Happy holidays from Correspondences!
Looking forward, we're excited to soon publish our special issue on translation and esotericism (guest edited by Wouter Hanegraaff and Mriganka Mukhopadhyay).
But, we're also appreciative of prior achievements, such as 2018's Volume 6, no. 1, https://buff.ly/3TyMyWb, our special issue on ethnography guest edited by Egil Asprem and Susannah Crockford, or 2022's Volume 10, no. 2, which celebrates our 10-year anniversary, and includes research articles by José Vieira Leitão, Misha Hoo, and Aidan Cottrell-Boyce: https://buff.ly/3pauK3a. Looking back to see all this participation with leading scholars, and seeing the growth we've undergone since our 2013 debut (https://buff.ly/3ttmmSe), makes us grateful for where we've been and eager for where we're going.
What kinds of special issue topics would you like to see Correspondences cover?