤 Natalja Sorokina- s*x and kink coach, s*xeducator, pro-domme, event organiser, s*x toys connoisseur.

More info:

🎤 Vittoria Hell- Dungeon Master, B**M & kink educator, mindfulness & mindful art teacher.

More info:

Join HEL community on Facebook, meet likeminded people and follow information about upcoming events!


Hope this video will inspire you to join the next event! (16/03/2023, topic: bo***ge/ save the date, more info coming soon)


We believe everyone has a kinky side. You might not know it (yet), you might not know that some of the things you like are considered a kink, and there is a name for each of them. We dare you to come to Meetup 4 Kinksters and explore it!


MeetUp 4 Kinksters is a monthly social & informative event happening every third Thursday for adults to meet, learn & socialize in a regular & safe environment.

**mriga **m


100 followers! 🥳Thank you! 🙏😘Together we will for sure make Riga more kinky & fun! 😈😎💃🏻🔥

We believe everyone has a kinky side. You might not know it (yet), you might not know that some of the things you like a...

We believe everyone has a kinky side. You might not know it (yet), you might not know that some of the things you like are considered a kink, and there is a name for each of them. We dare you to come to Meetup 4 Kinksters and explore it! 😈


Gather up starting from 18:30, the event will start at 19:00 with an informative part followed by Q&A.

♦️ sensation play
♦️ polyamory
♦️ s*x & kink coaching


🎤 Natalja Sorokina- s*x and kink coach, s*xeducator, pro-domme, event organiser, s*x toys connoisseur.

More info:

🎤 Vittoria Hell- Dungeon Master, B**M & kink educator, mindfulness & mindful art teacher.

More info:

Starting from 20:00 we will be socializing, flirting (or not), having fun (or spicy) conversations, ask silly questions, engage in discussions, make new friends or lovers (who knows), while listening to s*xy music, having drinks & snacks… dancing is allowed, s*xual play is not (sorry).



Venue: Reggea Bar Riga, Lāčplēša 13, Riga
Time: Thursday, 16/02 from 18:30 – 23:00 (or longer)
Dress code: s*xy, but classy
Admission: FREE
Language: EN, LV

Come on your own or bring friends along, nobody will stand alone!


P.S. This is a social event in a regular bar for adults to learn more about different aspects of kink and to meet likeminded people. Everyone is welcome, even if you don't know what kink means, come and find out!

All is set and we are getting started the Kinky Singles Party! Join us! 🌶️💃🏻🔥

All is set and we are getting started the Kinky Singles Party! Join us! 🌶️💃🏻🔥





Be the first to know and let us send you an email when Kinky Riga posts news and promotions. Your email address will not be used for any other purpose, and you can unsubscribe at any time.


