香港人氣男團 @mirror.weare 的首個巡迴演唱會「MIRROR FEEL THE PASSION CONCERT TOUR 2024」最後一站於澳門落幕後,十二子特地來到澳門悦榕庄,暫時遠離喧囂,享受片刻休息時光!微風拂過,陽光灑落在各人的帥氣之上,疲憊在這靜謐美好的度假城彷彿一掃而空,便不忘向大家分享一路上的心路歷程。現在,立即跟隨他們的腳步,走進悦榕名優泳池別墅收看精彩內容!
After their last concert of their debut tour “MIRROR FEEL THE PASSION CONCERT TOUR 2024” in Macau, the twelve members of Hong Kong’s popular boy band #MIRROR took a well-deserved break at the serene @banyantreemacau . As a gentle breeze and sunlight highlighted their charismatic presence, any signs of fatigue seemed to be vanished. They shared their heartfelt journey with us, dive into this video to have a glimpse of their memorable adventures!
#澳門悦榕庄 #BanyanTreeMacau #GalaxyMacau #Macau #Macao #vogue #voguehk
As 2024 unfolds, we’re proud to announce our shift in name from ”Banyan Tree Group“ to ”Banyan Group“ - a brand shift that marks our evolution from a single luxury brand to the 12 we encompass today. This milestone, which coincides with our 30th anniversary, heralds an exciting era of growth and creative innovation. Our journey, defined by a pursuit of design-led experiences, expands with the unveiling of extraordinary new destinations. Together, we are committed to sustainable travel.
Join us as we step into this momentous chapter, continuing to shape a future where every journey with us is more than just a stay - it‘s an opportunity to be part of a larger, positive change in the world.
International Vegetarian Day🌱
【#Tatler Off Menu 首日空前盛況】
😍今天首日於 #澳門悦榕庄 舉行的 Tatler Off Menu 完美結束,從未曝光的獨家「隱藏菜式」逐一揭曉,為美食達人們帶來一浪接一浪的驚喜!12位國際星廚及調酒師於現場大顥身手,更與賓客近距離互動,呈獻多感美食體驗😋。立即帶大家看看今天的精彩美食時刻,約定大家明天繼續這場星級美食盛宴!✨
😍The first day of Tatler Off Menu at #BanyanTreeMacau took off spectacularly, revealing a series of exclusive “secret dishes” for the first time, and delighting foodie aficionados who attended with surprise after delicious surprise! A total of 12 renowned international chefs and mixologists dazzled with their skills, engaging in the kitchen for an immersive gastronomic journey. 😋We’re looking forward to sharing more gourmet delights tomorrow. See you at Off Menu Macau and tag a friend who’d love to join us!✨
#澳門 #澳門旅遊 #澳門美食 #澳門活動 #澳門悦榕庄 #Tatler
#GalaxyMacau #BanyanTreeMacau #TatlerDiningHK #offmenu #ABiteofGalaxy #1DiningDestination
首次登陸 #澳門銀河 的《Tatler Off Menu》各路餐飲高手齊聚一堂,星級廚師陣容極為鼎盛!雲集了來自全球榮獲《米芝蓮指南》、《亞洲五十大餐廳》、《全球五十大酒吧》等榮譽的12 位才華橫溢的獲獎名廚,他們分別強強聯手用創意藝術重新詮釋星級美食!現場還有亞洲知名DJ和樂隊表演,更有實時直播的「第70屆澳門格蘭披治大賽車」盛況,氛圍滿滿一定讓你流連忘返~
👨🍳台中主理米芝蓮三星新加坡料理餐廳「JL Studio」主廚林恬耀 🤝香港掌舵一星法國菜餐廳「珀翠」總廚Uwe Opocensky
👨🍳曼谷米芝蓮一星餐廳「POTONG」掌舵人Pam Pichaya Soontornyanakij🤝澳門意大利餐廳8 ½ Otto e Mezzo BOMBANA米芝蓮星級行政總廚Riccardo La Perna
👨🍳澳門悦榕庄現代泰式料理餐廳「尚坊」行政總廚Jan Ruangnukulkit 🤝香港主理新加坡菜餐廳「Whey」的年輕主廚Barry Quek
👨🍳深圳的創新精緻料理餐廳「ENSUE」 行政副主廚吳夢林🤝馬尼拉著名餐廳「Toyo Eatery」主廚Jordy Navarra
🍷入選「全球五十大酒吧」、「亞洲五十大酒吧」、台北酒吧「Room by Le Kief」的主理人易柏翔,用上乘食材調製出一款富有層次風味且滿載匠人精神的特色雞尾酒,每一口都能品出淋漓盡致的多重風味!
🎫僅剩少量門票!首度登陸 #澳門銀河 的Tatler Off Menu美食盛典沒有一個可以拒絕的理由!
🎫Tickets are limited, so don't miss out on the first ever Tatler Off Menu at #GalaxyMacau!
🔥🔥🔥For the first time ever, on November 18 and 19, Michelin and Asia's 50 Best Restaurants and Bars serve up the region's most talented chefs and mixology to you at Banyan Tree Macau. Interact with Asia's leading gastronomic superstars up close, as they indulge in one-of-a-kind collaborations in the kitchen. Featuring 12 award-winning experts at the cutting edge of dining and mixology in collaboration with #tatlerdininghk they are set to join forces to create unique dishes and cocktails never to be recreated again.
Book your tickets now to be part of the poolside festivities at the Banyan Tree Macau, where the kitchen action will take place along with live music and bass beats and a livestream of the 70th anniversary edition of the Macau Grand Prix.
Experience the thrill of this inaugural edition of Off Menu Macau!
📍Location: Cabana -
恭喜「#澳門銀河」再度登上2023年《#福布斯旅遊指南》並創下了史無前例的佳績,「銀河酒店」及米芝蓮餐廳 - 8½ Otto e Mezzo BOMBANA更雙雙首次摘得五星榮譽,成績卓越,令度假城的五星榮耀多達八個。
【Galaxy Macau – The integrated resort boasting the most Forbes Five-Star hotels under one roof in the world】
#GalaxyMacau has made history during this year’s “#ForbesTravelGuide” announcement.
We are proud to announce that Galaxy Hotel as well as Michelin starred 8½ Otto e Mezzo BOMBANA have both been awarded their first Forbes Five-Star accolades.
Continuously delivering meticulous service of the highest standard, our current five-star offerings consisting of Banyan Tree Macau, Hotel Okura Macau and The Ritz-Carlton, Macau, Banyan Tree Spa Macau, The Ritz-Carlton Spa, Macau and Lai Heen have all successfully retained their five-star ratings.
With this collaborative achievement, Galaxy Macau reaches new heights driving the total of Forbes Five-Star awards to a record 8, becoming the world’s largest integrated resort to have the most Forbes-Five Star hotels under one roof.
We are beyond grateful to receive this prestigious recognition. Thank you for your unwavering support and we are eager to wel