Every morning we wake up and have the opportunity to choose to energize our body with fruits and vegetables. Let’s start the day fresh with your favorite freshly squeezed juice🍍🍏 🍊 #startyourdayright #freshlysqueezedjuice #coldpress
Секое утро се будиме и имаме можност да избереме да го енергизираме нашето тело со овошје и зеленчук. Да го започнеме денот свежо со вашиот омилен свежо цеден сок🍍🍏 🍊 #zdravzivot
Благодариме на вашата безрезервна поддршка🙏😇 Благодариме на заедничката, искрена и взаемна размена на нови искуства и знаења🙏💚
Се гледаме на 13.04 (среда)🥳😃🤗
Thank you ALL for your whole hearted support 🙏😇
Thank you for your honest and mutual exchange of new experiences and knowledge🙏💚
See you on 13.04 (Wednesday)🥳😃🤗 #reopening #newmenu #freshenergy #newideas #healthyfood #healthylifestyle
Fresh pizza daily from 12.00 -16.00. Try something healthy and tasty today 💫🤚👌 #healthyandtasty
#posno #veganpizza #trysomethingnewtoday
Love story with our Signature @2110fastandhealthy healthy and tasty vegan pizza 💫 #posno #veganpizza #dareyourself #trysomethingnew 👌
Тукушто приготвени свежи вегетаријанска и веганска - посна пица😋😋😋😍#vegetarian #vegan #wholegrainpizza
When you work from the 💚 with love, it’s much tastier 🤍🌱🤍
Vegetarian pizza with zucchini and home made 21-10 tomato sauce 🍅 #madewithlove #vegetariano #vegetarianpizza #plantbasednutrition #posno #freshandtasty 😎
💚 Fresh out of the oven Pizza 🫑 #posno #vege #healthypizza #veganpizza 💪😎
Со среќа да ви е отворањето на IMS FITNESS во БИТОЛА 🤍 #bitola #fitness #powerofpositivity #bethechangeyouwanttosee #vegancatering #withlove❤️
Chia pudding with smiles ALL around 😂🤍🙏 Duri i Čičko Trump ni se pridruži vo zabavata ❣️ #bitola #shemi #funtimes #goodfriends #goodvibes #chiapudding #heaveninacup #applepie 🤍
Posna Pizza so Domašen Sos 🤍 #posno #veganpizza #homemadefood #healthylifestyle #healthyandtasty 🧡
Dobro utro 🤍 pieme utrinsko kafe so mleko od indiski orevi, urmi, kakao, kardamom i cimet 👌 #smoothoperator #powercouple #healthychoices #goodmorning #goodvibesonly 🤍💛💚
A day in Bitola 🤍 Lunch @2110fastandhealthy and back to Ohrid 👌 thank you @girlaroundthefood 🙏 we appreciate your love and support! Keep shining 🍹☀️💛 #adaytoremember #vegantrip #ohrid #bitola #funtimes #healthylifestyle #goodvibes 🇲🇰
Omg! Another Vegan Cake in the Making!!!! We love making delicious and healthy cakes for your special occasions 👌💛☀️ #vegancake #delicious_food #desserts #posno #bitola #makedonija🇲🇰 #vegandesserts . Call us today and we will make your your favourite 🤍
047 61 8888
Oh oh oh !!! Life is good with Bitola’s Healthiest pizzas 👌 come and try our 3 different flavors 🙏 1- Vegetarian with homemade tomato sauce, olives, mushrooms, green peppers and lots of sesame seeds 👌 2- Vegan Pizza with an amazing coconut based cheese ❣️3- Vegetarian or Vegan with Seitan - a tasty healthy option that replaces meat 😎 Pre-order and give us 30 min to create your favorite choice #posno #bitola #vegetarian #pizza #makedonija #homemade #freshandhealthy #tastyandhealthy 👌
The best Tart for the best People 🤍 absolutely DIVINE 😜 #vegancakes #divineenergy #sogood #tastyandhealthy ❤️ for special occasions and parties call us and we will make you one 🎂 #celebrategoodtimes